
First doesn’t mean last

It is said that first love is never forgotten, no matter what. Is it true? Chen Mei An, a young woman around 26 years old, came back from England to China with a child, to the country in which she was born. Will she be able to move on from the man who had helped her through her hardest time? Whom she was tied with from her childhood although she had forgotten? A place filled with memories she can never forget... Xiao Lei, spoilt boy from a young age. A renounced playboy in his city. A young man in his 23’s that had became a successful rich man. Ever since he lost his father, he changed. From sleeping with women and changing girlfriends like clothes to being cold with almost everyone. Will he be able to find true love? [Editing chapters at the moment for readers to understand and like the story better :3 ] {This is my first book, so read until the most recent chapters. The writing gets better with time! Thanks in advance.} [Credit to artist for the cover. Edit is by me.]

Moonyani · Teen
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Scared heart

-At school-

Xue got out of the school with a bright smile on his cute face.

"Mommy will be so proud of me!" he told himself over and over while jumping around.

"Xue'er." Zi smiled and opened her arms to pick up the little boy.

"Granny, where's mommy?? I need to tell something very, very, very important!"

"Ah child, she asked me to pick you up. Maybe she has more work at the company. You will understand, right?"

The kid's bright face darkened as he heard that.

"Say, granny... Mommy won't leave me too like daddy right?" he asked with a sad look in his eyes.

Zi shook her head no and hugged the little boy tightly.

"Oh, dear. She will never." She reassured the insecure kid.

Xue nodded in understanding as Zi put him in the car and they drove home.

-Back at the bar-

Mei felt someone posing their hand on her shoulder. She turned her head immediately with a cold glare.

It was Xiao Lei.

"You!" She gritted her teeth unhappily as if she saw the worse person in the world.

"You sound like I'm the last person on earth you want to run into." Lei sighed as he took a seat beside her on her table.

By the time Chen Mei An was drinking, the tables got full and only her table had a few available seats.

"Who allowed you to sit here?" She raised an eyebrow with her drunk voice.

"Me?" Lei questioned sarcastically.

"Hah!" She laughed looking away while grabbing her 9th bottle.

Lei grabbed her hand stopping her from drinking.

"Let go."

"Stop drinking, it's late. Your child won't sleep without you, remember?" Lei asked as he took away the bottle from the drunk woman.

"Xue'er!!" She yelled as if she had forgotten something extremely important and stood up. She rushed to walk but her bleeding feet made her trip on the floor.

"What the heck?! Is she crazy?"

"Hahaha! This is the funniest thing I ever saw. She's bleeding yet trying to run."

Everyone who witnessed the scene laughed apart from Xiao Lei.

He walked towards her and land her a hand.

Mei took the hand and got up.

"I'll help you." Lei wrapped his hand around her upper body and her hips and picked her up in bridal style.

Mei was surprised and glared at him with a murderous aura. "You! How dare you!"

"Oh, my dear princess, be grateful for once. You're losing too much blood." Lei headed towards his car and put her in the front seat. He took off her heels and examined her leg.

"Why do you wear heels? It's not like you're short." Lei asked with a frown on his face but the worry was visible in it.

"Rui used to like it..." she murmured but Lei heard it.

"Don't tell me he's your so-called husband and he's the reason you're drunk too." Lei sighed.

Mei nodded slowly.

"Why did he hide such a big thing from me. How could he?.." Mei began crying again. "Why is everyone like this... My parents left me... My aunt and uncle and cousin betrayed me... My first love faked everything... And now..." Mei stopped talking and kept crying only.

Lei wipes her tears with his thumb as he slides his hand through her hair brushing them behind. "I'd never let you cry though. Why don't you marry me?" he asked with a flushed face looking at the other side. He glanced at the young woman to see her reaction but she had already fallen asleep.

"Ugh, this woman!.." Lei buried his head on her shoulder with a large sigh. "She's driving me crazy day and night." He mumbled.

