
Visions To Come

A great bird wrapped in golden flame; plummeting from the sky before it inevitably hit the ground. 

A great beast made of seemingly indestructible plates was pulled to the earth, and the hide it prided itself for was stripped from his very flesh. 

Their screams.

So visceral that they were almost tangible. So heartbreaking that they brought rivers to one's eyes. 

And yet, they had an echo to them that reverberated around in one's skull. 

Like they were coming from somewhere faraway. Perhaps another world. 

Or more accurately... the future. 


Yemaya and Yemaja awoke with a start at exactly the same moment. 

And their bedroom was... much more packed than it was just a couple of moments ago. 

Over thirty people live in the Tathamet manor at any given time, and all thirty had jammed themselves into the twins' bedroom when they heard them scream.