
The Tathamet Family

Apophis strode into the garden casually, but he looked a bit different from his past appearance. 

His hair that previously closely resembled his father's was now a deep, rich purple, and his formerly green eyes were now a bright red. 

Jutting out from the sides of his head were two long dark horns that seemed to be eerily similar yet different from a dragon's horns. 


"Son... what happened to you?"

"My baby boy has become even more handsome!" 

Apophis could not escape the smothering embrace of Lailah, and Helios used that moment to explain his great grandson's transformation. 

"Right... Since your son is made from your blood alone and not polluted by inferior DNA, he was also able to undergo a transmutation but he failed in his ascent to become a true dragon." 

Abaddon cleared his throat and tried to ensure that his words came out properly this time and weren't in Dovhazul.