
5 days before the party

Well my name is Andrew Graves I'm currently getting ready to work my first shift at fredbears family dinner apparently I'm going ti be in the springbonnie suit at least that's what Mr. Afton told me as I walk into the building I look around kids are playing running around the dinner is big but not too big as I continue walking I accidentally bump into someone

"Ah my bad I wasn't paying attention are you alright and I'm Andrew by the way what's your name?

I say in an very apologetic tone rubbing the back of my head a little nervous

"No,no your fine I'm claire it's nice to meet you Andrew are you an employee here?"

She asks me

"Uh yeah I am I have to go see you around."

I walk away from her walking into the backroom to see a man with brown hair brown eyes tall lean stature

"Are you ready to start your first Day mr. Graves today I will be teaching you how to work the spring lock suits."

"Right of course I'm ready Mr. Afton ready when you are"

"Well let's get the basics down do not breathe on the springlocks do not touch them make sure they don't get wet you must not move to much and lastly you must wind them you got that?"

I listen closely and intensely

"OH okay I understand mr.afton I'll getting ready now"

I look to see Afton walk out the door closing it I walk towards the SpringBonnie suit winding up the springlocks as to not snap I continue for a few more minutes i put on the suit part by part finally I put on the suits head I walk carefully to the door opening then closing it ready to start my day

A few hours go by its kind of dark outside the building is empty having a errie feeling I walk into the backroom taking off the suit slowly and percicely I look around the backroom spotting a tape recorder I think to myself for a bit deciding to record "Well today was my first day it went pretty well a bit tidious wearing the suit but it was a pretty good day I'm recording this to remind myself." I stop recording

I walk out of the backroom walking around the Pizzeria for a bit then the door walking out of the door I spot Mr.Afton about to get his car I get in My car turning it on then leaving I get home opening the door going to the bathroom to wash myself off I stay in the shower for 20 minutes after i get out I get dressed walking to my Room laying down then I close my eyes going to sleep