
Five Hearts, One Pulse

In a quiet suburban town, five inseparable friends, Adamo, Ayoub, Ren, Adam, and Connor, were leading ordinary lives, navigating the challenges of school and adolescence. Little did they know that their world was about to be shattered by an unimaginable catastrophe. One seemingly ordinary school day, a zombie outbreak erupts, plunging their idyllic existence into chaos and terror. As the undead hordes flood their school and the surrounding neighborhood, the friends quickly realize the horrifying truth: their families, those who should have been their protectors, have been turned into zombies themselves. With their world unraveling before them, the five friends must embark on a perilous journey to survive this apocalyptic nightmare and uncover the enigmatic source of the outbreak. Drawing strength from their unbreakable friendship and a newfound determination to protect each other, Adamo, Ayoub, Ren, Adam, and Connor arm themselves with whatever makeshift weapons they can find and set out to evade the relentless zombie horde. Along the way, they encounter both allies and enemies, learning that survival often requires hard choices and sacrifices. Their quest for answers takes them through abandoned streets, desolate buildings, and a decaying cityscape overrun by the undead. As they piece together clues, they uncover a dark conspiracy and realize that the zombie outbreak may not be as random as it first appeared. With every step, the danger intensifies, and the friends must rely on their wits, resourcefulness, and unwavering bond to push through the horrors they face.

Mazou · Horror
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 10

Dr. Hayne was the founder of the Haynes Institute and was known throughout the country for his cutting-edge scientific discoveries and innovative designs. He specialized in biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, and other fields related to human anatomy.

The group was gathered in front of his desk. Their eyes scanned the walls, which were adorned with various documents. Some contained notes scribbled by a pencil; others were written in ink; there were even a few diagrams detailing various functions of the human body, as well as schematics for surgical instruments and devices that resembled miniature spaceships.

"What is the purpose of Voltage X, Dr. Haynes?" Adam asked.

"Ah! Forgive me, I forgot to mention that one of its major components is an element named neuro-dorphamine."

"Isn't it an amino acid?" Ruby added.

"You are absolutely correct!" said Haynes, happily clapping his hands together, thrilled that someone in the audience understood the information so easily.

"Neuro-dorphamine enhances one's physical abilities, speed, and intellect. Voltage X is something that I want to create in order to bring the human body beyond it's intended limits. I want humans to be able to use magical abilities with this compound."

"Ah, then how about the ability to control the elements or the powers of the sun? Imagine possessing abilities such as manipulating electricity, telekinesis, or pyrokinesis—anything and everything. Is such a thing really possible?" Ruby continued her line of questioning, seeming completely drawn in by Dr. Haynes' explanations, clearly captivating her imagination.

"Well, with neuro-dorphamine combined with various hormones, the human body will gain enhanced capabilities beyond its regular state, causing significant changes within one's personality and allowing the host to take advantage of these extraordinary powers. Once again, as long as you get the correct formula for combining these chemicals properly, it's possible that people will end up transforming into monsters due to having too much neuro-dorphamine consumed by the body. There may be negative side effects depending on how much you ingest, or worse still, you could die instantly after consuming the medication. Therefore, I urge everyone here today to take great caution while concocting Voltage X because this research study is dangerous."

"When will Voltage X be available?" Adam inquired.

"I'd say in around a week, give or take." Dr. Haynes replied.

Everyone looked at the doctor with eager and excited eyes. However, the expression on his face darkened suddenly as his words began sounding hollower and hollower.

"This is extremely sensitive and delicate; therefore, if anything goes wrong during its processing, I fear that there might not be enough of my creation left to try and produce a second batch. Our laboratory is the only facility capable of producing voltage X." Dr. Haynes advised discouraging anyone else from interfering with him due to its critical importance for everyone involved. The information caused Ren to let out another sigh of disappointment, despite already having faith in Haynes from the beginning.

"Everyone, in the meantime, I want you guys to go around every neighborhood and find any survivors; the more, the merrier." Ruby said.

"But the one thing we want to make sure of is that we find volunteers. This isn't voluntary labor; you cannot be forced against your will. However, I have confidence in us, and I am confident that we will succeed because our organization is strong. With that, I think everyone has had enough knowledge for the time being." Ruby glanced around at the faces staring back at her and smiled before raising her index finger upwards; she proceeded to lower her arm.

"Instead of putting us out there with nothing to defend ourselves with, why don't you give us some weapons, Ruby?" Adamo asked with his arms crossed impatiently.

"Because there aren't enough firearms to distribute."

Ruby's smile immediately faded, leaving her face void of any emotion and leaving those in front of her looking rather disappointed and confused. Ren and Adam exchanged looks; both had the same questions in their minds regarding the situation: Where were these weapons going? How much supply are you guys getting? Why aren't they using them to defend themselves when needed and to protect lives? They shook off their concerns momentarily, believing that the matter was taken care of for the most part by whoever controlled the distribution.

Connor scoffed and walked out of the door to look out towards the courtyard, where numerous empty stalls and wooden houses remained unfinished. Only a handful of residents could be seen walking aimlessly through the barren streets below the steep slope on the outskirts of town near its gates, seeking safety by remaining close to the wall separating the town's landmass with the forests beyond. They remained vigilant against attacks coming from any side without bothering themselves too much with idle thoughts as they feared getting attacked by zombies or other creatures lurking beneath.


Everyone was stunned silent by his words, especially Ruby, who flinched at each word uttered from Adamo's mouth. Her fingers drummed on the polished surface of her wooden desk anxiously; her shoulders tensed visibly from his remark, and her eyes remained focused ahead of her, not sparing even a single glance towards any direction in particular, although she could hear their footsteps thudding down the floorboards and the groans of several of the zombie hordes nearby through her open doors.

"Yeah, you heard that correctly, Rub. In case you were wondering, no one's buying any of that crap bullshit you're spewing anymore, and if you aren't willing to protect your friends or those who swore allegiance to you with their lives and were loyal to their leaders during those difficult times, then perhaps we should just leave the premises now that everything seems to be falling apart, and the society is on the verge of collapse, along with the government itself," Adam said calmly while turning to face the others behind him and crossing his arms. He appeared visibly upset about the entire ordeal. He started walking towards the door before stopping briefly next to Ruby's chair and leaning against her desk for support before glaring down at her menacingly.

"You guys win, we will supply you with the weapons that you desire." Ruby let out a deep sigh.