
First we fell.

Stivastin was made an orphan by the Portals, the promised happy life was stolen from him, he gained a new destiny. In the world full of Evolveds doing miraculous things, all he ever wanted is to be one of them and escape the hell hole he lived. But like with the fulfilment of every wish that mattered, there were consequences. A family. Brothers, Sisters a doting Mother and a Father, who happens to see the future. Couple that with High school and girls, add THE single most destructive ability the world has ever seen and voila .. How the hell is he supposed live a normal life? Get real friends? Go to school trips? Let alone date the girl he likes? .. not to mention those Portals and the monsters pouring out of them. This will require some finesse.

Stivanstin · Fantasy
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95 Chs

Special Grade. ~

My name is Stivanstin... just Stivanstin.

I'm 15 years old and a Special Grade Evolved.

Until the age of 9, I was cruelly raised in an orphanage near the sea, one of 132 souls trapped in a nightmare.

My parents whomever they were, must've been lovely people.

They died on February 11th 2098, when the second ever yellow Portal ripped open, over 60 years after their appearance, 3 months after, I was born.

I survived the devastation of my village caused by the Mimiks,

don't know how it happened but, I lived and ended up in Saint Lucia's orphan asylum.

The place was cold, gloomy the people, uncaring and I had to learn from an early age to fight, there were no heroes there and everyday promised more misery and pain.

Those aged until 5 had the best chance for adoption and with each subsequent year after that, their hope of a happy family slowly dwindle away right before their eyes.

Open houses felt like a zoo exhibit, measured, poked and prodded we felt more cattle than, human. We were all graded by the colour of our skins, our physical looks and health, our cuteness.

How can our skin look nice, when never cared for?

Our bodies healthy when we never had a full stomach? How others can view us cute dressed in rags, covered in dirt and shit?

Needless to say very few of us ever got adopted and sometimes even those who did, regretted it.

Those turned 15 were either thrown out with some bread and water and left to fend for themselves, or in some lucky cases woke up with the proof of evolution.

White pupils, and left with the most beautiful present God can ever give anyone. Marking you as one of the chosen ones. In my time it happened just a few times, but I only remember the first.

The elders gave him the name Sterling and it was the first time, I saw them .. those unearthly eyes and I knew, I wanted them.

Saw him leave this God awful place, and find myself actually praying, not the annoying drivel they forced us to recite, morning and night.

I decided to share with God my true thoughts and selfishly asked for his sign.

By the time, I turned 9 .. carved out a reputation even among the older kids not to mess with, I wasn't particularly strong or fast but no one matched my ferocity and my sheer resolve to kill.

For me, every fight was till the end ..

I understood by my surroundings it only took a single time to give in, and you'd be a daily pit stop to them. So even if, I was left bashed and bloodied, did my best to return all that

I received.

For that reason, I was largely left alone, why bother with some rabid animal when there's plenty other who already gave up and accepted their fates in this hell?

It was survival of the fittest, something secretly encouraged by the chamber Mistresses.

Most places like this were ran by the church or charity organisations, but Saint Lucia's was created by greedy man.

Those who understood that with fake altruism, one can make as much, or more money in a fairly legal way, then by risking their neck with something illegal and risk prison or execution.

That's how the scum of this world become state sponsored philanthropists.

In the eyes of society, they were just people who cared for children, they didn't even need to. How bad can they possibly be?

I kept up my prayers, kept my head on swivel, and fists at the ready.

Before I knew, it was April 2107 and the 13th of that month, my prayers were answered...early.

During the morning headcount, the elder in charge of my group was a middle aged woman we called Mistress Savle, took one look at me and went white, she ran out of there like she saw a Mimik.

The other kids started to surround me, but left just as quickly in their eyes full of fear and .. envy? Their ...EYES.

I ran straight out of our bed chamber and headed into the communal bathroom, the only place, I knew had a mirror. It was strictly forbidden to move alone in the place and could end with 2 days without food but, I hardly cared.

I wanted to see if..

I was right, my pupils lost their original colour and turned ethereal white.

I was frozen, unable to stop looking at them, study them.

I was confused .. I thought this was years away, if ever. My heart was pounding so fast, I needed to take deep breaths, but didn't close my eyes.

I did look away eventually, when heard the sounds of footsteps, people bursting inside.

I saw the headmaster leading the herd, various groups of Mistresses among then our own Mistress Savle and the kids from my chambers further outside trying to take a peek.

Standing on top the crappy chair smaller kids used to see their reflection, for the first time I saw adults looking at me with genuine fear in their eyes and I felt elevated, It was my time to look down on people.

I didn't know at that time, but being a Special Grade is nothing special, they were just those random people who received their eyes before or after their 15th birthday.

