
First doesn’t mean last

It is said that first love is never forgotten, no matter what. Is it true? Chen Mei An, a young woman around 26 years old, came back from England to China with a child, to the country in which she was born. Will she be able to move on from the man who had helped her through her hardest time? Whom she was tied with from her childhood although she had forgotten? A place filled with memories she can never forget... Xiao Lei, spoilt boy from a young age. A renounced playboy in his city. A young man in his 23’s that had became a successful rich man. Ever since he lost his father, he changed. From sleeping with women and changing girlfriends like clothes to being cold with almost everyone. Will he be able to find true love? [Editing chapters at the moment for readers to understand and like the story better :3 ] {This is my first book, so read until the most recent chapters. The writing gets better with time! Thanks in advance.} [Credit to artist for the cover. Edit is by me.]

Moonyani · Teen
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Roller coaster isn’t scary!

"What business?" Mei interrogated the little boy. She was also surprised what type of business he might know of that he can talk about with a big company's CEO.

"Ah... That..." Xue didn't know what to reply. "Oh, mommy! You look so beautiful! I knew you would look great on this dress!" Xue quickly changed the subject turning it towards Mei's clothes.

Mei wore a blue dress that was the same as the sky. There were snowflakes designed on it in black and white. Her gorgeous hair was braided on each side that joined into a ponytail. She had also put some light pink coloured lipstick on her lips as well. Her eyelashes looked thicker thanks to the mascara.

"Oh my, thank you." The young mother replied as she kissed her son's cheek. "You might become a playboy when you grow up if you do that to any girl," Mei whispered beside his ears but Lei heard.

"Like his dad?" He asked smiling. He thought that he knew what type of person her husband was. Hence, he assumed everything he said about him was right.

"You're not allowed to talk about him." Mei glared at him coldly.

"Alright, alright." Lei shrugged. "I won't. I mean, I will try~ now let's get going." He declared as he stood up.

Mei nodded as they walked outside with her son holding her hand.

"Get in my car," Lei spoke as he approached his car.

Meanwhile, Mei and Xue had already entered Mei's car.

Lei glanced right, then left only to see them inside the blue BMW car.

Mei gave him a sigh to come and sit inside the car with her hand.

Lei sighed and walked towards the car. He opened to door of the seat beside Mei and sat.

"Why won't you take my car?" He asked raising an eyebrow, slightly pissed. Everyone wanted to ride in his car but she rather use her own!

"Because. I like to use what's mine then what isn't mine." She said with a grin on her lips as she drove, watching the front to not cause accident.

Lei gave up as he saw her smile. Her rosy lips looked so soft, he wanted to kiss her! But he held himself back. He knew he would just screw up everything if he did it now. He finally had the chance to go on a date with her!

"Mommy, I don't want to go to school!" Xue declared.

Mei pressed on the brake immediately after she heard that as the car stopped in an intense shocking way.

"Why?!" Mei asked with a trembling voice as she turned around. Her expression had became shaken as if she saw a ghost. "Are you sick?! Should I call the doctor?!" She got worked up and took off her seatbelt and hurried to open the car's door. Then, she opened the back seat door to check on her son.

"No, I'm ok, mommy! You're worrying too much." The kid poutingly said. "I know you love me too mu—" He stopped talking as his mother choked him into a tight hug.

"You know you're my everything. What will I do if I lose you too?" Her eyes were filled with tears as a few drops fell.


The cars behind honked their cars one by one.

Lei, who watched the scene was confused. He never saw a mother love her son so much. He couldn't even imagine himself saying that and his mother worrying like that when he was a kid. Now is a different case though...

"Get inside, I'll drive." Lei proposed as he switched seats and Mei sat beside Xue.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Mei asked the child again.

"Oh, mommy! I'm getting tired of repeating. Gimme a break~" he cutely begged her then giggled.

Mei grinned and kissed his cheek. "Alright."

"Where are we going?" Lei finally asked.

"Park attraction!" Xue yelled.

'Hehe~ I'll make you go through hell now.' The kid thought with an evil smirk on his face.

'I can already know what he's thinking. First, he ruins my chance to be alone with her. Now, he's trying to scare me? Dream on!' Lei chuckled. "Surely."

Mei didn't say anything because she is fine with wherever they go. After all, Xue is with them. It would be inappropriate if his mother goes on a date in a romantic place with another man. Mostly when he knows who his dad was.

