
First Wins & First Kisses - Confessions of a K-Pop Stan

Some happened word for word Some are just fantasies of my hyper imagination But welcome to the world of being a K-Pop Stan in 2022. This is a story about making dreams a reality when obstacles are strategically placed in front of you to cause you to either trip or fall and never get up again. In the first installment ‘First Wins and First Kisses’ we follow Gel and Bren who both travel to Korea in different times in their lives but their love of music and their love of astronomy brings them together. Bren falls for the budding astrophysicist at a pivotal time in his career. Everything is finally going right for his band GXY and a scandal can ruin the careers of his whole group. While exploring the stars, Bren and Gel discover that their dreams require sacrifices and that sometimes means alienating their loved ones and each other. If that wasn’t enough to drive them apart, someone lurking in the shadows is determined to make Bren pay for all his transgressions even if they are completely made up. But is it out of hate or some twisted kind of love?

Butterfly_Belle · Urban
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Rivalries Are Supposed To Be Healthy

Chapter 6

Rivalries Are Supposed To Be Healthy


7:00 am shone like a beacon on the large clock in the waiting room for Music Time. Most of the members were asleep or resting in chairs, on the floor on blankets or squished together on the long sofa. Our pre-recording was in a mere hours and we still needed a full two more dress rehearsals with fans. Our call time was 4:00 am. When we got there we were immediately rushed into a lengthy hair and makeup session while the tech team prepped our stage sets. Pre-recordings were the one place where we could perform our B-side tracks on music shows. But they were also the most exhausting time for idols. It meant the earliest of call times and long rehearsals and stage designs. Pre-recordings were usually for B-side tracks but occasionally groups would pre-record their actual stages if their schedule called for it.

The thing about B-side pre-recordings was that it was a privilege. Not every group is given the opportunity to perform more than one song in a week even if it was their comeback stage. It was unheard of for unpopular groups to do it and lesser-known groups would sometimes even only perform a shortened version of the song. Only popular or trending artists were allowed to perform the full length of B-side songs.

We got the notice from Manager Cho that our 2 minute B-side stage had suddenly changed into a full length stage when we arrived at the venue. There we were standing in the crowded corridor to the waiting rooms when the PD for Music Time caught up to us with Manager Cho.

'Manager Cho!' he called, placing a hand on his shoulder. The PD was a well-dressed man with slicked back hair and perpetually wore sunglasses whenever he wasn't in the studio. He had the biggest grin I'd yet seen on him when he approached Manager Cho. I could feel his urge to step away from the PD who reeked off cologne, but he had to be respectful. This is the PD that not only invites artist for Music Time but other tv shows on the network including variety shows. 'Manager Cho could you do me a favour?' he asked in his most oily voice. 'One of our acts dropped out and we have some time we need to fill, do you think your boys could perform the full length of their song instead of the short one?'

'If that's what you'd like Sir we'll do it,' said Manager Cho bowing. He had to say yes. It was a great chance to showcase our talents. It didn't matter that we hadn't rehearsed the full-length song for that day or that it would mean we would get less rest. We were going to do it.

'Knew I could count on you Manager Cho,' said the PD. 'See you during the dry rehearsal.' He sped away and we rushed into our waiting room.

'It's starting already,' said Seungyoun plopping down on the long sofa as soon as we entered. 'Things are changing for us because of Moonlight Eyes doing so well.' We high fived, Manager Cho joining in.

'It's a start,' is what the CEO said to me when he saw the chart and sales results. He'd never admit he was truly satisfied but he saw us off on the way to Music Time, something he'd only ever done for our more successful seniors in OWE.

I wouldn't admit to myself how happy I was when I read the chart results, or when I saw Moonlight rising with each hour instead of falling like all our previous songs did. It's why I didn't celebrate it at first.

'It's just a momentary peak,' I argued. 'It will go down once everyone who is interested in it has listened and the hype wears off.'

But it didn't. It had a steady climb before resting around the 18 position on the chart. Our previous release peaked at around 250 and none of our B-sides ever charted. To say I was happy would be an understatement, but I couldn't give into hope that it was enough. The realist in me told me there's a possibility it won't last. But the hopeful side, that side that teared up the moment I looked at the sobbing Minho or Tony's tear-stained face, that side was on cloud 9.

'This is just the beginning,' said Manager Cho putting his arm around my shoulder. 'Don't let this momentum die. Start practicing the full version of The Trouble With Love right now.'

