
First Love like snowfalls

Tiara is a beautiful normal high school student. She appears to be a calm and innocent girl who keeps smiling all the time. No one can guess what she might be thinking behind that smile of hers. But she has a secret which she does not want to reveal even to her dearest friends. She appears to be a perfect smiling doll all the time. But what is the secret that she is hiding behind that charming smile of her. Everyone thinks that she always been this perfect. In fact, she is not. She has an imbalance in her life. She fell in love for the first time with someone special. He loved and cared for her as if she was his treasure. But their fate was cruel. The luck was not on their side. Her first love was erased from her mind. Meeting these people changed her life again. Will she embrace the future which she beholds in her path bravely? Or Would she prefer a more carefree life without worries instead? She finally meets him again. "I know I am being selfish but please stay with me till the end of college" [Rayburn] "Give me some time to think about it"[Tiara] "I am sorry! I can't do it anymore"

Tiara_rose · Teen
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14 Chs


I yelled, "Ahhhh"

I tried to hold onto something for support.

Fortunately, Ashley, who was just standing there, caught my hand and pulled me before I fell.

He put his other hand around my back near my shoulders, to support my balance

I put my other hand on his shoulders and tried to gain balance. I stood properly.

"What happened?" [Ashley]

I held my burnt hand and showed it to him. I glanced at the other side and saw Lila standing there.

"Oops... Lila?" [Tiara]

Between all these mess, I didn't notice Lila, who was standing and watching us outside the room. She just stood there and stared at us. She met my eyes and glanced at him.

"....guys?" [Lila]

How could I be so careless!!

Lila stood there glaring at us. She was stunned.

She looked at Ashley and me downcast. I didn't know how to react

Her eyes showed a bit of gloominess but she tried to cover it up.

She is a cheerful girl. I rarely see her being angry or melancholy.

Ashley seems to be more shocked than I am. There was silence for a few seconds.

'I don't even know how long has she been standing there.

I was afraid that they would have a misunderstanding. But wait a minute!

Why should I be afraid of that? I did not do anything wrong.

Besides, Ashley was just helping me. It would be alright if I just explain it to her, right?'

All these thoughts occurred to me in just a fraction of second when I looked at Lila.

I glanced at my clenched hands.

To my surprise, Lila walked towards me and grabbed my hands. She ran to her room after looking at my hands. She didn't even ask me what happened.

Ashley realized that my hand was burnt.

Lila went straight to her room and screeched from there.

"I will bring the first aid kit" [Lila]

"It is in the shelf under the bed" [Tiara]

Meanwhile, Ashley seized my hand and held it under the cool tap water.

"I am very sorry Tiara. I was perplexed when I looked at her standing in a dejected position. I should have been more self-aware...."

He was so dazed at Lily that he must have forgotten my existence though I was standing right next to him.

I am so pissed! Even if he was worried about Lila more than me. He should at least not lose awareness of his surroundings.

But It was true that I was worried that she might misunderstand. It's pretty normal for him to be anxious.

'Huh? Wait a minute. Have I always thought of these two like this? Why am I acting as if they are a couple! They are just friends like how they are to me. That must be the case'

After what Ashley said, I felt like they were purposefully not telling me directly.

'Just what on earth happened!' I really wanted to clench his hair and ask him 'You better spit out what the hell happened between the two of you' but I controlled myself when I thought about my image.

That's right. I have been cautious enough to not reveal the other side of my personality. I have to calm down. I guess it would be better to ask him than Lila.

Lila just told me a few moments ago that she likes Larry. I don't want to make her feel burdened by asking about something that she is not ready to share yet. I wanted to give her some time.