-The next morning-

Mei opened her eyes and rubbed her eyes slowly. She got up and looked around. She wasn't in her room! She quickly looked around the bed and Lei was laying beside her without a shirt. She pushed him off the bed and got off the bed. As she stepped on her feet, "Ah!" a soft pained voice escaped her mouth.

Lei woke up after being pushed off from the bed.

"What the?!" He got up with a cold glare and started at Mei. "How dare you?! Because of you, I could barely sleep. You threw up and messed up my clothes. I don't even know where you live so I had to bring you to a hotel."

After a few seconds, he realized her eyes were filled with tears.

"Wait- why are you crying?!" he asked confused and rushed towards her.

'She would just ignore my words usually. Or fight back. Why is she crying?!'

Mei's feet were hurting so bad that tears filled up her eyes. Just then, Lei had started talking non-stop. She couldn't even hear him talking. She sighed and sat on the bed.

"Shut up. My feet are hurting.." Mei told with a trembling voice.

"But I bought the best healing medicine for you yesterday. They said it will heal within the next 48 hours." Lei frowned and checked the medicine's description. "They are done for. How dare they trick me?! I'm going to fire them all." Xiao Lei grabbed his phone to make a call.

"Stop this sh*t! It's ok. It will take time... It hasn't even been 24h." her voice went from loud to low.

Mei's phone vibrated and she grabbed it from the night table.

-[Call from Baby]-

Mei picked it up.

"Mommy!" Xue cried at the other side of the phone.

"Baby. Don't cry. Mommy will be home right now."

"Mommy, did you leave me?" he sobbed.

"Never will I leave you. Even if I lose my life I won't leave your side." Mei firmly told her son as she got up to go home. "I'm coming. Wait for me."

"Wait, wait, princess. Your car is still at the bar. You won't find any taxis nearby. Let me drop you." Lei suggested as he came in front of Mei.

"Hurry then," she said in a cold tone as she took a seat on the bed.

"Yes, yes."

After a few minutes, they both headed towards her house.

"So, why did your husband leave you and your son? Did he cheat?" Lei asked as he glanced at Mei time-to-time while driving.

Mei stayed silent.

"Well, if he cheated on a woman like you, he doesn't deserve you. He's not worth your time. Just forget about him, will you? There's plenty of fish in the sea!" Lei tried to reassure Mei but it only got her angrier.

"Can't you drive silently?!" She yelled at him and he shut up for the rest of the journey.

They arrived at Chen's mansion where Xue was standing in front of the door in his bunny pyjamas. Mei rushed of the car as soon as they arrived without waiting a second.

"Xue'er!" Mei hurriedly hugged her child as if it was has been years that she had met him.

The child did the same as his mother.

"Where did you go all night? I didn't sleep at all." The child pout. His eyes were dark from not sleeping all night.

"Forgive me. I got drunk..." she apologized kissing all over his face.

"Ok, ok. Stop kissing me now. You smell like alcohol. Go wash up." Xue said with a frown on his face.

"Alright." Mei smiled and went inside the house.

Lei walked out of the car and headed towards the mother and son.

'They are so cute. But this woman is so submissive to her son. It's funny,' he laughed to himself.

He watched the woman head inside and rushed towards the kid staring at him.

"What did you do to my mom?" He glared at him like throwing ice arrows at him. He had an overwhelming aura.

Lei smirked at amusement and knelt in front of the small kid.

"Heh. You tell me." He smirked seeing his angry face.

Xue frowned.

"If you dare touch her without her permission, I'll make sure you go bankrupt." Xue smiled finally and entered the house slamming the door on Lei's face.

"What?! A child like you? Make me bankrupt?? Let me laugh!" Lei laughed loudly outside of the house before heading to his car and driving home.

"Hmph! My dad thought me how to make one go bankrupt if he bothers mom." Xue muttered to himself with an evil smirk on his face.