
First Hero Memories

They said that the first hero comes because the goddess summoned him from different world. Supposedly he have a jet-black hair and easy going personality. The noble revere his deed and his might, the peasant loved him because of his kindness. Well, i found his earring inside a book called "Heroes & 8 Princess" and it's an erotic books. You can't believe historian after all.

WhaleHarpoon · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Castle Library

"I've never gone past this part of the library before and it's full of dust too, looks like someone slack off with their cleaning job"

looking around the bookshelf Sieg even saw a lot of leftover cobwebs left by it's previous dweller

"Why do your job when you can talk about some rumor on the town , perhaps some merchant got caught embezzling gold coins or some noble heir made a beautiful and innocent village girl pregnant?"

Reaching the end of the row he sees a book with a small red crystal hanging on the sides of it, pulling it out seems to drag the small crystal as well.

"How extravagant a magic crystal as a bookmark which Grandfather of mine got this book, uh...."

Stunned by what he saw in the books cover Sieg can't help but stop what he's about to say next about praising his perhaps great great grandfather or grandmother or it might sounds like cursing them when he saw the books title.

"Heroes & 8 Princess, is this one of those damsel in distress saving novel obscene books?, no perhaps it's just a cover, let's not judge it by it's cover"

Sure enough, what he saw when he opened a few pages made his face darken and disappointed, he expected some family heirloom or a secret sword technique. instead of another kind of sword technique he didn't need..

That is until he reaches the chapter of the the bookmarks where a paragraph start with sentence using a silvery ink.

"The Hero Awaken"

Touching the sentence, Sieg felt a prick from his thumb and the small chain from the bookmark with the rhombus shape red crystal hanging from it seems to move by itself and wrapped around his thumb.


The last thing he sees are small flash of black light coming out of the crystal.

"My name is *$&#^@&# and i have awakened"

Sieg heard someone talking and when he opened his eyes, he seems to be in some sort of dark space with a lot of speck of light all around.

"Where am i?"

"My name is *$&#^@&# and i have awakened"

The young man who keep repeating his name have a jet black hair and and a dark brown eyes.

"Hero???. you are the First Hero!"

Unfortunately the hero in question doesn't seems to reply to Sieg surprise exclamation, he keep repeating those sentence until the tenth times.

"I guess you don't understand $&%^$(# , this is gonna hurt a bit"

Sieg then felt like a needle prick on his brain and a little bit of headache with his vision being blurred before it come back to normal.

"My name is Tomoya Kazusa and i have awakened"

"Tomoya Kazusa" said Sieg with a language he have never heard

The first heroes nod with smile before clutching his right eye.

"Gaaahhhhhhhh, my right eye felt the disturbance in the dimension"

"Y-your right eye?!"

Sieg doesn't know if the hero ever have some eye power, but what he knows comes from age old books so it's accuracy must've been skewed with each copy.

"Yes!!, i felt the evil organization scheme to take over the world. my Eye of Dimension Breaker can't be wrong!!"

"Help me seal my right eye, with saying the magic words. i can't say it myself since other dimensional lord would know of my whereabouts"

seeing the first hero still clutching his right eye and occasionally looking up and down with exaggerated pain, Sieg can't help but panic.

"O-okay let me help you Hero!"

Sieg seems to see a small grin on the corner of hero lips but he wasn't sure and with the continent peace at stake.

"Repeat after me, Oppai ga Daisuki!"

"Oppai ga Daisuki!"

"Erufu ga Hoshii!"

"Erufu ga Hoshii!"

'Did the hero uses World Tree as a medium of his magic chant?'

"Erufu to Kekkonshitai"

"Erufu to Kekkonshitai!"

after Sieg said the last word the first hero reaction was out of his expectation


The hero start to clutch his stomach while doubling over on the floor and rolling around while laughing out loud. Sieg can't help but being confused and dumbfounded at the same time.


Wiping his eyes from his tears the first hero smiles brightly.

"You're gullible kid, if i were a demon your soul might've been mine and you would need to do my bidding."

Eyes open wide Sieg seems to realize something, and his face begin to go pale and his expression grave.

"Well, lucky for you i am indeed the First Hero while also not the First Hero"

letting out his deep breath Sieg sigh with relief

"I am his past, a record of his experience and memory, the first hero called me VHS"

"For what purpose did the first hero leave his memory behind, did he have a request for someone who found the books?"

With a smile the first hero or vhs disappeared and the space and scenery blurred before he found himself in front of the first hero or at least his record of past self. He sits in a green plains with a sword glowing holy light out of the sheath opening lying on his chest, facing the sun that starts to set


Unlike all of his painting that made him looks happy, courageous and the bright smile that can only mean he is the first hero is gone. all that is left is an indescribable sadness cloud his face and tear come out of the corner of his eyes.

"i-i'm sor-ry.."

He finally can't stop the dam and closed his eyes sobbing in tears, while hugging the beautiful sword that started to dim with the surrounding light before a cracking sound heard and a louder one not long after.

'The sword cracked and it becomes a dust?'

"What you see is the first hero sin, his burden and his failure"

Sieg heard VHS voice from the surrounding and began to doubt what he has seen, though his recent mistake and knowing the existence inside the space isn't a demon made him somewhat glad.

"How do i know this is the truth?"

"It is not my purpose to make you believe"

was the last voice he heard before he wake up on the library floor.