
First doesn’t mean last

It is said that first love is never forgotten, no matter what. Is it true? Chen Mei An, a young woman around 26 years old, came back from England to China with a child, to the country in which she was born. Will she be able to move on from the man who had helped her through her hardest time? Whom she was tied with from her childhood although she had forgotten? A place filled with memories she can never forget... Xiao Lei, spoilt boy from a young age. A renounced playboy in his city. A young man in his 23’s that had became a successful rich man. Ever since he lost his father, he changed. From sleeping with women and changing girlfriends like clothes to being cold with almost everyone. Will he be able to find true love? [Editing chapters at the moment for readers to understand and like the story better :3 ] {This is my first book, so read until the most recent chapters. The writing gets better with time! Thanks in advance.} [Credit to artist for the cover. Edit is by me.]

Moonyani · Teen
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32 Chs

At the nightclub

"Sir." Zhang Kai spoke as he knocked on Xiao Lei's office door before entering.

"Speak," Lei didn't glance at the man and kept typing on his laptop.

"It seems like the Sweet love company wants an investment in their new business." Kai scratched the back of his head nervously. Lei hated that group although there were very competent competitors, he always refused to cooperate with them.

"Alright, let's do it." He spoke, as he glanced up at Kai who flinched hearing his words.

"Excuse me?" Kai spoke, trying to confirm what he was just heard.

"I said, do it," Lei frowned as he hated to repeat himself. "Also, prepare to go to the club party tonight. There will be a great spectacle." Lei chuckled evilly.

'That's creepy. What in the world is he up to?' Kai thought quickly retiring from the cabin filled with an evil aura.

-At Chen mansion-

Meanwhile, Chen Mei was preparing a good outfit to go out. Her friends had invited her to a nightclub. They said it was where all rich people will attend tonight. Although she didn't care about rich people, she just wanted to meet her friends since they are all busy with their lives and have few times to meet.

"Mommy?" Chen Xue appeared in front of her bedroom. His face already showed his curiousness about what his mother was doing.

Mei chuckled. He looked so cute in her eyes. It was like seeing Chen Rui reborn...

"I'm going out tonight honey. So please be nice and don't be naughty around grandpa and grandma, okay?" She asked to make sure he listened to her.

Xue quickly ran inside the room and nodded.

"I'll be good, mommy. Just hurry back." He smiled brightly.

"Alright, alright." Mei patted her son's head and bent over to kiss his forehead.

-In front of the clubhouse-

Mei arrived driving her car and entered the parking lot. Her friends, Shui Zhen and Shui Mian were waiting next to their black sports car.

After parking her car, Mei got off her car and headed towards the couple.

She was wearing a black dress with black heels and violet earrings and a necklace.

Shui Zhen was wearing an ordinary red t-shirt which was quite unnatural for him to wear. His green eyes were covered with his sunglasses.

As for his wife, she was wearing a red dress matching her husband's. She had big round pink earrings. She was wearing her heels as well.

Shui Mian quickly walked towards Mei and wrapped her arms around her tightly.

"Sister!" She exclaimed happily just like a child would.

"You're acting like Chen Xue." Mei giggles as she held her in her arms.

"What about me?" Zhen appeared from behind with a soft smile on his lips.

"Nope! Sister is mine." Mian rolled her eyes and smirked.

"I belong to no one." Mei pulled of the hug and started working.

The three of them entered the nightclub that was filled with lights with people singing and dancing all over the place. There were tables where people were drinking alcohol to their heart's content as well.

"Wow, it's quite the party here." Shui Mian spoke as she looked around.

Shui Zhen simply wrapped his arm around Mian who flinched as she felt his touch on her bare shoulder.

"Who-" She halted as she looked up at her husband. "What are you doing?" she quickly shoved away from his hand from her shoulder with a flushed face.

"My, you look so cute right now." The man whispered against her ear.

"Ahem." Mei coughed, letting them know her presence.

The couple quickly retreated and Mian wrapped her arm around Mei's.

"Let's go, sister!" She tried to hide her red cheeks but Mei only smirked at the sight.

'How cute.' She thought while smiling as she walked towards a table.

"Ladies and gentlemen." A man in a black suit and pants came on the stage as the music stopped and everyone in the hall stopped dancing or drinking to glanced at the man talking.

"Welcome to the opening party for Sweet love's new product!" The man excitedly spoke as a woman walked up the stage. She had a long white dress until her knees and was wearing white earrings and a necklace.

The necklace looked like it was made of diamond. It was the shape of a heart and some round diamonds for the rest of the place. Her brown-haired was tied up into a bun so the neck was mostly exposed.

"This is the new product!" The man exclaimed as he took off the necklace and showed it to everyone. "It is made of pure diamond." The grey-haired man said with a bright smile. "I hope all of you will participate in the investment for this product so we can make more." The man finished as he bowed. "Thank you all for your attention."

The crowd clapped their hands as their eyes shone brightly from the sight of such a precious product. No one was ever seen such a shiny necklace, women or men.

'I want it.' It crossed all of their minds at least once while glancing at the necklace.

"We will put it in an auction." A male walked in the spotlight elegantly. He was the owner of Sweet love, Xu Cyan, a young man who liked to mess around with women often. But it didn't stop him from succeeding in his projects. He had brown-haired along with grey-blue eyes. He was wearing a white suit along with black pants.

"Let's start the auction." The grey-haired man spoke with a bright smile as he presented the glistening necklace on a black box on a table.

"What the heck?" Shui Zhen's expression changed as they started to change the main purpose of the party.

"Wasn't ur supposed to be only for investments and to get more investors? Why are they doing an auction?" Mian rolled her eyes as she started to get pissed.

"Heh~ An auction. How interesting. I wanna participate." Mei sneered as she glanced at the necklace.

'Hmm. Maybe my Xue'er's wife will like it. I'll win it for him and gift it later. I'm sure they will forever be grateful to me.' She chuckled evilly while thinking about it.

"Now let's start the price from 3 000 yuan*." The host clapped his hand in excitement.

(*3000 yuan is around 600 US dollars)

"Stop right there!" Xiao Lei yelled as he banged the door.

Every eye glanced towards him, a man who randomly came and ruined the auction? How could he? The sweet love company is very strong and they won't fall no matter what...

"Who dares?" Xu Cyan asked with a frown on his face. It was clear that he was extremely upset by Xiao Lei's sudden entrance.

Why did Xiao Lei stop the auction abruptly?

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