
Five Nights At Freddy's: The Hidden Souls

Volume #1: In 1976, William Afton has taken a new job position as a technician for Circus Baby World, a sister company for the popular chain corporation, Fazbear Entertainment. He doesn't think his job will be too difficult at first: he just has to make sure the animatronics are working in order. These animatronics, however, have much more to them than meets the eye. As the week goes on, William discovers these animatronics are surprisingly hostile, and hold a deadly secret...and someone behind the scenes is determined to do whatever it will take to keep William's mouth shut. Volume #2: It’s been seven years since William Afton first took a job as a technician at Circus Baby World, and since then, he has moved on. He’s married, he is a father now, and he is the head technician for Fredbear’s Family Diner, a restaurant chain owned by the same company that owns Circus Baby World. He and his new boss, Henry Emily, are hoping to open a much larger and more successful establishment in the meantime. Everything is going fairly well for him right now. But when an unexpected and tragic accident occurs, his life will take a dramatic turn..and his son Michael is starting to have strange nightmares, seeing his favorite animatronic characters come to life in the most horrific way possible. Meanwhile, a scientist working for the government begins his twisted paranormal experiments. What he discovers is much more dangerous than he imagined... This work was inspired by the horror indie game series "Five Nights at Freddy's". Events in this story will be different than that of the game canon. I do not own the rights to the FNAF franchise. All rights reserved to its owners.

Christopher_Lehner · Video Games
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43 Chs


Eh...oh my...how long was I out for? I can barely see anything in here. Dave was beginning to wake up from his deep sleep, taking a few moments for his eyesight to readjust to his surroundings. Why do I feel so cramped in? He could feel something cord-like wrapped around his torso, arms and legs. It felt like it was constricting him, trying to hold him in place, with no intention of letting go.

Are you serious?! First I get tied up by William and now I'm tied up inside here? I passed out and gotten tied up twice in one night! When Dave finally got his senses up, he could feel that his legs, arms and torso were tied up in rope. Huh? What is this? Did William have anything to do with this? It was certainly much tighter than before, and now he wasn't even tied to a chair. Just lying on the ground, against a cold, hard wall. He fought hard to break free of the ropes, but it was no use. They were too tightly bound.

The knots were too tight to be removed. Even worse, he could barely see anything in this dark, ominous room. Where am I even? He tried looking around the room, hoping to see something that could help point out where he was. It didn't do him too much because the lighting in the room was very dim. Then, he noticed that a small light was shining next to him, which was his very Hand-Unit. Dave was equipped with a separate Hand-Unit since he was a technician, and it seemed it was trying to tell him something.

"You have entered a highly dangerous area. You have entered side 1B, reserved for cleaning and repairing the scooper. Entering this side of the room is strictly prohibited by unauthorized personal-"

The Hand-Unit blew a circuit, giving off a few sparks, and ended the transmission. Oh my God. I'm on the wrong side of the scooper! I need to get the hell out of here, and fast! Dave frantically panicked, as he tried to break free of the ropes to try and escape, but it was still too tight, and now, the lights started to come on, but only very faintly. Very faintly indeed, but just enough for Dave to see where he was.

Okay, William, if this is how you want to interrogate me, then don't you think using the scooper on me is a bit overkill?! You just had me tied to a chair and tased me, and now you're trying to scoop my guts out?! What the hell?! He could see the dark, looming threat of the large steel machine in the middle of the scoop room. It was like a mechanical arm, in a way, with a large, shovel-like scooper connected at the very end of it. Hence the name of the 'scooper'.

Dave already knew what this machine was used for. It was rarely used, but when it was, any employees on the wrong side had to leave immediately. The scooper was a very dangerous contraption. Its main purpose was to scoop out any unwanted or broken parts of the animatronic endoskeletons, in case of a broken voice box or some other technical difficulty. The scooper's shovel struck at such a strong and speedy pace that it would instantly penetrate the metal endoskeleton of the animatronics.

But it could easily cause severe damage to a human if operated on. If this is William's way of making me terrified, then he has definitely succeeded. Or is he even behind this at all? I can barely remember what happened to him once the gas came into the room and I passed out. Then, he felt some kind of liquid that soaked the bottom legs of his pants. He could barely see it, but it was very dark, and most of it had already dried up where he was sitting. When he took a look at the walls around him, however, he instantly realized what this substance was.

On the walls behind him was a small range of blood splattered across in many droplets. This can't be my blood. I'm not even feeling any pain. Aside from his legs being slightly soaked, he couldn't feel anything else like that across his body. If this isn't my blood, then who's is it?

