
First I'll Surpass Thousands!!

Four dudes in 1996 in Missouri at the times of 90's problem here's one 'the world of teenagers' which is also like the world of adults, ============ P. S. If you're wondering why I just now typed the synopsis and added the tags? It is because I'm momentarily free but still struggling due to the test I'm about to take, this will be the last time I'll visit this site before my painful studies continue. Bye bye also I mistakenly applied 'magical realism' but in truth it isn't. P. P. S. If you guys and gals find any mistakes like spelling, origin, sources, and history then I don't blame because I'm writing this using stacked knowledge (or my limited knowledge of the 90's). Any place, names, Ideas, and etc that might be real here, I can only say.... I don't mostly care and I'm not accountable for it, sincerely these are Ideas that popped up from my head. ============= the cover ain't mine folks, I just got that at my good ol' trustworthy Copilot. I don't know if this is allowed or not? but I'll just apologize beforehand!, Sorry 'po' Ladies and Gentlemen. One last thing, this ain't a magical realism, I just had to pick a base and that's just the one I picked. There are no mana magic shit, only unrealistic but logical fights. (all works from real life; music, famous names, companies, or famous people don't belong to me, only my characters and places I have made up)

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24 Chs

FIST chpt. 8 LoanShark

LoanShark a term used for dept collectors. What's worse is when they're a group the Frostbites have their own dept collector with his own army The LoanShark David of Frostbite, It's just easy for them to beat the hell out of someone, Take their money and get away with it 'yeah it too can happen with young people! they can have debts they owe to Frostbite. They threaten you with your siblings and that are dear to you. (which kinda made their downfall Because Ivan is going to rip each of these moth*r fu**ers apart!).

This LoanShark David Heard that Hans High took out Psychopath Sean and Goliath Henry!! and heard it was that little group called FIST (They already gave the four the name themselves). he knew one of them owns a gym with his dad so he took the liberty of considering "Destroying It" As payment.

Florence,Sam and Ted came to Ted's place to get some notes as he turned on his phone line message reader they were talking "where is Ivan?" till Ivan's message rolled on and played "Change of plans ... I'll take care of the LoanSharks and their leader!" without hesitation they rushed looking for Ivan they went to the rumored hideout of the LoanShark at a run down warehouse they entered the area seeing people at the front gate knocked out they heard several peoples voices screaming they saw Ivan beating the hell out of Dale 'David's right hand man' Florence ran and pulled Ivan and Ivan was yelling "Where the Fuck is David!!!!, Tell me or your dead meat!!", Florence:"Ivan chill down!", Sam:"WTF did you do Ivan?, hey can you hear me you OK!", Dale:"Ple..se..... stp-....p I'll te-... tell, At.... Junction bar.... Uptown....", Sam:"I'll take him to a hospital, you guys take care of Ivan here" Sam carried Dale ran out to the near by Hospital.

Florence and Ted calmed Ivan down at Ted's place. Ivan told them what happened about the gym then said "Now we know where he's at, Let's get him", Ted:"No!", Ivan:"What! Why?", Florence:"Yeah why not?, your the one that told us taking him down means taking down Frostbite's backup money and army", Ted:"I didn't say we shouldn't take him down, What I'm talking about is Junction bar it's like a fortress a lot people that would follow David's order will be there and they'll attack us from all side and some strong guys will be there", Florence:"Is there anyone so lowlife and so selfish that they'd rat out or give us some pass?"

Ted just thought of one person and then Sam came back. Ted told the plan Sam will have to be a part that he's really good at.

then Saturday came John president and Vicky the Vice-president of student council of Hans High were on they're way to Junction bar but was cut off when John bumped someone in a black hood and the said "what the- hey you weirdo! you gonna apologize? hey asshole!" the guy removed the hood then it was Sam! John just trembled he was still confident , Sam:"Asshole huh?", John:"Oh uh- do you know who I am dipshit-" (Sam punched John's face Vicky screamed and try to run but her hair was pulled by Sam and he looked furious John stood up and hitted back, Sam hitted back strong and knocked John out Vicky was about to cry but pulled herself to talk back and slap Sam "you lowlife you'll regret this!-" Sam kicked Vic and said "And you'll regret doing that. plus you don't know? (Glare) I'm fine hitting girls!" he then punched her and she was down cold Sam carried Vicky on his shoulder while dragging John to the back alley.

John woke up in a bed in a room he doesn't recognize then Sam entered the room John spoke "the Fuck is this? a shity kidnapping", Sam:"quite down Vicky's being interrogated, so shut cause your next". ( When John heard the word interrogated, His face showed sign of fear). then Ted entered the room John was happy he said to Ted "help me get out of he-", Ted spoke "So John you, Vicky told us that you're the one who got you a way in the Junction!", John:"You Fucking Rat!, you're in this? I'm so going to remove you from position" (John stood out of bed and was about to yell until Ted kick John), Ted:" Either you help us or we beat you!".