
Sif Is Leaving?

The day started out a fairly normal one.

Abaddon awoke in bed to find most of the girls lying next to him still sleeping; exhausted from a night spent in an isolated bedroom.

Lailah especially was sleeping like she was dead to the world; as she ended up receiving the affections of the entire group as Abaddon had promised.

There wasn't a patch of her body below the neck that didn't have a bruise, bite, handprint, or a lipstick mark over it.

Abaddon finally shook off the last of his grogginess and realized that the only two of his wives who weren't in bed were Tatiana and Lillian.

Lillian had always been a bit of an early bird ever since she was a nanny, and the habit sort of stuck.

She was normally the first one out of bed and spent the morning playing with the children or in Straga's case, helping him get ready for school.