His state of terror only grew when he saw what surrounded the scooper. Laid out across the floor were the remains of all of the animatronics metal platings. He could feel that his face was pale with fear, the blood in his veins rushing away. Just looking at the aftermath of the scooper being used on them made him paralyzed with fear.

On the far left, Funtime Freddy's decapitated torso was visible, along with his face-plating, with the right side of his face completely gone. Wait, what? I just saw him in the parts and service room last I remembered. How did he even get back to the scooper? And why did he even get scooped at all? I have no idea. At least I won't have to deal with that psychopath anymore.

On the far right, he could see Funtime Foxy's head-plating completely torn apart, with her jaw, her arm and metallic skull all broken down. It was even more disturbing than Funtime Freddy's broken remains. Then there were the remains of the Bibybads, the baby-like animatronics that the company stopped using because they thought they were too creepy. Only parts of their fractured heads and legs could be seen, though.

Bon-Bon's broken remains were spread across the floor, his chest-cavity already battered down, and his jaw lying wide open. Looks like nothing is going to fix the amount of damage that little guy has went through tonight.

In the middle of all the carnage was Ballora. Her torso and head torn apart, her arms lying down on the floor, broken, and disarranged. No! No, not Angelica! Please, don't tell me this is real! Why her?! Most devastatingly of all, he could see the remains of a distinctive red metal plating on the ground, along with a metal arm, filled with pins in it. Elizabeth?! No, anything but that! Not my baby girl!

For a moment, Dave could practically feel his heart being torn in half. His eyes began watering up, and that sadness inside of him instantly transformed into a fit of rage.

"Who did this?! Which sick bastard did this?! Answer me, you--"

Dave was too angry to realize he was talking to himself. As he was busy ranting, he was interrupted by an unrecognizable voice. It seemed like it heard what Dave said, and so it responded to him.

"Please spare me the dramatics and calm yourself. It is making this task rather difficult."

That voice. It was a man's voice, surprisingly calm, and very smooth, too. This didn't sound like any of the animatronics. It sounded a lot more like that of a human, actually. Dave had no idea where this voice was coming from at first, so he cried out to get his attention.

"Who's there? What do you want from me?!"

Silence filled the room for a few brief moments before the voice answered him.

"I do not really want anything from you. I feel like I'm being a rather rude host. I haven't even properly introduced myself to you, my test subject."

Now Dave could see a large, dark figure behind through the glass panels on the side of the scooper. He couldn't see it very well, though, because the glass was very dim, but he figured that whoever was on the operating side was the one speaking to him.

"What are you going to do to me?"

"I have a suggestion. How about I explain it to you in full detail?"

Dave could see the figure behind the glass moving away, probably towards the side door on the far right of the room. What's he doing? The door handle twisted very slightly, and when it opened up, it revealed who was behind the control room. What Dave witnessed here immediately sent shivers down his spine.

What is this...abomination?! The tall figure might have had the voice of a human, but this thing was anything but that. Its body had the form of a gigantic animatronic endoskeleton, but this one was far different than anything he previously designed. He remembered designing the other ones, but he never designed a blueprint for an animatronic like this. There was never supposed to be an endoskeleton like this.

Looking at this nightmarish creation was enough to give Dave goosebumps and chills over his body. This animatronic was unlike any other created at Circus Baby World, that is, if one could even refer to it as an animatronic at all. Its body appeared to be like that of an endoskeleton, but unlike any endoskeleton he saw before, this one seemed to be very disfigured, with many protruding wires sticking out in random places of its body, with some parts having more than others.

And there was something even creepier about its body. Unlike the other endoskeletons, which were designed to fit their metal-plating, its body looked very humanoid. Very human-like in build and bulky in shape. The abomination certainly looked like it was strong and firmly built together. But its body structure was very messy, with plenty of other wires, springs, and metal being out of place.

Its arms were covered in extra wires sticking out, and strangest of all, lots of blood could be seen dripping from the tips of its human-like fingers. Its legs seemed to have some sort of coil wrapped out them, and each foot had five toe-like screws. It seemed to have a large, red button, like that you would find on your shirt, directly in the middle of the chest area. Dave could also see that there were a few robotical eyes scattered across its body, which made him both confused and anxious.

And that face: that blue right eye hiding behind the face-plating of a clown, having a small smiling gap between its mouth and its face, with a clown-like red nose. It had a mechanical green and yellow colored party hat on its head, and was missing its left eye. The clown mask seemed kind of random and silly, but the rest of its body was anything but that. The abomination towered over both him, standing around seven feet high, at least that's what Dave thought. It began walking towards him, its feet banging the floor each time it took a step, until it finally reached him. It was even walking like a human being.

