
The Story of Malachi & Aubrey Saint

Nyx had already seen Abaddon a few times before in brief images. 

And though she had already known him to be handsome, she had underestimated just how much of an affect those looks of his would have on her. 

The extra pairs of arms didn't seem to bother her a single bit.

"This is... unexpected. I hadn't anticipated that the same creature I heard all the way in hades would be quite this charming... And the woman in your lap is just as appealing... Color me surprised." 

"He ain't that damn handsome! I look better than him by miles! 'Specially in my youth!"

Valerie: "..."

Asherah: "..."

Yesh: "..."

Nyx: "...*Snicker*"

Azrael: "Gulban... just be silent and let the adults talk, yea?"

"All of you can go bury your asses in the sun for all I care!"

Rolling his eyes, Abaddon reverted back to his normal state, complete with blood red hair and moving black tattoos.