Their abilities were not weaker or stronger than anybody else.

They were just so rare that those in the know, never felt the need to disclose it to the public. A random mutation that just happens. Yet once it did happened there were certain procedures in place for them.

Soldiers from the Empire's capital were dispatched along with a representative of the nobility and the Brotherhood of Light.

They will arrive in 3 days time, I spent those days in isolation, no kids and not even the elders wanted me around them. It was a win, not only received better food it was a nice change of pace not constantly scanning my surroundings as I ate.

I enjoyed the solitude, spent the time fantasising about my future abilities. Are they affected by personality or genetics? Or just random abilities bestowed by God? .. and also, who are The Brotherhood of Light?..

I didn't forget to pray and thanked the creator every night for his blessing. I was feed so much, just couldn't finish it all, felt sick .. from food.

Mistress Savle the only person visiting me, she turned uncharacteristically meek around me, and avoiding my eye line.

2 day's felt like an eternity, but I did sleep very well those nights.

On my third morning they arrived, and grim looking soldiers in black and gold took me inside the dinning hall. In the distance there were 2 man standing side by side. The soldiers bowed to the man and left me in front of them.

There was an uncomfortable silence, took a look around, saw the soldiers again, now standing at the entrance, I remembered from news papers and other kids drawings.

They were soldiers for his majesty the emperor.

The two in front, on the left there was a bored looking fella, with black hair and a neatly trimmed beard.

The one on the right, a man covered in a yellow robe, his hair unkept and his lower face covered with the same colour, he reminded me of a lemon.

The lemon man started talking.

" We're here today to awaken and verify a Special Grade, case number SG.7.. Standing witness is Lord Harlam Avesta, son of Numa, 1st Hand of his of majesty, Emperor Seth, Son of Heaven and divine ruler of the East Asian Empire. Performing the awakening from the sacred Brotherhood of light, Kazahaya First Grade. "

He took another breath and went on.

" One named Stivanstin, age 9 received proof of evolution on the morning of April 13th, boy is this information correct? Answer yes or no." - he asked sternly.

I know, you know my name lemon.

" Yes."

" Without further wait let's begin, boy turn around and lower your head. "

I did as ordered, my palms sweating, my heart racing and lost in prayer.

Felt a cold and rough hand on the top of my head, heard the brother speak in words, I didn't understand.

The cold came as a surprise it almost made me jump, I felt it trickling down my spine and then the heat came in waves.

I felt every cell in my body refreshed. The feeling of euphoria was indescribable, the heat eventually reached my eyes and it became uncomfortable in a second, but it was gone as fast as it came.

" It's done. "

I took it as a que and opened my eyes, they were watery and had to rub them a few times.

Looked at my side and saw a chair .. blinked .. than the chair exploded into particles!

I was pushed down and my head ended up crashing into the cement floor.


I was so scared, forgot to breathe.

His hand held my neck firmly and was forced breathing dust and dirt form the ground.

" Enough Kazahaya, let the boy go."

The voice was cold, full of authority.

I was able lift my head from the ground and breathe somewhat clean air, but kept my eyes tightly shut.

" My Lord, it's his eyes..."

" I understand Kazahaya, now get off him." he said pushing the man away.

" Stivanstin .. turn around, but keep your eyes closed. Do it now will you .. "

Was still in shock and a little dizzy to notice he used my name.

I did what, I was told, did a half turn and could only hear what's happening around me. In my mind, I knew.. It was me I felt it,

I somehow destroyed that chair, there wasn't even dust left behind.

I heard two set of footsteps and knew the solider were right behind me.

I wanted to open my eyes bad, but was too much on edge.

" Take deep breaths, and try to calm your mind your ability is still active. " 

I took some deep breaths, it slowed my heart down and my hands stopped shaking, I felt grateful.

I was close to panic there a second.

" Good .. good job .. now just in case keep you head fixed on the floor and open your eyes. "

I saw my bare feet, and the man called Harlam feet as well, he was standing close.

We stood there for a while, but nothing happened.

"Excellent, nicely done kid, that's one powerful ability you got there." He laughed out loud and patted my head.

" Kazahaya what your analysis say, does it even have a name?" he asked the man in yellow.

"No data, first appeared... no name." he answered reading it of his wrist.

Harlam laughed again louder than before.

"Oculi Exitium...Stivanstin raise your head."

I slowly meet his eyes, his outer rings turned blue for a few seconds and seemed shining, then he blinked and it was gone.

He smiled down happily.

" My name is Harlam Avesta, and from this day until my last, I'll be your father. "

And with those insane words leaving his mouth, my life as an Evolved begin.