
Fist Of Haki

[You get to choose one cheat of the following: a) The potential Haki of Whitebeard added to your own. b) The flame flame no mi without weaknesses. c) The black pearl. d) A stronger physique.] " I want them all!" (There is no no system in this story) Follow Ace as he ventures out into the dangerous world of One Piece and creates a legacy that is greater than the legends of the past. And his dream? it isn't some measly "One Piece," No, rather, he wants the whole piece. A pirate doesn't share!!! -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Oh People of Webnovel! Have you not yet, read my fanfic? Why is it that you're procrastinating with what you know is inevitable? Is it that you're afraid? Afraid of becoming addicted to my fanfic? Well, do not fear anymore, because I'm here to confirm that you will. So it's pointless to fight it! (False advertisement warning) NIKE Just officially came out with a statement for my fanfic, they said "Just read it!" True story bro (But don't be afraid, my fanfic is way better than my synopsis) Also, consider this, everyone that ever read my previous fanfics said this: "wow, this is the most handsome and beautiful author out there! I know this based on how he writes!" What more proof and evidence do you need? What more do you need to understand that this is your new favourite fiction? You have no choice, your fate has been sealed, and now, you can either accept it, or run from it, but if you run from it, u gae!

Passerby_Venne · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Chapter 42. Pour some sugar on you

"ehem captain what are those?" Urouge asked with a big smile.

"Kawaiiiii" Nami shouted as she tried to catch one of those miniature humans that had surrounded them.

*Whoosh* but it was so fast that it dodged Nami.

Everyone got surprised by his speed.

"Great Humans! Did you come here to destroy our Tontatta people?" One of them shouted in anger.

They were of the gnome race. They looked like human but the size of dolls, no bigger than human hands, but their speed and power are well known.

"Or enslave my people? I'm Gancho, chief of the Tontatta people " An elderly, bearded gnome walked forwards.

None of the gnomes seemed to appreciate the presence of humans on their Tontatta land, or as it is known by the rest of the world, Green Bit.

"Eh.. no wait we didn't!" Nami couldn't finish her words as she got interrupted by another one.

"We don't want to hear your lies! You came to our land you vile beasts! I'm warrior Leo!"

"Captain what should we do, it seems like we're not welcome here." Gaga asked.

"Hmm... Yo small people, we're just passing by to Dressrosa, don't mind us!" Ace used his charasmatic super ability to convince others by his words.

"NO!" The gnomes shouted in unison.

Ace looked surprised by their answer, he believed he was convincing enough.

"Don't lie to us you came here to enslave us!" Leo shouted. It seems Leo the warrior was well respected by his people as even their king allowed him to speak for them.

But for the Devil Ace Pirates, it was hard to reapect the gnome when he was the size of a hand, and looked all cute with his angry expression. Furthermore, he pointed a gun towards the Devil Ace Pirates, but the gun was bigger than him, making him look even cuter.

"We aren't lying, we're here to beat up talamingo!" Ace retorted angrily.

"Captain it seems like they won't believe us, should we fight our way out?" Nami whispered.

"Fight who? Do you mean Doflamingo??!!! Enough with those excuses!" Leo shouted even more angrily.

"Captain don't rile them up, we should get going!" Nami expressed her worry as she saw that Ace had the face of an 5 year old that said no to everything. She didn't want to fight these cute mini humans.

"It's true!" Ace shouted back!

"WHAT??! If it's true, it seems like we made a mistake!" Leo looked aghast.

"To think that we didn't believe you guys, how embarrassing of us" Goncho the chief said in regret.

"Ah, what a relief, I thought they were bad guys!" Another one laughed out.

The devil Ace pirates just stood silently and looked on, does these mini humans have mini brains as well?

"Ah, so it's a misunderstanding, haha that's good then! Are you guys human? Can we eat you?" Ace asked while looking intently at them.