'Did someone really drop out?' Shou, a realist like me asked around.

'Does it matter?' said JT incredulously.

Truth be told it didn't matter but I had a sinking feeling that Shou was on to something. The PD could have easily used that excuse instead of the more obvious reason being that thanks to our recent success, we weren't nobodies who could only perform a shortened version of our song. Men like him rarely like to admit that they were wrong or that they underestimated our popularity.

It was pure luck that our B-side track was a ballad and not a dance track because there's no way we could have pulled it off if it wasn't. Injuries, mistakes, running into each other on stage were just a few of the consequences that could occur when we weren't properly prepared.

'I'm thirsty,' I said getting up from the long sofa with half the members still asleep after our long dry and full-dress rehearsals. We still had to do another couple when the fans arrive in a few hours' time. 'Getting something from the vending machine.'

'I'm coming with you,' said Tony with a yawn and a stretch and together we made our way out of the room to the row of vending machines down the corridor but on the way we spotted two guys heading our way and I put my hands in my pockets, avoiding eye contact as much as I could but Tony waved one of them over.

'Wonie!' he called jovially

'Wha up T?' said the short stocky Xtremes member known publicly as Wonx. They bro hugged and Wonx stared up at me.

'Hi Hyung,' he said kindly while Tony put him in a head lock. I nodded and gave him a brief greeting, Trying with all my might to avoid the guy on his right. The Xtremes leader, Redx with his one red eyebrow makeup.

'Yo, Brendan,' he said with a smile like a hyena. 'Congrats on your comeback.' He clapped but it was the kind of clap you'd give a kid playing football who just learned to kick the ball correctly.

'Come on Wonie, let's get some drinks,' said Tony ushering Wonx away and leaving me with Redx or Taewoo as he was more commonly known.

'Thank you,' I said dryly not removing my hands from my pockets.

'Why don't you look more happy? A comeback is something to be celebrated but I guess having as few as you do, you're not really used to it.'

I could have lost it right then and there but I wasn't going to let this knob end get under my skin or worse still, let him know that he did.

'I'm dancing on the inside,' Is what I answered, keeping my face neutral.

'You finally charted too, surprise you didn't die of shock.'

'Because I know there are more important things in life than numbers on a screen,' I said and Redx sneered. 'Oh and congratulations on ending your promotions this week.'

'Must make you happy knowing that GXY don't have to compete with us for first place since you only qualify for next week,' said Redx loftily.

'Oh yeah I'm dead chuffed.' I said dryly. 'Oh, and nice job peaking at number 2 on the Kiwi. Such a shame you never overtook first position away from Spyder on any chart.'

At this Redx clicked his teeth and I knew I'd touched a nerve.

'Shame we can't promote together this time,' he said, 'Maybe next comeback, I mean assuming you'll get one.'

'I don't know. I think I want to spend some time with my fans. Do some touring and some fan meetings and let them energize us for the next comeback.' I said nonchalantly and at this Redx frowned. It was well known that The Xtreme's company rarely let them interact with their fans directly outside of fan signings. They didn't even accept gifts. Their managers would swat away fans who even tried to give them something. Not that we as GXY needed gifts from our fans, but their letters are the only things that kept us going during our hiatus from promoting. It was knowing that they were cheering for us and always on our side waiting for us to comeback that gave us strength throughout our hardships.

'Hyung,' came Wonx's voice as he and Tony returned with drinks for the four of us.

'Got you a cola,' said Tony handing me the drink. 'We should get going. Nice seeing you again Wonie, hyung.' Tony ushered me away while Wonx waved and Redx glared.

'How much of that did you hear?' I asked when we were out of ear shot.

'Enough to want to rip that prick's eyebrow off,' said Tony denting the can of cider in his hand.

'His insults mean nothing,' I said. 'The only opinions that matter to us our from our Dear Astras.' I said confidently not speaking on the subject again. We still had to get through the week promoting alongside them. I hoped desperately we would have no more interactions with them than the bare minimum. But I hoped in vain.

I am sorry for the long break in tween chapters 7 and 8.

I was in an accident at the start of May that made it impossible for me to type.

Actually, I couldn't even hold a spoon to eat and I am left-handed.

But I am recovered now and ready to start updating again.

I even started a Kofi so you could support there if you wish and get more regular updates.

I went to a real Kpop event this week that I am dying to tell you all about. So get over there but only if you can.


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