
Fist o

_overlord_iv · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The unknown

Consciousness gained battle mode halted'



A duel was happening in the yard between two of the best students of one of the best teacher in the country with crowds to witness the direction the fight was going to go.The two were about evenly matched in skills but their powers could make the great difference.

Inside of the house with the yard,an old man and a boy could be seen conversing .

'I see you have woken up' .The old man looked up to the young boy whose wrist were tied up to the ceiling as he took a sip of some good green tea calmly,but the look on the boy looked rather fear gripping, watching the old man just sit there.

'Where am i?'.The boy futilely asked as the man gave no sought of immediate response to his question.

But soon after the man took another sip while still resting calmy on the floor of the room ,he spoke out

'Your father,you,and all your family are mad!.The man sat straight and spoke out but knowing the boy as he had been with him for the past two days, the great anger on his face increased..

"The explosion took out most of the surrounding villages ,and even though your house was destroyed, it isn't still enough to pay for all the destruction his little project caused.He used his own son in a project!


The boy finally noticed the heavily armed guards that stood with weapons of different kinds around the room.

He had no idea what the old geezer was talking about but it seemed quite important,but to his dismay, he had no clue what it was.

Yes he remembered how he was in a tube machine that was supposed to grant him an ability,and it was then he remembered the last words an humanoid like voice spoke out while he was still there.

"System..... failure?!"

Immediately,before he could make any more moves, the chains holding up the boy slowly lowered him to the ground and loosened making the boy stagger for a while before finally finding balance.

'Does this mean that the machine caused an explosion and how am i even alive right now!'.The boy could only worry about the situation of his family.He was alive so may be the same miracle that kept him also expanded to his family.He had to hope.

Test one 1!

The man motioned to the boy to sit opposite close him and he slowly did just that,while he watched some guards hastily coming in with random objects that soon filled the the entire room they were.

'I know you may be worried about your family but I assure you their bodies were not found in the explosion so they are probably doing okay now,but before we get back to that, I want you to do something for me young child.You are Dylan right!.

Dylan nodded his head as he awkwardly tried to find a comfortable position to sit on the bare floor

Suddenly,a guard in iron chest plates brought forward an iron block the size of a traditional telephone and gave a quick bow before going back to the side again.

'Touch this!'.The man motioned to him again and this time with a serious expression burnt on his face.The boy though at first hesitated but eventually did as the man said again.

'Touching a block can't hurt Right!'

He slowly extended his hands and touched the block and it was then he heard a loud humanoid voice ,ringing in his head.

-Eva control awakened--

-made contact with deadly substance,disintegration process commencing-

He shook internally at this but after remembering the name "Eva",he calmed down a little bit.She was their home's operating system,but how was she now inside of him.He could only wonder but this was just the beginning.

At first sight,he could see the metal slowly melting at his touch .Shrinking, as if one was burning a piece of paper.The eyes of people around him grew more at the sight of the mysterious phenomenon again.

"When we got to the sight of the explosion, we found you and brought you here,but not until we lost almost 2 scores of soldiers before we finally found a means to carry you here without touching your palms or letting your hands touch anything at all!.The man spoke again looking at the boy who seemed to also be in shock at this.

So he to does not know how this is possible huh--

The boy ignored the mans continuous rambling as the humanoid voice continued to speak.

-Protection confirmed.Touch disintegration ability permanent.Initiating protection gloves--

--Yes or no--

The boy looked up to the man with a creepy smile that spells out great elation while ignoring any other thing.

"An ability huh".It does not matter what it was but he finally saw an ability.Never did he think a day like this would come.

Test 2..3...4...5...

An apple,a block of metal,wood.....

The old man continued carrying on the test and the boy continued happily melting down each item they brought,each getting larger as the number increases,with a smile of satisfaction that crept on his face.

(disintegration process....level 2)

(Stats awakened)

He smiled even more and his cheeks were starting to hurt.

Even though he did not understand what it said,he was beginning to love hearing this voice speak and it seems that only him could hear it as the man continued to talk non stop even while the machine spoke.

This tests only made the man remember more,the reason why he said they should bring the boy to him.it was not as if he had an unknown flame powers that were burning this items and the test proved that,but no matter the item they brought they still have the same endings.....they melted and shrunk!

'You are a danger to us and it will....'.The man wanted to continue to speak but was interrupted by a voice that spoke rather confidently.

"Yes ,initiate protection gloves!".

A few tinkering sounds were made and almost immediately the boys hands were covered with iron like gloves.

The boy quickly grabbed unto another item but this time nothing happened.His prediction was right.it was as if one could turn on and off this process.OK now this time he made sure not to smile any further if not he may just lose his mouth,but another persons mouth dropped at this.

"H-he can control it?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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