
Chapter 264 Ao Tianxin

Ao Ertian was able to easily catch up with the boy holding an old mobile phone.

The child holding the cell phone was about five or six years old. He now put his cell phone in his pants pocket.

He was currently playing with his friends.

“Today, I'm going to play as a black iron beast!”

“No, you were already playing as a black iron beast yesterday! Today, I will become a black iron beast!”

“But the other day, you were playing as a black iron beast as well. Why don't you play someone else? like lightning Or the Mad Giant Axe?”

“Both are cool. But I like the black iron beast better.”

Ao Ertian eavesdropped in the distance. he didn't notice However, it seems that he and his friends are so famous that children want to play their roles.

"This kind of feeling is really good."

Ao Ertian was impressed. He wanted to watch the children play. But the system spoke up.