
The True Uma-Sarru Pt. 8

Abaddon used to be really big on energy drinks when he was still living on earth.

He worked like a madman just to keep himself afloat, and instead of sleeping properly like most would have expected him to do, he subsisted on energy drinks so that he could make time to read the light novels he liked and catchup on weekly music releases.

Since he turned 18, he must have only gotten an average of 3-4 hours of sleep

a night.

It was an utter miracle that he never dropped dead before he reached twenty.

Heart failure certainly should have taken him out before a mythical overlord did.

But instead, he continued his days subsisting on the turbulent rush that came whenever he ingested caffeine.

Eating a star was somewhat like that, only times 1,000.

It provided such an unreal burst of energy that he nearly jumped out of his scales.

And then… his body just exploded.