
First I'll Surpass Thousands!!

A Korean who chose Karate over Taekwondo while deciding to change his life, a young Teen Mixed Martial artist who has the weight of his father's expectations, a Latin Immigrant who recently got citizenship yet still unable to get pass the hardship of a colored individual, a German Orphan who finds himself in the hardships of picking enjoyments of youth over studies. In short, four troubled teens in first year high school, running through the struggles of teen life and it's hundreds or thousands of problems it gives to these individuals. Reigning from Missouri, a story of 90's and Delinquents, presents FIST. ============ P. S. If you guys and gals find any mistakes like spelling, origin, sources, and history then I don't blame because I'm writing this using stacked knowledge (or my limited knowledge of the 90's). Any place, names, Ideas, and etc that might be real here, I can only say.... I don't mostly have knowledge and I'm not accountable for it, sincerely these are Ideas that popped up from my head or searched/researched in the internet for an acceptable amount for the story only ============= (all works from real life; music, famous names, companies, or famous people don't belong to me, only my characters and places I have made up)

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FIST chpt. 16 Tournament

Fight Clubs when you think about betting, earning, fighting is two category of Fight Clubs "Bet fights and Entertainment Fights" these two are already in compromised by the most. There are some like the RatBikers who host Fights for dominance it is called "Rank Fights" which people actually come and see,

these fights determine Ranks within the Gang basically challengers within the gang go on head to fight the Ferocious top Four of the gang.

but for leading the whole gang you can't challenge the leader yet but compete in a gang tournament for the next incoming line of a leader then you can challenge the leader.

if you beat him you're going to be the next leader, Four strong people are already clashing to impress the leader and for the whole Dominance, anyone can enter you don't even have to be in the gang technically to compete.

School was at Health Break Florence, Ivan and Sam was at the roof top Florence was clearly texting back and forth with Jessie,

Ivan was drinking coffee close to the door and Sam was just reading "Strategies in Studying" book while eating donuts. Ted Slammed open th door Ivan spilled his drink on the floor,

Ted:"Guys look! I have a plan!, what if we compete for it?", Ivan:"Compete for what?, you scared me!! and look what you made me did! my coffee!",

Ted:"Ehehe sorry?, but more importantly when I meant compete I meant the tournament, the RatBikers are hosting!. if you win you'll be going up against the King of the RatBikers and if you beat him you're the next leader",

Florence:"That's it!, you want us to compete?", Sam:"Hmm.... , I'm thinking maybe is there anything else when you win?",

Ted:"oh right! also 78 grand", Sam:"Count Me In", Ivan:"It's rigged", Ted:"What do you mean?", Ivan:"Is it an ongoing fight?",

Ted:"yeah why?", Ivan:"It's totally rigged for the boss to win, they fight each other till you beat every one the fight will exhaust you fighting the boss is a death wish the only way to win is endurance,

the boss will just hit you a few times, kicks you or what ever only a few very strong hits will knock you out immediately", Sam:"Now that I think about it they'll also earn money!, do people pay to watch?", Ted:"they do!, that means there's no point in entering",

Ivan:"but at the same time I have confidence in us, if we do end up fighting each other just fight to not get some suspicion okay.

I mean like we just took down the guys Who Took Down The RatBikers".

Ivan's words worked like magic and encouraged the guys, they agreed and decided to go and enter the tournament.

Thursday noon came the tournament will continue till the winner is announced and fight against the Leader will be settled at sunrise.

Florence got the right location from Buck since he was going to watch, Anyway Ivan went there a head of notice to sign himself up and also signed up Florence, Sam and Ted for the tournament as he was leaving the guys that was working preparing the ring and the seats they all immediately welcomed a person with an entourage of big guys,

just like Ted mentioned and other rumored things saying who he was "Redhead Buzz Cut", "He likes to wear accessories like rings and... oh he likes putting on a bonnet", "He has a tattoo behind his neck saying NERVES", "and one last thing Brown and Blue Eyes Left=Brown Right=Blue".

Ivan recognized Him he heard guys murmuring besides him "So that's the final guy you have to beat in order to win?" Joshua looked where Ivan was at,

Ivan thought of what to do? Joshua came closer to the Ivan's Left? and said to the guys who were talking "Yeah? so I should give you a heads up!, trash talking while preparation of the tournaments isn't allowed and immediate ban from participating if challenger, and restriction from watching the first half of the match if your an audience" Joshua replied to the guys besides Ivan,

the guys then spoke "wtf kind of excuse is that? in order to not fight huh?"(Snapped, the guards beated the guys to pulp outnumbered them in the fight and kicked them out).

Joshua:"all of you participants must abide to the rules if you want to win the Money". 


"this was an unedited chapter since my thumbs were sore, I'm not comfortable typing more than 1000 words on phones 'unlike some people (*mutter...), if you guys know which type of people I'm talking about, and if you're one of them 'sorry, not sorry, sorry'. bye bye, sorry for the inconvenient waiting now I'm back!😅..."