
Five Game Addicts Creating Their Own Country In Another World

One day five guys, with different game specialization, from different parts of the World woke up in a room. In order to live they will have to create their own country and raise their rank, only then will they have the chance to find out whether it is still possible to return back to their former world. A game developer who specialize in battle and board games. A fireman who specialize in adventure and simulation games. A businessman who specialize in Dating and Sex games. A comic artist who specialize in anything that is about "Shoot the enemy" games. And a former mafia gang member who specialize in mystery and detective games. What kind of country will five jackasses make? ___________________________________________________________________________ English is not my first language so I apologize in advance if there is any error in the story. PS: Image is not mine and is credited to the artist. PS. There will be many song lyrics that will appear in the story and are credited to their creators. I cannot guarantee an everyday update but I will make sure to update at least seven chapters every week. [Warning: There are some things in the story that readers may find disturbing or uncomfortable]

ClaireSantos · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Chapter 9: Invasion (1)

Twelve days before the merfolks arrive.

In the forest where the trolls live, a certain ghoul had a whip that carved fear and etched that they are slaves deep down all the way to their bones that they are inferior beings that should obey their words.

"You are not abusing them, are you?"

Marco asked as he saw the trolls.

"Of course not"

"Then, you aren't using some drug to make them looked like that, are you?"

"Just what kind of person do I look like to you?"

Leon asked in annoyance.

"Someone who would not hesitate to offer anything to the devil if it means you can get what you want"

"I mean... you're not wrong, but that is not what I am doing"

Marco could not believe that the trolls that he and Tony saw back then was being submissive to Leon and Persephone.

Despite that, the trolls were happily doing their jobs as if they did not mind working under someone else.

"In exchange for them working hard, I made sure to give them food. Aldo junior was the one responsible for hunting food for them, but now that he is gone you will be the one doing it"

"Why me?"

"You are the only one who is not doing anything noteworthy. Charlie and Anise are busy creating moats. Tony and Veronica are busy with laying traps while making food for us. Aldo is gone with Aldo junior. Me and Persephone are transporting the logs that the trolls get. What about you?"

Being shot down by facts, Marco looked away as he tried to ignore Leon's words.

"It is alright with me, master. Let us catch wild animals for the trolls who are working so hard for our sake!"

Seeing Lexi's enthusiastic expression, Marco released a sigh of defeat and agreed to taking up the task of catching animals for the trolls.

"Lexi, can you prepare the things you will need while I talk to your master?"

"Of course, Sir Leon"

Lexi bowed slightly and went away.

"Why did you sent him away? It is not like he cannot hear what you are going to say when his loyalty to me is set in stone already"

"Because this is about him"


Marco tilted his head in confusion.

"You idiot, have you been doing it with him? Sex, I mean"


Marco's scream made eveyone stopped momentarily and looked at his way.

"I may be a sex addict but that doesn't mean I would resort to rape!"

"Well... we were just wondering since your room is oddly quiet every day"

"So you all thought that I was..."

"Yeah. We were. If anything, I am astounded that you are capable of suppressing your urges"

"Don't get me started there. Besides, how can I possibly force him to do what I want? That goes against my belief as a man!

Only animals who are not confident about their seductive skills would resort to such vulgar and sinful things!"

Hearing his sincere answer and his offended looking expression, deep down, a seed of respect started to grow from within Leon's mind.

"Now that I got an answer from you, I won't ask any longer. I will go back to my job then"

"Sure. We will do our own things as well"


Five days before the merfolks arrive.

About three hundred meters away from the castle, a sturdy line of log spike walls was set in place. And behind that wall is a large moat wth poison from Anise and other poisonous plants that they could find.

"Do you think the moat will work?"

Charlie asked, doubting his own plan.

"While it did said that <Merfolks> possess poison from the <Market>, it stated that <Nagas> has stronger and more potent poison than the <Merfolks>.

Besides, this is the best we could think of, there is nothing wrong with being anxious but you should be more confident. Since nothing would change even if we were to turn back time as we have already done everything we could possibly do"

From the castle walls, the two looked at the line of defense they worked so hard on.

"If it doesn't work, that just means we were weak. So do not shoulder the burden. We are adults. We do not need you looking out for us all the time"

"I know..."

After giving Charlie a pat on the back, Tony went down to go back to the castle.


Anise waved her hand with a smile as the fished danced around her.

"Are you doing alright?"

"Yes! The fishes here are also happy!"

Seeing her smile, Charlie felt guilty as to how he created her.

If she were to die from the merfolks' hands, he could not imagine how painful it will be as he could not help but feel responsible for her well being.

"Let's go inside and eat, Anise"

With a soft smile and teary eyes, Charlie said.

"Understood, master!"


It then came.

[Thirty second day]

The day the merfolk will arrive.


Unlike other times when the <Players> would wake up from the defeaning sound of what they now call as 'Alarm' all of them were all standing and wide awake before it even rang.

"Master, do not be afraid, for this is merely a stepping stone for us"

Anise took hold of Charlie's trembling hands and grabbed onto them firmly.

"Thank you, Anise"

He who always wanted a friend to talk to. He who always wanted a shoulder to lean on.

He who always wanted to have someone to be with is now standing tall as they all saw the army of the merfolk thanks to the binoculars they bought from the <Market>.

"Do you think there is a sea or ocean if we were to head south?"

"I think so. The fact that the merfolks came from that direction means there is a suitable habitat for them there"


[A mission has been generated]


[Mission grade: B]

"Whoever is responsible for giving out missions must want us to die"

[Mission difficulty: E~A]

"Ignore it for now..."


Mission description: Through the use of magic, a certain being is watching the sudden movements of the merfolks and figured out that they are planning on attacking a castle. They are planning on enslaving whoever emerge victorious.

Objective: Find out who is watching the <Players> and the merfolks.

Time limit: Two days.

Reward upon completion: Barrier talisman. Points (May varry depending on how you will resolve the problem)

Failure to complete the objective: None


"... Because we have a war to face right now"