
Five Month Before The End Game

Yuki Chen is an influential girl gamer on Ourtube known as The Hoodie Girl. Even though she had a tendency of autistic. Her main job is making game-playing content video and live-streaming, she joined several international championships as a soloist and won many credits. Besides having a good reputation for her good attitude, she also helps several small game companies by reviewing their game and how to fix the bugs. The already bigger companies also tried to recruit her. But she declines everyone. Because in her free time she did many freelance jobs related to programming and firewall protector. As for me, I transmigrated into her body after my death of over-fatigue. This made me crazy, this Yuki Chen is one of the characters inside an apocalypse novel. She didn't make an appearance and just stated once by the original protagonist as a passer-by.

Yulinda246 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The first time fix the puzzle

I still stayed with Yuki in this white room. She looked happy can say many thing to me. She really looked like a kid. After I got her memories of her 25 years of living, I did feel weird with her quiet behavior.

It was like Zhou Qi suspected previously, when Yuki making video she just focus on the content. It was like she had been programmed to talk regarding her eyes's view. She never talk out of context. But, in my memory, she can chat casually, even making jokes with Wan couple and BaoBao. For the rest of people, she mostly kept silent all the time.

"I never checked myself to the psychologists. But, after done several freelance jobs, I realized I am not normal. The deepest mind of mine said I am autistic. But, I always regarded myself as a normal being same as other," she continued. She looked sad. Of course, I pity her. But, I won't making any promises again after taking care Aunt Wan and BaoBao. I still can't believe this girl fully.

Why me? Consider the time difference, she had had time to recruit other kind soul. But, she went through lots of time of periods to find me. I mean, my world's latest war was around 1900s. But, here has already happened the third world war.

"Okay, stop the sad story. Focus, my question is you can go back to the past why not touch your soul in certain time ago? You know, you could swap soul with your past self." I stated a fact.

"Why you can understand it? I am not a god, I just have one soul. I already touch my soul to go back in the past. So the current me already dead. Swap soul can only be use to other people,"

"Yes, you said it again! You can't use the swap soul to yourself. But you clearly did! Look at me. My soul is inside your body. Your power is swap soul! It means you have to be inside my previous body. Why are you also still inside your own body?"

"I know you suspected me of an evil being. Your previous body is already dead! I can't resurected people. I am not a god!"

"Okay. Forget it. In the book you gift it to me, Yuki Chen died in her flat after the outbreak. Kirana went to her flat to find Kyu! But, you said, you still alive at that time. Even you joined with their party to keep living. Why is the book and what you said is different?"

She looked at me serenely. I stay alert. "Are you the original or not?" I asked calmly. Well, I've already dead. I don't care what she will do to me. She took a long breath. Frustated. Perhaps, just an act?

"It is the same as when you tried to tell the truth to Zhao Qi. There is a force that won't let our world crossed each other. Each of us came from different dimension of world. Perhaps everything looked same as in the Earth, your place. But everything is not the same thing," she started to explain again.

Basically, according to her, this unknown force already erased her soul previously. Like a paradox of time, the book written in a third person perspective which is Yuki, herself. Remembering her autistic behaviour that only focus on one thing. That must be why the events in the book I remember only about Zhou Qi and Kirana.

But she was already dead since she put her own power to her soul. So, she need to find other soul in their dead-end to swap soul. Confusing, indeed. At least, I can grasp the whole story perfectly.

"Are you the original or not?"

"Yes, I am," she said it firmly.

"When I said my real name is Jo Yen Yen to them. Nothing happen to me,"

"My track in your world is a book you read. Your track in this world is your soul. I don't understand fully about the other thing. I am not a god,"

"You always repeated 'I am not a god' many times. This is very suspicious,"

"This is the truth. I also have many questions unanswered until now. I don't know to ask whom. I am blue too! But, actually what did you want to tell them?" she asked.

"I want to tell them, I know the rainfall with iron scent because of the book I read,"

"Perhaps, my track is a confidential document about this world,"

"But I already told them what will happen after the rainfall. Nothing happened,"

"Nah, maybe.. as long as you not say the source of your knowledge about the rain fall? Then, you should figure out by yourself. Just wake up, and do some research!"

"Wha?" I was push out by this girl. Before I said my complain, I realize something push me out of this white place. Everything circling me, this made my head dizzy. Then, I woke up. I saw a very unfamiliar ceiling.

Should I pretend to be Yuki in front of Aunt Wan and BaoBao? Should I just tell the truth to them? What should I say if they think I am a wicked soul tried to kill the original soul? Or, perhaps am I just another personality of Yuki? This made me shivering.

I tried called Yuki inside my head. I tried to hold my breath hard just want to checked. If I really Yuki's other personalities, the original soul might come to me. I hold it for 4 minutes, I almost lost myself. But Yuki's soul never came. If it reach more than 5 minutes, I might die.

"What the heck are you doing!? Breath! Yuki breath!!" screamed Sinta. I saw Ji Won and Bilge face yelled the same thing. I took a deep breath. Shit I almost forgot how to live. This is an approve I am a real Jo Yen Yen. What was said by Yuki is true. I can meet her only in the white room.

"Are you stupid or what? Really!" said Ji Won. I stared at him for a very long time. Yuki said, the other guys believed what Kirana say. These people might be also in that party. Why did they believe Kirana so much?

"Wha? What was happen to her?" asked Ji Won.

"I called a doctor," said Bilge.

"We can't, the mass outside is huge. We're from the inside can't go out and vice versa. I can't believe all of them is her followers," Sinta touched my forehead. "Luckily, the fever has down. Did Zhou Qi really use a helli?" Sinta continued.

"Yes, indeed. Her followers is too strong. They can figure out something went wrong with her within a day. Even though Zhou Qi has already hold down the news. Crazy," said Bilge.

"Hello princess, how are you?" Ji Won teased me. "Did you know you sleep for three days? And, the first thing after you woke up is tried to commit suicide?" He continued. He really can't say a nice thing.

"Just shut up, Ji Won! She hurted her head. Something must went wrong. I should not letting go those three doctors," said Bilge firmly.

"Calm down. They are real doctors. I have been checked up their licence. All of them, registered. That side also justified they never did bad thing," answer Ji Won.

I can't speak. My throat is hurting so much. Sinta went out pick up a call. After a minute, she came back, "Zhou Qi prepare everything. We just need to go to the upside hall. Hurry,"

I saw everyone getting busy. Ji Won and Bilge picked up several shopping bags and Sinta carried me in a princess style. I just woke up, and unexpected event happen. Without me realizing, I was already seated inside a helicopter. I fly out in the sky. I looked at the window, the area in Ibesh Hotel was really crowded. I could even see some street vendors open up there. Why did they look like demonstrators?

"All of them is your followers. Crazy, aren't they?" Zhou Qi asked me. But I just kept silent.