
First Term: Survival

*Excerpt* “I’m not going anywhere.” Sky said cutting him off as she gave him a cold, rage-filled smile. The male also smiled back; his grey eyes filled with delight. “Then I challenge you.” He said. Sky pulled her fans from their belt. “Fine. Dain Caellustria is the witness. I’ll get him and meet you at-” “Why go anywhere?” The male asked conversationally as Sky felt air moving above her head. She jumped to her right as a blade of air slammed into the ground. She dodged again as a yellow gray bolt of air flew at her. Left, right, back, down, over, she moved. She knew she couldn’t keep this up though. Unfurling her fans, she ran at him, dodging as she closed the distance. A big, blue-gray cloud appeared in her path and seeing it, Sky hesitated a second too long. One of the smaller darts bit into her left side. She was too angry to feel it, even though it tore deep into her flesh. The cloud started moving for her. As quickly as she could, she spoke the words for the magic shield spell. It exploded into being around her just in time. The cloud hit it and a violent wave of magical energy ricocheted back at the male. He doubled over as it slammed him into the wall. This was her chance! Sky surged forward breaking her shield spell and sliced at him with her fans. He grinned and spun, a sword flashing into existence in his hand. Hastily, Sky twisted to the side. The male’s thrust went past her. He swung sideways at her. Sky blocked with her right fan while she struck for his neck with her left. She felt a pop in her right wrist as the male jerked back out of her reach. Spinning forward with her fan blades out, Sky pressed him back. She kept up a furious string of attacks but everyone she made he countered at the last second. Then she realized it. He was toying with her. Seeing the expression on her face change, the male smiled and began attacking in earnest. It was all Sky could do to block. As she spun to the left to avoid his sword, a dagger that she hadn’t seen traced fire down her back as it cut her deeply. Sky staggered panting as she tried to catch her breath. “You know, you’re pretty good.” The male jeered. Sky looked at him. He was smiling again but it didn’t reach his eyes. They looked like death. “You’re just no match for me...

SandiBell · Fantasy
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100 Chs

A Meeting with the High Officiant 2

Kazu and the female led Sky and the man, she learned his name was Dathius, to a room on the first floor. The plaque to the left of the door had read Student Government Room. Now, Sky was standing in the center of the room next to Dathius. Ringing her in on all sides were about ten creatures. She recognized Vael, Nix, Alyssa, Rage, and Uriel, plus the two males from lunch on Alontil.

Seated in front of her, in a chair that Sky could easily picture being in a throne room, was a male. He had sunkissed blond hair, ocean blue eyes, sculpted cheeks, and a mouth made for smiling. He wasn't doing that now, however. Now, his face was an impassive mask. His long legs were crossed and only his fingers drumming on the chair's arm betrayed anything other than calm indifference. Beside him, the short, doll-like male, Syn, was smiling as he held a long dagger in a plain black sheath. There was a cruel light in his eyes.

Sky stood and waited for the male on the throne to say something. Five minutes passed. She turned to go. The creatures who'd been leaning or lounging about the room shifted. Tension was now held in their postures. Sky looked at the door. The red-haired male from lunch lounged against it. He flashed her a devastating smirk.

"So, you're the cheating murderess?" The male on the throne asked conversationally. Sky looked back at him but said nothing. After all, neither of those two statements were true. A minute passed, he smiled warmly. It was a very captivating smile. Sky wondered if he was an Eccubae. "I confess, I wouldn't have thought it to look at you. How someone of your girth could possibly take on four creatures is beyond me."

"You forget, Mal," Uriel drawled, "that flea ridden mongrel is her accomplice." Sky stiffened and sent an angry glare at Uriel.

The male in the throne smiled more deeply, "Oh, yes, of course. I did forget."

"I hope that cur is ready to return to the slums because the school doesn't renew the contracts of murderers." Kazu interjected venomously. Sky gritted her teeth.

"Is there something you wanted me for other than to insult my friends?"

The male on the throne-like chair, the High Officiant, said, "Tsk, I can see we can add impatient to the list of your other observable faults." Ro'd had enough. She marched straight to the door.

"Move." She said icily to the redheaded male leaning on it.

"Get back here!" The High Officiant ordered. His voice rang out across the room, but Sky felt it as more of pulsating thrum throughout her body. Her feet carried her back to the center of the room. She glared up at him while her mind tried to figure out what had happened. Liquid light began pooling in her stomach once more.

The High Officint smiled warmly at her again and said, "Good girl," like she was a dog that had just done a trick. Sky gazed at him woodenly as she thought fast, trying to figure out just what sort of magic he'd used on her. "You have stated that you believe you're are as good as any creature." He continued, "I'd like you to prove that." Syn, the doll-like male with the dagger, stepped forward and offered the dagger to Sky. She simply looked at him.

"Take it!" The male in the chair ordered with that magic again. Sky felt the thrumming through her body. It reminded her of the inexorable pull of the tides. Her hand wrapped around the dagger and she drew it to herself. Looking up at the smiling male in the chair, Sky got a sinking feeling in her stomach. The liquid light began to spread out from her middle. "Now, kill him."

The man, Dathius, jerked back from Sky.

"What?" He exclaimed raising his hands in front of his chest. The smile on the face of the High Officiant, deepened.

"Don't move." He ordered. Dathius's eyes went wide and sweat began beading on his skin as he froze where he stood. Sky looked back at the High Officiant. "Why are you hesitating?" He mocked. "Any creature would do it." Sky's mouth twisted.

"Then I must be smarter than all creatures, because I know what would happen if I killed him." The High Officiant's expression soured. Sky could see it on his face that he was going to use that magic again. It had reminded her of water, so she opened herself to her water magic to hopefully give herself some resistance to his commands. "Kill him now!" He ordered.

Once more Sky felt rather than heard his words, but this time the thrum was lessened. She knew she had a choice.

It took a herculean effort, but she stopped her body from moving. Then she made her hand open. The dagger clattered to the floor.

"I refuse." Sky said turning to face the High Officiant. Dark fury had suffused his handsome features. After a moment, he smiled coldly.

"Fine. You," He said to Dathius. "Pick it up and kill her." Under her breath, Sky muttered the words for the physical shield spell. A split second later Dathius plunged the dagger toward her heart.

Hello again!

Why is everyone such jerks?!! Sky just wants to learn magic, but they won't leave her in peace! Can she get out of this alive?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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