
Five Lives Left: A Dreadful Chaos

Back in the previous world wars, Germans are known for their guts when it comes to an outraging war. For all of the years of peace and security, the country once again strikes tyranny among Manila’s chaotic streets. Thousands of citizens had been washed away right at the wager that the Germans made. The capital, the city of hopes and dreams, became the beasts’ habitat and drove the innocent townsfolk now hiding among the shadows for means of survival. The general, whose mind is set for the bioweapon he ought to use to cast domination and apocalypse across the world, made him search all corners of the land to find the biologists for his outrageousness. However, his descendant might be the one who will go against his plans and save the beloved land from its fall. And love will mold his way towards the common good.

Castaway_Castout · Sci-fi
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35 Chs

Episode Twenty Two: Road to an End (B)

"Ah, if it isn't the great doctress!" Heinz paused for a bit then realized I got out of the vehicle effortlessly. "How did you-"

"Nah fuck it, Heinz! Enough chit-chat." I gave my signature chuckle then pointed the gun at his soldiers then shot at them perfectly right on their heads. Four militias were down in an instance by using four of the bullets in my revolver, apparently, no waste at all.

As I reloaded, none of them knew I snuck out a spare pistol from Zedd's bag, because why not.

"WHAT ARE YOUR ASSES WAITING FOR? KILL THAT BITCH!" He ordered his men, who outnumbered our base. It was the same time when my friends back there saw me going on my own.

Aaliyah, who was holding her kids at the corner of my eye, looks at me in deep shame. All of them were shocked by what I was doing. None of them believed me but bragging about this doesn't matter anymore. The only thing I had in mind right now was to keep them alive.

"I'll put an end to this chaos right now. I��ll be on my own and I'll give everyone peace." I said as I took down soldiers one by one with my own hands. There aren't any of them who laid a single finger on me because of my staggering abilities. It's merely called cheating for me, but who knows? I'm just taking back those lives they took from us before.

"My family will be happy after this. This is the kind of justice we deserve… EQUATE ALL THE SHIT WE'VE BEEN THROUGH FROM YOUR KIND."

"IMPRESSIVE!! IMPRESSIVE!!" Heinz clapped as he watched me kill his men wrathfully. "I didn't know how skilled you are, Valer!"

"HUHUKAYIN NG ANGKAN MO ANG BANGKAY MO! (YOUR ENTIRE CLAN WILL BE THE ONES WHO'LL DIG ON YOUR GRAVE!)" I said out loud as I heard other gunshots coming from our base and from the guys I've been with the entire month. They were starting to earn courage and hope to fight back. Fight back for your loved ones and for those who were fallen.

"Sa lupaing ito, kung saan ka pumatay, ay kung saan ka rin papatayin. (In this land, where you killed, will be the same place where you'll be slain.)" I spoke confidently as I create bloodbath among their soldiers. "Little by little, I will torture you like how you tortured us."

By that time, I couldn't even feel myself nor the bullets shot at me. Every time they would fire their weapons at me, I'd just deflect back at them. I was raining with rage that the only person I could see was the same person who took away my family, massacred the innocent people, forcefully captured us for a shitty experiment… and those who never valued his sons.

"Heinz! You never deserved your sons! YOU NEVER DESERVED HAVING A FAMILY!" I began yelling right at him as I walked towards his direction. His men pleaded with him to get into a safer place and surely, he called a backup for him to protect his cowardly ass.

"Family? I only was hard on them to make them less of a cowardice." He sniggered proudly as if everything he did was for his sons' good.

"You want them to be like your murderer ass. You think you're a good father after killing their mothers?" I went laughing evilly as I heartlessly choked one of his trusted men.

"What do you know about their mothers? I killed them to stop their childish whines. It aggravates me!" He responded that the brothers heard it loud and clear.

"S-sire… S-save me…" The man I was about to kill pleaded on his superior though he wouldn't even care nor value anyone in his life.

"See? These men were just led by an apathetic general. Y'all think this old man cares about every single one of ya?" I laughed loudly, showing an ironic kind of pity. "You're not fighting for your own survival mofos! Y'all fighting for this man's selfish desires."

"S-sire…" His troop gasped for breath as I strangled him more in front of Heinz.

