
Five Nights At Freddy's: Smoke

A Five Night at Freddy’s fanfiction that was inspired by Scott Cawt. There are mixes of original characters from the FNAF game and oc character, Eric. Please forgive me for not having an accurate story line that is the exact same as the true story. Again with throwing my character in here I had to rearrange some things. Any way, Thank you so very much for reading. Please feel free to like my work and if you enjoy reading please leave a comment.

Lizzie_DeLano · Video Games
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ch 2

    The rain came down in such heavy splatters that I thought that I could not see through the clouds. Well here we are. The old hell hole where disappearances happen. What is it about this place that gives off a horrifying vibe… better yet, why do kids love it here!?

    As I walked closer and closer towards the door my eyes caught a notice at the door. Warning: If health codes are not met this building will become in repossession and be condemned to further use. What are the health codes that are being violated? When I drew closer the person on the front desk looked up.

    "Hello, I'm detective Eric Asher, would you please let me in?" The pale man proceeded with his work on the computer and pointed to the sign on the side of the door, Closed. "I work for the police department. Please open up." I yelled a little louder. The man finally looked up with a disgusted face. His skin pale from lack of sunlight with bruised bags underneath his eyes. All I could think was, well your a little ray of sunshine. It looks like he hasn't seen a beam of sunlight in eternity. The guy legurly slugged over to the door and pondered though his keys making sure he took his sweet time.

    Once the door opened I understood why the building was about to be condemned. The stench of pizza grease and child swet leaked all over. There was another smell that I couldn't quite **** my head around. I looked over to see this guy's name tag William Afton. 

    "Do you mind if I take a look around?" the man's face sunk some more. I didn't think that anyone could look more grumpy than my mom then when I lied on my high school test and yet this man had proven my theory to be wrong. 

    Begrudgingly the guy flipped through his keys. Stopping once and awhile to inspect the ends of each one just to flip to the next. My time was deliberately being wasted to agitate my patients of this man. Finally finding the right key to unlock the door.

    "Can I see you badge one more time?" The man stated before turning the lock to let me in. Clenching my fist I quickly pulled back out my badge and placed it against the window watching as his head sluggishly leaned closer to inspect every detail of the metal. 

    "Detective Eric," he paused reading through the writing, "I guess all seems to be correct." My body was about to strangle this man's throat. I kept trying to remind myself to have pacants and to keep smiling. The feeling of my teeth grinding as the bared a faults smile sickened me. 

    "Alright you can come inside," the door clicks opening the lock. The pale man went to go walking back to his desk. In my mind I could have never imagined someone's laziness to not even push a door open for five seconds. Shaking my head and walking inside the smell of greasy pizza was overwhelming.

    The thing over powering it was the stench of play areas that haven't been cleaned in weeks. No wonder why this place is running down hill. Paper men with grease stained finger prints hung on the wall attempting to make the space more appealing. What a fetal attempt that was. 

    Click, keys from a keyboard were pressed down temporarily caughting my attention. A purplish top of the security hat was facing down towards an old box computer. The kinds that people could hear the fans inside of the plastic frame from the other side of the room. 

    "I'm going to take a look around," I said to the man at the desk. All the response that I was given was a shrug of the shoulders. No point in lingering in here to look for clues. Plus I don't think that this man's company will be that great.

    A map of the building was placed near the main hallway. Showing places like Pirates Cove, the Kitchen, and the main stage. The main space that stuck out to me was clove to the employees offices. A room reserved for Dungeons and Dragons sections. A small plack saying Hero's Tavern was the only indication on the room theme. I might as well start somewhere. Plus it looks like there is also a back room for storage use. 

    The entire way there the hallways were dark making the place feel even more terrifying than it already was. Glinting of signs labeled each entry way. I can even read them, the reflection on the corners were the only way that I could notice that they were there. A large door with iron fitting decorated the exterior of the tavern. 

    "Looks like this is where I can start." I muttered under my breath. Reaching for the door handle to find out that the room was locked. Great, I get to become a little more acquainted with the man at the desk.