-At the amusement park-

"Mommy, let's go on the big roller coaster." Xue pointed to the huge train that was rolling the train railway in different curves.

"Sure..." Mei hesitantly replied.

She might not like it, but she has acrophobia*.

(*meaning scared of height, and so on.)

Xiao Lei laid his hand on Mei's shoulder. The woman glared at him.

"Chill. I'm saying maybe you should stay if you're scared." He suggested with a bright smile.

"Who said I'm scared?! I'm not scared of a simple child's ride!" She yelled. She refused to show weakness to anyone. Hence, she ended up riding the roller coaster.

[Please put on your seat belts. Have a nice ride! The ride starts now!] A female voice announced to all the passengers inside that the train carried.

The train slowly went up the railway, then the speed increased while going down a curve.

"AHHHH!" Most people screamed, but Mei held back her voice as she closed her eyes tight.

Xiao Lei glanced at her from time to time. He put his hand on her eyes.

"What are you doing?!" Her voice was barely clear enough through all the screams.

"Shh. Just stay like that, you will be fine." Lei whispered beside her ear to make sure she heard because of the loud noises.

Mei's face flushed as the man could feet a little heat on his hand.

"You okay?" He asked caringly.

Mei only nodded without saying a word.

Xue glared at Lei who had the chance to be with his mother. He had to sit beside him since the train only had two seats per place and a child wanted him to sit beside him.

Lei glanced at the white-haired boy with a smirk.

The little boy didn't take it nicely. He thought Lei was trying to steal his mother from him.

'Hmph! Just you wait.'

Mei felt dizzy after a whole thirty minutes of the ride. She never went for a long time like this before. It was a first. But somehow, she enjoyed it.

'No way. It's because Xue said to go. It has nothing to do with this man.' she told herself over and over to refuse her heart skipped a bit for him at least for half a second.

"Oh, what's your name?" Lei asked. He had almost forgotten to ask her name.

"Chen Mei An," she coldly replied.

"Oh, meaning?" Lei questioned with a curious expression.

"It's..." Just as she was about to continue her reply, her heart froze. Again.


Inside the car, Mei and Rui were seating. Rui was driving towards a place, Li's mansion.

"What's your name again, by the way?" Rui asked her.

"Li Mei An" She replied with a faint voice.

"Hmm." He hummed become speaking again. "Meaning?" He glanced at her for a bit.

"Beautiful..." she said looking outside the car by the window.

-End of Flashback-


"Chen Mei?" Lei called her out tilting his head at the side.

The female came back to her senses and emotionlessly gazed at the blonde male in front of her sight.

'What am I doing?..' Mei wondered as she turned around walking away grabbing Xue's hand tightly.

"M-mommy. It hurts." the child struggled to get his hand free, but she didn't hear.

Mei stopped when a hand bigger and stronger than hers grabbed her hand. She turned around and saw Lei with an unhappy expression on his face.

"What?" She asked.

Lei shoved off her hand and freed Xue from her grip.

"Stop hurting the child. If you're mad, take it out on me. I think it's because I asked you something wrong, right? Why are you doing this to the son for who you will die? Or is it an act?" Lei spoke as he bent down rubbing Xue's hair gently.

Xue'er who had only his grandfather pat his hair enjoyed the feeling. He always wanted a father-like figure to appear, but the male after his mother only wanted her only or her wealth. 'He might be a good candidate.' The child thought.

Mei sighed and looked around regaining her emotions. The breeze made her eyes more watery then it was before.

"I... I'm sorry, Xue'er..." She was lost in words. She lost control, again.

"It's okay mommy..." the child muttered. "But... Why did you hurt me?" he showed his wrist that had turned red.

Mei gasped as she hurriedly grabbed his arm to kiss his wrist. As if the pain would disappear if she did so.

"Don't worry, I'm a man. It doesn't hurt that much." He proudly said as he kissed his mother's cheek. "I won't hate you for this." He laughed out playfully.

Mei sighed in relief. She would lose herself if she didn't have Xue. Now, she hurt him without even noticing.

'If Xiao Lei hadn't stopped me... I would have done worse. I need to control myself when I think of Rui. But this man... He keeps doing things that remind me of him the most!'

"Shall we continue our date?" Xiao Lei asked the mother and son with a smirk on his lips. "If it is one."