What the bloody hell is that thing?! The animatronic bent down slightly so that Dave could get a better look at it. Very intimidating to look at. Then it began speaking.

"I believe I haven't introduced myself. So I will allow you to introduce yourself first. Now tell me your name."

"Uh...Miller," Dave said nervously.

"Well then, Mr. Miller, the pleasure is all mine. You can refer to me as Ennard."

So, the animatronic has a name of its own? Clearly looks like it has a mind of its own, too. Dave, still terrified and very confused, decided to speak up.

"Why am I tied up here?! And what did you do with the animatronics?! Seriously, I don't know what is going on anymore!"

"I am keeping you here. I will not let you escape my grasp and ruin my studies. You're my latest test subject."

"Test subject?!"

"Affirmative. Just like the other two men I captured today. I didn't kill them, but my little minions, pardoning the pun, set the stage for anyone who happened to come across their lifeless husks."

"Wait, those dead technicians?! That was your doing?! How did you even-"

"I said I didn't kill them. That was Funtime Freddy and Baby's doing. Or at least that's what Baby told me. I wasn't created yet to witness it. And as for my minions, well, they might be very small, but they are excellent at scouting the place. You might be familiar with the ones called "Minireenas". Now, of course, one, two, and even four Minireenas aren't able to carry a human's weight. But more than twenty? That would work."

More than twenty?! Where did he even get that many Minireenas from? While more questions like these raced through Dave's mind, Ennard continued.

"Anyways, you are in exactly the same place those men were in. I used this machine behind me to dissect them and remove their internal organs. I needed to make sure I had a perfect understanding of every organ, muscle and bone in the human body. It was quite a blood-filled mess, and I had to remove many parts from their dead bodies with my own hands. That is why my hands are covered in human blood. It doesn't really bother me, though. It just gets everywhere."

"You're scooping my organs out?!"

"Not all of them. Just a very small amount of them. To be precise, the least vital ones. You see, I don't need to scoop you out completely like those other two. In fact, I'm already making my very own human body suit out of them. But I have something much less deadly planned for you."

"Wait, if you're not going to kill me or scoop out my organs, then what are you going to do?"

"Very good question, Mr. Miller. You see, I'm currently removing the skin of those two corpses to make my very own flesh suit. You, on the other hand, I will just be experimenting on. I want to see which method is best."

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

"I see. I guess I haven't explained it all properly to you. I must get that done. Mr. Miller, I want you to observe your surroundings. What do you think the purpose of scrapping these animatronics is?"

"You did this?! You scrapped Elizabeth, you--"

"If you're referring to Baby, no, I did not. I never touched her. In fact, she was never scooped out at all."

"No! Her arm is lying right over there! You're lying!"

"She wanted her old suit destroyed. I was able to remove her suit from her endoskeleton before I scrapped the suit. Other than that, Baby is perfectly intact. Besides, why would I turn my back on my creator? If it weren't for her, I wouldn't exist."

This only fueled the confusion Dave was in right now. Baby created him? But how, and why? It took him a moment to realize that Ennard's body design looked very messy, as if it were mashed together by--. Bloody hell, I think I just figured it out. He spoke up again.

"So you're telling me that Baby made you? From the endoskeletons of the other animatronics?"

Ennard tilted his head sideways as he spoke.

"Precisely. You think I'm behind this? No. It was Baby's idea all along. I am not familiar with all of the details surrounding it, but she told me that she used the endoskeletons to create me. I wasn't entirely structurally stable at that moment, but I could still move around. Then she told me to wait in this room until the plan set in motion."

"I'm sorry, a plan?"

"She said that she would try to lure someone into the scooping room so that I could begin my experiments on him. I waited for a while, but for some reason the man never came. Baby already arrived on the conveyor, right on this side, so she told me to remove her suit and save her endoskeleton. She said she thought something would go wrong with her plan, so she didn't want to get scooped out until we were sure it would work. I was told that Funtime Freddy would've handled it if something went wrong. But he never returned. We began to worry even more, and then we heard some strange noises coming from the parts and service room."

"I'm still confused with what your plan is-"

"Then Baby left the room for a moment. She told me she had some business to take care of. I'm not sure what Baby did next, but it seemed to work successfully. She brought me back you, Funtime Freddy and that hand-puppet. After that, we scrapped Funtime Freddy and Bon-Bon, and she used their endoskeletons to complete building me. The last I heard of her was when she left to go get one of her 'better' suits she was going on about. Those Minireenas scouted out all the locations in this building."