"You're just wasting my time here, Heinz. Your people were just as apathetic as you are." I finally broke the man's neck then threw him effortlessly down the waterfall. "It indeed feels good to kill. Especially slowly wounding those people who ruined your life."

"Now you feel what I feel… Say, how did you know about our past?" Heinz spoke but stuttered a bit after I cornered him and his men with my own strength. They couldn't use their firearms after I kept them from being fired away. So, everything in this place was silent still except our voices being raised.

"Why don't you ask your sons who told me how dumb shit you are?" I smiled at him proudly. "Do you think after killing the most important persons in their life will make them like you?"

*Zedd's Point of View*

(A while ago before Kirstie's confrontation with the general)

"FUCK THIS! Hey Kryp! Remove my cuffs." I demanded after I realized that I wasn't holding the key anymore. "That lady!"

"Why would I remove those? You were the one who've thought of cuffing her here." He just smirked at me, twirling the key on his finger, trying to piss me off.


"You two dumbasses make it fast or she'll die there." Gia ordered that made Krypton obeyed all of a sudden. She quickly got out and took fire against my dad's men. "Delta! Over here!"

"Seriously? What a bummer." He added then immediately removed the cuffs attached to my wrist.

I grunted out of mere disappointment after unsuccessfully stopping Kirstie from causing an outrage that she couldn't even handle herself.

"I know what you're thinking, Klint." Krypton suddenly said out loud, snapping his finger at me.

"What?" Irritably, I replied.

"You think she couldn't handle those puny men dad's leading? I mean… I saw everything she's capable of." He began sounding so kind and concerned. It kinda disgusted me more though. It's pretty unusual of him to talk like that to me.

"I'm not trying to let her down or something. I know she can take them all down alone. But time won't tell when someone would suddenly just fire a bullet at her." Said as I fixed my gun. "Where the fuck's my other pistol?"

"We already know who's the possible culprit here, bro." He just chuckled then went out to follow Gia.


As I went out, I saw how right Krypton was. She could really handle the situation very well. However, I felt that utter fright inside my chest of what would possibly happen to her.

I just heard a loud bang coming from our direction by the time I regrouped with them.

"K-klint?" I heard Gia catching her breath and as I turned to her, she's holding her side where the bleeding began. She fell down out of excruciating pain she's into. "Fuck! It hurts."

"Gia! Wait, hold on okay? I'll bring you back to the vehicle." Krypton quickly took no for an answer. "But first let's put pressure on that."

"Kryp, Delta and I will take charge here as of the moment. You need to treat Gia immediately before she loses all her blood." I told him, and he followed, carrying Gia back to the vehicle.

Chaos, we meet again.

*Krypton's Point of View*

Gia continued on her groans as she fought back with the pain she's feeling from the bullet shot at her. I just noticed that she wasn't wearing her bulletproof vest. This woman was still careless as fuck.

"Why you goin' out there without a vest? You're aiming for a deathmatch?" I told her as I carried her towards our ride, complaining about her weight. "You're fucking heavy, what are you even eating?"

"Hey! Shut your mouth." She gasped for air then let out another for her to speak. "I wasn't even eating anymore at all, doofus. Just leave me here if you just want me dead."

"I'm just kidding, just kidding." I said then finally arrived at the vehicle and put her down laying flat on the seats. "I'm gonna remove the bullet, ight? You might wanna grab something because this'll be extremely painful."

"Grab?" She smiled at me that widened my eyes all of a sudden.

"HEY! Stop your kinky ass and just grab my arm. Ew!" Said I as I got my med tools in my hands.

"Eh? What are you even thinking about?" She laughed even though I'm seeing her tears falling down because of the discomfort she's feeling.

You never changed, Gia.

I just felt her soft hand grab my arm then gazed at me, "Just be careful not to kill my careless ass here." My heartbeat went as fast as fuck as she wrapped her hands around my arm.

"As if I wanna kill a dumbass like you." I said out loud smiling that she obviously noticed. "I mean… Klint will kill me if he sees his best friend dead here."

"Get on with it already." She just closed her teary eyes and sighed.

As I remove the bullet from her wound, her grip tightens, and I hear her soft whimpers. "ARGH!" She continued on catching her breath to resist the pain. I successfully removed it and got myself a needle to finally seal the wound.

