
First I'll Surpass Thousands!!

A Korean who chose Karate over Taekwondo while deciding to change his life, a young Teen Mixed Martial artist who has the weight of his father's expectations, a Latin Immigrant who recently got citizenship yet still unable to get pass the hardship of a colored individual, a German Orphan who finds himself in the hardships of picking enjoyments of youth over studies. In short, four troubled teens in first year high school, running through the struggles of teen life and it's hundreds or thousands of problems it gives to these individuals. Reigning from Missouri, a story of 90's and Delinquents, presents FIST. ============ P. S. If you guys and gals find any mistakes like spelling, origin, sources, and history then I don't blame because I'm writing this using stacked knowledge (or my limited knowledge of the 90's). Any place, names, Ideas, and etc that might be real here, I can only say.... I don't mostly have knowledge and I'm not accountable for it, sincerely these are Ideas that popped up from my head or searched/researched in the internet for an acceptable amount for the story only ============= (all works from real life; music, famous names, companies, or famous people don't belong to me, only my characters and places I have made up)

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25 Chs

FIST chpt. 4 Frostbites

Clinton High a public school, Mr. Clinton a smart family man the founder fell apart from the scene of children not tought by anyone because of that he builded a public school he died in 1965 they say his heir possesses his brilliance and his audacity and it's true the head of the school right now is Father Hulbert Clinton a smart renounced person smartest in fact adult in Missouri his son Eric Clinton is enrolled at Clinton high he's top in class and high standards of being clever not much everyone knows what he truly is the 6th top gang in Missouri "Eric of Frostbite".Yep he's the leader he uses his smarts to manipulate people to the point of tricking them to giving him money he even controls most of Missouri's school' Student Councils, Even Hans High without the principal knowing.

Oh how this brought such a trouble with our four protagonists.

Ted was ready for the report to give to the Student Council President John McCain and Vice-president Victoria Beckham but delayed after another meeting was setted up by Frostbite distribution of money from other vendors near each school and collecting money for false needs from students and rerouting of donations to Frostbite by withdrawal by weekly which was at Wednesday (basically they're going to gather the money at the rendezvou at Windsor construction building 'it's abandoned) that made Ted really furious cause all his prepared work was wasted he wanted to let out his anger at them, but he can't 'not like last year' he thought to himself

He then went to Class 9-C called Ivan to go to 9-B with Florence at the room at lunch break Sam was sleeping then he woke up to Ted being furious out of no reason Ivan and Florence was there too. Sam:"What the- why are you guys here? and why so loud?", Florence:"Sigh Ted's complaining about how the student council, Is acting now", Ivan: "Yeah, he also said to meet up at your desk", Ted:"Grrr!! I just wanna scream and kick John and Vic both at they're faces, I mean I setted everything up!!", Florence:"Well can't blame you, they've risen our tuition I mean 28 grand it doesn't make sense. WHY?", Ted:"you guy's won't tell right?", Sam:"Tell what?", Ted:"Our Council too, is working for Frostbite", Ivan:"Holy-!?", Florence:"I've heard of it that most schools' Councils work for Frostbites. they use money raking tricks at students", Sam:"I've also heard of them they have 3 executives", Ivan:"Are you one of them? Ted", Ted:"No! only certain members of Councils knows about this I just happen to stumble upon papers of withdrawal from Banks notes of meet ups payment lists and vendors agreement paperwork!", Sam:"Ach- please stop my head hurts!", Ivan:"Sam shut up!, but that aside Ted could you slow down pls?", Florence:"You should report this to the principal", Ted:"How if I tell him the others would just say it's false he believes whatever John & Vic would say", Florence:"well there has to be a way", Ted:"What way?, the only way to beat them is-", Florence:"Is what?", Ted:"rendezvou beat them at it while gathering evidence showing to student victims and finally!".

Without any further notice he ran out and left?. Florence, Ivan and Sam was left behind in confusion (They knew little of Theodore but he truly is quick and clever).

They never expected Ted to setup such a plan that brought Frostbite to it's downfall

this is a move that risk the four of their position just to trap and gain evidence to show it to the person who stopped Eric and his team.

Next Chpt.5 Sam vs Henry.