
First I'll Surpass Thousands!!

Four dudes in 1996 in Missouri at the times of 90's problem here's one 'the world of teenagers' which is also like the world of adults, ============ P. S. If you're wondering why I just now typed the synopsis and added the tags? It is because I'm momentarily free but still struggling due to the test I'm about to take, this will be the last time I'll visit this site before my painful studies continue. Bye bye also I mistakenly applied 'magical realism' but in truth it isn't. P. P. S. If you guys and gals find any mistakes like spelling, origin, sources, and history then I don't blame because I'm writing this using stacked knowledge (or my limited knowledge of the 90's). Any place, names, Ideas, and etc that might be real here, I can only say.... I don't mostly care and I'm not accountable for it, sincerely these are Ideas that popped up from my head. ============= the cover ain't mine folks, I just got that at my good ol' trustworthy Copilot. I don't know if this is allowed or not? but I'll just apologize beforehand!, Sorry 'po' Ladies and Gentlemen. One last thing, this ain't a magical realism, I just had to pick a base and that's just the one I picked. There are no mana magic shit, only unrealistic but logical fights. (all works from real life; music, famous names, companies, or famous people don't belong to me, only my characters and places I have made up)

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24 Chs

FIST chpt. 19 Cement-Casted Boxer!?


while Sam and Ted were dealing with an unprecedented threat, The Popular ones is in separate warehouses.

Florence was walking around the crowded areas to watch the fight like every one did, he wore his white hood that was layered by a leather jacket to cover his profile. 

Something or to be more specific someone has caught his attention, "the fuck?!" Florence saw Lee Davidson, a boxer who was subjected to become crippled from his left hand to his elbow, due to some foul play. 

Moreover, regardless of the Cement-Casted bicep and hand, he continues to fight further making him prone to never heal his arm. 

"A fight fanatic... if he's here then that old man must be-- aha found you, fucking '66 old man!" there at the Vip lounge which was just a platform with tables on it sat an old man with a golf cap, grinning while counting money and carrying a cane, was Florence's previous senile boxing mentor, Daniel Cross

Florence surveyed his ex-mentor's surroundings and saw two brief cases, "Tch, 'respect your elders' shut up ol' man! you couldn't even ignore the bribes!" Florence muttered lowly while mocking his old teacher,

'... and when he found out I was a rich kid, he then recognizes me as his money income. This bastard is going to pay... hmm... he must be gambling and probably betting his students, but I won't let you old man!', Florence thought about it then he did what anyone would do for revenge.

"I'll make 'em miserably lose millions!" he grinned as he got closer to the platform to hear the bets, 'good thing Ted told us to disguise ourselves, and the tournament only provides us numbers to be called on to fight'. 

"hah~~ Numbers, why the fuck did they stick a piece of paper with a tape and just called me by numbers but why am I no. 3! I have pride you sick bastards"

After talking to himself and cursing the quality service provided to the participants, Florence Da-jung held himself back and calming his nerves whilst listening to the talks behind him.

"oh! Danny my friend~ it's so happy to see you, it's me Marcus Davidson, you told me to come here and watch! so who is my little nephew going to fight?", 

Daniel:"Well you missed his first match but you might be able to see the his next match", 

Marcus:"Which is who and when?", 

Daniel:"We're about to find out, the match that's going to start will definitely let us know if he's a strong contender for your nephew", 

Marcus:"But what if it really is a strong person?", 

Daniel:" Hah!?~~, you think anyone can take on a hit that is literally like stone? especially from Lee, who is strong at punching even before the cast. Additionally, even if they're strong, when Lee is close enough are they able to handle a hidden ta--"

Florence who was in a daze from focusing on the conversation behind him, realized a punch from one of the Rats was about to land on his face so he weaved under it and performed a one-inch punch on the person's solar plexus, knocking him out in one hit. 

Consequently, the people around him noticed this and stop to comprehend what happened, even Daniel and Marcus stopped talking, three Rats more people showed up with metal pipes yelling at Florence,

"hey, fighting isn't allowed against staff members!" the one at the front yelled, "what the- wait he tried to hit me first--" Florence was cut off when the person who was knocked out had just woke, 

"Aagh-- *Cough x2, the fuck just *panting, why is it so hard for me to breathe?! *panting-- wait you little brat! I was calling you but you weren't listening! *Cough *spit you're up next!" the person yelled and pointed at Florence.

Florence pieced everything together then just replied with "Oh~~! right! it's my turn huh?" Florence ignored the cacophony and walked inside the fighting cage,

there he saw a big person whose features could only be described as 'a sumo-- no! his stance is Judo?' Florence was thinking deep again,


the bell rang and Florence returned his thoughts on the fight 

Grabbing the shoulder of his opponent before he can reach him, Florence used the lunging momentum to flip himself in the air and performed a Horizontal Downwards Heel kick, right in his opponent's shoulder. No.7 swang his hand at Florence before he touches the ground, but Florence gripped the hand of his opponent then performed an acrobatic move balancing on the arm to lessen the fall to the ground fast. Florence rolled backwards a bit but stopped midway, pushing his hands, hopping from the floor to perform a dropkick at No.7's Jaw, who in turn waddled and falling down as Florence landed perfectly.

The crowd was stunned by the spectacular feat of his movement and attacks.