"Hey, this'll hurt more. But imma do this as quickly as possible." I softly spoke at her, a bit hesitant on continuing the treatment.


I started carefully stitching the wound on her waist. Every pierce would be followed by a whimper and a grunt. She'd tighten her grip and that she's even pulling me, making things difficult for me. As for my final pierce, her right arm wrapped around my neck, almost hugging me.

Unexpectedly, I lost my balance then my face fell straight right on hers. Our lips intertwined and altogether widened our eyes.

I immediately jolted back and turned away as a response. "You're pulling me real hard, I lost my balance. It's your fault for being careless." I covered my lips with the back of my hand, and that I felt my face heating up.

"You're gay or somethin'? Why you looking like you're disgusted?" She still managed to make fun of me about it.

"Shut it… Cover your wound with bandages, dumbass." I said and immediately went out of the vehicle to silently freak out.

*Kirstie's Point of View*

"If you think I'm played by my own BEST FRIEND back there, why don't you ask your so-called family members if they were to be trusted? You think they have no idea that you're gonna raid this place?" Confidently, I sounded as I began approaching him unguarded.

"You bitch, how can they even go against me?" Heinz answered with his other hand on his back.

"Hey Zedd! Kryp! Why don't you tell your idiotic father to retreat?" I sniggered at him as the two walked their way towards our direction.

"Dad, just stop this. Don't you wanna live in peace?" Zedd finally speaks up against his father wholeheartedly. "Let's just forget this and start a new life."

"What the? You've been manipulated by this crazy bitch?" He responded irritably, expecting his other son to speak differently. "As expected, Klint. You are as weak as your mother."

"Hey Heinz! Aren't you tired of beating somebody else's innocent ass?" Krypton cut by pointing his gun at his father. "And oh, by the by, I'm never on anyone's side. It's funny seeing the person who was careless about his wife before being played by the ones he thought who would side with him." He pulled out his signature smirk, teasing the old hag.

"You two! You dare betray me after keeping you alive with me?" He spat his words furiously, still keeping something from his back.

"You think we would be grateful for your dumb shit, dad?" Said Krypton, grinning in anger toward his father. "I just realized how heartless you were and it almost turned me similarly to you. I fucking HATE the fact that I almost got to be like a certain man like you."

"You have nowhere to hide, dad. Just surrender. We've had enough of your shit." Zedd added but he never did the same thing that his brother does. He only wanted peace in this world and to avenge their mothers' death.

"This is all your fault!" Heinz aimed his gun at me that I couldn't manage to prevent from being fired anymore. I was handling more of his men's guns, if I would let go of them, we'd be dead.

Abruptly, I saw his eyes gaze twice at Zedd and I knew whom he was really aiming for. I found no time to think anymore but to run towards him.

I just heard a gun fired and felt a bullet pierced twice at me as I caught the bullets to avoid Zedd from being killed. It was then followed by another gunshot but wasn't meant for me. Krypton was the one who fired another at their father's legs.

I fell down on the ground where the both of us were standing. My meter began creating loud noises. Although I've been shot, I feel really numb as I focus my eyes on him.

"Kirstie… KIRSTIE!!" He held me in his arms shouting for help, but everything seemed inaudible after multiple gunshots fired from here and there.

I still managed to keep myself alive by temporarily sealing my wounds with the waters. I threw out the majority of Heinz's men down the waterfall and drowned them to death.

Finally, I saw the pendant I was looking for stuck inside his fat head all this time.

"Hey, I'm sorry for what I'm gonna do to your dad." I smiled at him then to end this chaotic nightmare, I cracked the outer layer of the pendant to kill Heinz.

I took all the strength to shout, "HEINZ IS DEAD!" Then everyone witnessed how the virus made him spurt out blood from every opening of his body. His eyes teared up blood and coughed with it. It tortured him very slowly until his last breath.

"Go to hell, the both of you." His final words came filling the brothers' earlobes and silenced the German troops remaining in the area. All of them put down their weapons as a sign of surrender. The Philippine military came seizing them yet not in a way of hurting them.

I gazed back at Zedd; felt his river flooding on my face. I held his face, giving him a bittersweet smile. "It's all done now. We did it."

I closed my eyes and fell weak in his arms. "I love you."