
Five Hearts, One Pulse

In a quiet suburban town, five inseparable friends, Adamo, Ayoub, Ren, Adam, and Connor, were leading ordinary lives, navigating the challenges of school and adolescence. Little did they know that their world was about to be shattered by an unimaginable catastrophe. One seemingly ordinary school day, a zombie outbreak erupts, plunging their idyllic existence into chaos and terror. As the undead hordes flood their school and the surrounding neighborhood, the friends quickly realize the horrifying truth: their families, those who should have been their protectors, have been turned into zombies themselves. With their world unraveling before them, the five friends must embark on a perilous journey to survive this apocalyptic nightmare and uncover the enigmatic source of the outbreak. Drawing strength from their unbreakable friendship and a newfound determination to protect each other, Adamo, Ayoub, Ren, Adam, and Connor arm themselves with whatever makeshift weapons they can find and set out to evade the relentless zombie horde. Along the way, they encounter both allies and enemies, learning that survival often requires hard choices and sacrifices. Their quest for answers takes them through abandoned streets, desolate buildings, and a decaying cityscape overrun by the undead. As they piece together clues, they uncover a dark conspiracy and realize that the zombie outbreak may not be as random as it first appeared. With every step, the danger intensifies, and the friends must rely on their wits, resourcefulness, and unwavering bond to push through the horrors they face.

Mazou · Horror
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12 Chs

Chapter 1

Everyone thinks the world is beautiful because they love it, and that is their right. And why not love a thing that has provided us everything, including life? But even a child, one supposes, must know the world is not always beautiful. Children learn fear very young, sometimes younger than their first words. Some say the world is full of frightening, dangerous creatures. It is true. Some say the world has rules and that there are actions that must be punished by the world. It is true. Perhaps you have come to know of such a lesson, as have I, and do not wish to ever repeat it.

"Yo Adam, I need help on this question." Adamo said.

Adam, known affectionately to his friends as Adoumi, put down his pencil and leaned over.

"Alright, alright," Adam said, smiling.

There were only 3 minutes left to the philosophy quiz, so he needed to hurry. His friend's test sheet looked like a piece of abstract art made entirely of chicken scratch.

"It's on, like, the terms or whatever the fuck. How did this get written?" He muttered.

Adam ran through the lesson in his head, trying to jog his memory.

He started reciting, "Moral objectivism says all moral claims are true or false, so ethics is completely objective and the same for all people."

"Right, and that's bullshit?"

"Right! And I think the question asks about Moral relativism." Adam continued.

"Yeah, okay, I have no idea. Just say I disagree or whatever and talk about Kierkegaard, that guy is mad crazy. I have no idea what it is but the teacher loves him and we studied him earlier, so we have no choice."

Adam quickly finished his own paper and thought over what his friend said. He decided he would be able to wing a philosophy essay on a weird danish dude's weird danish philosophy.

"I'll tell the teacher he's mad crazy."

"Perfect," Adamo nodded.

Adam sighed. Adamo was an excellent person, but definitely not the type to write essays, nor read philosophy books.

Adam looked outside to see someone walking towards the window, they looked lifeless, like they were dead or sleepwalking.

"Uh, hey," Adam started.

He stood up. Adamo looked up in curiosity, then followed Adam's gaze.

"Holy shit," Adamo stood up.

"Let's go talk to that person," He said.

They stood up and went towards the exit to the class, where the mystery person was approaching from.

As the two of them approached this mysterious figure, they stopped. They realized that this thing wasn't alive. This thing was not breathing, moving, or living.

Their hair had gray roots, and their nails were caked with dirt and soil. As they were approaching the door, Adamo and Adam locked eyes with the mystery figure. It felt as if they stared into an endless pit. There were no signs of intelligence, no signs of anything. Its face looked as if it were decomposing.

"What's going on..."

Adam didn't have the chance to finish his sentence before he heard the scream. It came from outside and was soon echoed by others.

"Oh my god, oh my god!"

The screams got closer, and the creature started to sprint towards Adamo. Before it reached him, he ducked underneath the desk, but the creature kept sprinting. It started heading towards Adam instead and pinned him up against the wall, trapping him.

"What the hell?!"

As Adam struggled to break free, the zombie opened its mouth. Its jaw seemed to detach.

Suddenly a piece of metal stabbed right into its eyeball, making the zombie stop and letting him get away.

He stumbled, trying to steady himself. Adamo appeared, with a pair of scissors in his hand, and threw his arms around Adam.

"Jesus Christ, I have no clue what happened!" Adamo blurted.

"Did I just kill a fucking zombie?!"

"Are you serious?!"

"Well, we have to go see! Who knows what's happening."

Before Adam could respond, the zombie started getting back up.

The two of them stepped back, bracing themselves for anything that might occur.

As the bell rang, Ayoub, Ren and Connor came outside to see the horrors of this zombie outbreak. There was at least 2000 of them approaching the school.

"Get inside guys!" Ayoub shouted, grabbing Connor's arm.

Ren was behind them and grabbed onto the boys as they tried to make it back to class. They saw several zombies, but these ones looked dead, without a chance of getting back up.

"How could this happen in real life?!" Connor shouted, slamming his fists against the floor.

"Why? Why did this have to happen today, of all days?!"

Adam and Adamo went running down the hallway, trying to find their way out.

"Let's try getting a hold of our parents before we do anything else." Ayoub stated.

The five of them began to dial their phones as they ran down the hallway. As Ayoub held his phone up to his ear, Ren and Adam were already picking up the calls, and Adamo was frantically mashing buttons.

"No, no, no!" He cursed.

Ayoub and Adamo sighed and followed them as they continued to run down the hall.

"It's not going through," Ayoub murmured.

"Keep trying," Ren whispered.

"Are you regarded?" Adam asked.

"Probably," Ren replied.

The group made it into the hallway and started to head downstairs. Adamo walked straight into a wall and let out a low grunt of frustration.

"We have to stop running into these," he whined. "If I keep running into them, I'll die, and I'm too young and handsome to die."

"Shut up, fatass," Adam said.

As they finally made their way to the exit, they began to look at the doors and windows. It was filled with zombies trying to enter the building. There were a mass number of people screaming and pacing around like crazy.

"It'll be fine! Don't worry," Adam said, waving his arms.

"Look at him; he's like a superhero. We should be proud to be his friends," Ren murmured to Ayoub, smirking.

"I am super." Adam shot back, giving them a thumbs up.

"Wow, how brave. Look, Ren and Ayoub are still terrified, just like the rest of us."

"It's the most emotion I've seen him have," Adamo said, looking bored.

The five of them glanced over at the door as it began to crack open.

"Get down and get ready for an attack, because these are not ordinary zombies and they want to feast on your brains," Adamo yelled.

Adam fell backwards in shock, and his hands trembled. Ren gasped as she tried to crawl under a table.

"We're screwed, we're screwed," Ayoub cried, curling up and covering his head.

"Come on, stop crying, and help me, Connor." Adamo cried.

He moved back and lifted a broken desk, throwing it onto the floor. Adam tried to block the door by holding a chair, but it didn't stop the undead from bursting in through the door.

"I can't move this!" Adam exclaimed.

He grabbed Ren and moved her closer, placing his arm around her shoulder.

"Help me, Ren, help!" Adam demanded.

She was completely petrified, too afraid to move an inch.

"Adam," Ren said.

"Now's not the time!" Connor growled, looking frustrated.

"Look at the zombies," Adamo said, noticing their direction. They were going after the immense number of people in the atrium; they all saw everyone being massacred by the zombies, one by one turning into them, and soon enough, there was nobody left in the school but them.