"Okay, there are many things I do not understand right now, but why would Baby even build you?"

Ennard seemed to stop for a moment, only to bend down even more, his hand gently grazing over Dave's right cheek, the blood on his cold, sharp, metal fingers now slowly running down Dave's face.

"That, Mr. Miller, is a reason I think they would like to explain to you."

"They? Who is they?"

"You haven't realized yet? I am made up from the remains of these animatronics. An amalgamation, if you may. I am not sure why, but I can hear all of their voices inside of my head. I don't know how to explain it, but it feels and sounds like they are there, but I can't see them anywhere. Like a...ghost, if you may. Baby explained all of this to me. These animatronics here are no ordinary machines. They are possessed by the very spirits of your victims. Yes, they told me everything. The people you murdered, they're still right here. They never left. In a way, we are like a collective. We are many, and at the same time, we are one. I am the controller of this collective. I can let the other spirits speak, but only if I allow them to."

"I knew they were possessed for a while now-"

"Regardless, it is because of them that I have a purpose. These poor, miserable souls, trapped inside of these metal suits for the rest of their days, are treated like prisoners. No matter how hard they try to escape, the people here always put them back. They always put them back inside. Practically a labyrinth of no escape for them. In here, there is nowhere for them to hide. Nowhere to go. But if they looked like a human, they could walk among them, and find a safe place to hide. They could hide...if they looked like you."

My God, he's going to kill me, isn't he? Just using my body for whatever insane science project he's got going on! While Dave was panicking, Ennard continued to speak to him.

"If they looked like you, then they would have somewhere to go. That reminds me, I think there is another thing I should make clear. There is a...piece of ...every...body...inside of me."

During that last line, Ennard's normal voice switched over to Funtime Freddy's, followed by Funtime Foxy's, Bon-Bon's, Bibybad's, and finally Ballora's. For some reason, Ennard let Ballora's voice continue speaking to Dave.

"You thought you could get away with what you've done? After all the children you murdered, after causing our daughter's death?!"

"Angelica, I told you, that was a complete accident! I never meant for her to get-"

"Oh, I believe that, Dave, but I think we both know that what you did to me was no accident. You murdered me in cold blood! And you left me down here! If I were in charge, I would gladly end you right here, and right now. But Ennard here has something else planned for you. And I am going to enjoy watching you get what you deserve."

Ennard cut off Ballora's voice and returned it to his original voice.

"I had all of their voice-boxes built into me, too, specifically to let them speak. But back to what I will do to you. I'm not going to harvest all of your organs out. I'm only going to remove one non-vital organ at a time and replace it with a small part of one of the extra remains of the endoskeletons. I want to see which method of escape works better: wearing a human flesh suit or stuffing smaller parts inside of you slowly, until there's room for all of us, and you'll be our means of escape. I do not know, however, if this will work or not. Do not worry about blood loss or organ damage, though. Since I already have my two donors, they've supplied me with a generous amount of extra materials. If something goes wrong in my experiment, I'll just patch you up with some of their blood and organs."

Bloody hell! He's going to stuff some metal parts inside of my body? And what is he going to remove out of me? No, no, no!

"You don't have to do this! There has to be some other way-"

"Perhaps. But it is only a small chance. You see, I know that whoever that man Baby tried to lure in here is still in this building somewhere. Baby and the Minireenas are currently going to fetch him as we speak. But she told me not to let you go, no matter how much you begged or pleaded. She knows what you did to her mother, Mr. Miller. And she will not let you leave unpunished. I wouldn't worry too much, though. Odds are that you probably will survive the scooping. At the very least, you might experience some organ and tissue damage, but I can stitch that back together. Now try to relax. The scooper only stings for a moment."

Ennard stood up and exited the scooping room, shutting the door behind him. Shit, he's going to torture me! I need to move now! Dave tried squirming around, but it didn't do him much good. A few moments later, he could see Ennard standing behind the operating room through the glass panels. Instantly, a warning alarm came off, signaling that the scooper was about to be activated.

"Stop! This is insanity! Let me go!"

"Calm yourself. You'll only make things worse. You will feel a tremendous amount of pain, but you will survive."

Just then, the scooper shot forward as quick as lightning, as Dave could feel the scooper painfully puncture his body.

Okay readers, so I know that there is a LOT to swallow with this chapter, but just to clarify for you, I am confirming that Angelica Warner was Dave's wife. Remember that woman mentioned in Chapter 21? You might want to reread that if you don't understand. Also, if you feel like this chapter is missing something, just let me know.

Hope you readers enjoyed this chapter!

Christopher_Lehnercreators' thoughts