His crewmates eyes went from the gnomes to their captain. Maybe he has an even more mini brain? They wondered.

"No, you can't eat us!" Bingo the gnome said.

"Chief, since they're not here with bad intentions, lets invite them to Tontatta Kingdom!" Leo said happily.

"That's right, come, follow us we'll show you our real residence!" The Tontatta chief said.

The demon Ace Pirates looked around in confusion, the green pit was just a big Forrest with lots of green.

They hadn't seen any building or infrastructure.

In the end they followed the smallies until they came to an underground tunnel that led to an underworld beneath green pit.

"Wow, what an amazing place!"

"Kawaiiiiiiii LOOOK at that person she's sooo cuuuute I wanna pinch her nose!"

" I wonder if you can make kebabs of them?" Ace wondered out loud, but it was as if no one heard him.

"Hmph, it's a nice place, how can we be sure they aren't in cahoots with Doflamingo." Law made his scepticism clear.

"Yes, for all we know, they've already sent a secret message to Doflamingo, telling him that we're intruding!" Scrathcmen Apoo worriedly whispered to Urouge.

Urouge just kept smiling, happy as he felt like fighting.

"Chahaha what a good place!" JoJo Pojo enjoyed watching the small people.

"What a weird race!" Bepo the speaking white-bear mink commented.

"YOU'RE THE WEIRD ONE HERE!" Yennow corrected.

"Ah I'm sorry, maybe it would've been better if I wasn't born." Bepo's shoulder fell.

"No no, I meant that we're all a little weird sometimes eh."

"Waaaaaaa they have little people food here!" Ace shouted happily as he saw a stand where they sell food.

In the middle of Dressrosa, there's a castle ontop of a big hill, that overlooked all of the island.

That's where Donquixote Doflamingo lives with his 3 elite officers, Diamante, Trebol and Pica, and each elite officer has their own small army they command.

This was Doflamingo's force and he was the center of it.

"Fufufu, it seems like some rats intruded here." Donquixote Doflamingo laughed as he sat on his chairs.

In front him him were three hooded figures, all tied up and on their knees. They had their faces bruised up.

"You won't get away with this Doflamingo!" One of the three spoke angrily.

"We don't know how, but we're now sure that you somehow 'erase', people from existence."

"It was weird that we had zero recollection of having any spies here, but it seems that the story is deeper than we thought." One of the hooded people spoke hopelessly.

"Fufufu, I did catch rats like you before, about ten of them from the revolutionary army." Doflamingo said with a big smile.

"That's impossible, I was the first sent here 1 year ago!!! Although we always move in pairs, so I suspected that had a partner that had been 'erased' since I have no memories of getting permission to solo a mission " the third hooded person spoke, although he was responding to Doflamingo, it was as if he was speaking to himself to make sense of the situation.

"No, you lot sent a dozen spies here in the last 7 years, but I erased you!" Doflamingo said as he saw the hooded people start to panic. What was worse then dying? To disappear from the annals of history!

"How?" They finally asked, accepting that they might die now and then no one would ever remember them.

"It seems like I'll have to make more toys!" A child like girl walked into the room, followed by a big bearded man with snot hanging from his nose.

Sugar was a grown women that had the appearance of a child because of her devil fruit, hobby hobby no mi! Which gives her the ability to turn people into living toys that follow her command!

Sugar walked forward to the first spy, and as soon as her hand touched his face, he turned into a toy.

"Huh, a toy? How did it get here"

"Ne ne, don't you get it yet?" Trebol, one of the three elite officers of Doflamingo came up to one of the two remaining spies, his face was just centimeters from the spies face.

His snot ran down, almost reaching the ground.

"Whoever Sugar touches, turns into a toy, and then they're forgotten by the rest oft he world, as if they never existed! Even I can't remember who that toy was before!" Trebol laughed at their faces of pure horror.

The toy seemed panicked but couldn't move.

Sugar continued touching the second person turning him into a toy as well.