

Shin Ari, the Second daughter to a conglomerate family and Kim Min Gyu a handsome, sexy, multi-billionaire and hot ruthless CEO They get soooo obsessed with each other but then a shocking truth comes out..... what to do???

Sadist_pen · Urban
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2 Chs


Ari sat in her closets trying on different makeups. She was so bored out of her mind as she didn't have any friends. Everyone on her contact list were either too busy or just wanted to ignore her.

Yeah, that's how pathetic her life was. Growing up in a family that didn't care about her, she had always had to do things on her own. She didn't actually care though. She was used to it.

Leaving the country for almost five years made her more independent. She didn't even know why she was feeling especially bored today and the only person she could actually call to suck up to was also ignoring her.

She thought about what she could do, then a brilliant idea suddenly popped in her mind.

She ran into her room and picked up her phone. Fortunately she had Min Gyu's secretary's number. She dialed the number in excitement but he didn't pick up until the third ring.

"Miss shin?" Min Gyu's secretary's voice rang through the phone and she smiled stupidly. "Mr Kang, How's your day?" She asked sweetly. "Mr Kim is busy" Kang Tae moo said as he knew where she was getting to. Everytime she called, it was always to ask about what his boss was doing or what was on his schedule.He didn't have anything against her though, it's just that he hates clingy women like her. His boss was obviously trying

"Come on Mr Kang, I'm not going to disturb him. I just want to know where he is" Mr Kang was such a knuckle head. How dare he get in between she and her love life

"I'm sorry miss shin but the boss told me to keep his whereabouts confidential" Kang Tae moo said coldly. Her expression changed immediately. "Alright Mr Kang, thanks by the way" she said with an obvious depressed voice. She heaved a heavy sigh and was about to hang up but Kang Tae moo's voice rang again. "He is the mall. The one at Myeongdong street" Ari smiled again as her plan obviously worked. She quickly hung the call as she ran towards her closet again to dress up.


Kim Min Gyu sat in a room with a long table with two old looking men sitting at each side of the table.

"You're fired" he said without an hint of hesition and no room for questioning. The men could only nod their heads. They knew what was in store for them if they argued or talked back. They both walked out of the room dejectedly.

Kang Tae moo walked into the room right after and whispered something into his ears. He said and and also alighted the room.


Shin Ari walked into Kim shopping mall and shopped till she dropped..... literally.

After what felt like hours, she finished but she still couldn't find Kim Min Gyu or Kang Tae moo so she decided to just go up to the head office. She rode the escalator to the second floor and and walked a bit towards the elevator. Their were many people waiting for the ride so she decided to use another one.

She walked towards the second elevator which seemed quite empty. Why weren't they using it?. Just as she was about to press the button, the car opened and Kim Min Gyu cane out of the elevator with his two hands in his pocket looking dapper.

She smiled widely and Min Gyu sighed. He wasn't ready to deal with her at all.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he got out of the car and Ari followed him wherever he was going. "What do you mean, I'm here to shop" she said as she pointed at the man standing behind her with a billion shopping bags. "You should go back home" he said and continued walking. "Why do you always send me home? Are you that irritated with me?" Ari whined from behind which made Min Gyu walked back to where she was standing. "Just listen to me and go back home" he said.

"I don't want to and besides I have somewhere to be" sh said with a huge smile. "Where are you going?" Min Gyu said with an unwavering curiosity. "Now you wanna know..." Ari whispered slowly as she ran her fingertips over his chest. Min Gyu cleared his throat as he caught her hand. Kang Tae moo didn't dare to look.

Ari leaned in on him and whispered in his ear as her hot breathe fanned his earlobe "I am heading to a hotel right now". Min Gyu gulped loudly whiched earned him a smirk from Ari.

"Why are you heading to a hotel?" He asked.

"Why don't you come with me to find out?"she whispered again and by then he already she was toying with him. He sighed and put a distance between them. "Go home, right now" he said sternly and turned away from her.

"Kim Min Gyu " Ari shouted after him but he didn't look back as he continued walking.

"Do you wanna sleep with me" she screamed and everyone's head turned towards her immediately. All colours drained from Min Gyu's face as he ran towards her and dragged her with him.

Mission accomplished. Ari snickered as she let Min Gyu drag her to his car

omg , Min Gyu is in trouble

Sadist_pencreators' thoughts