
Heads Will Roll

If there is one thing gods like more than drinking, hunting, sex with family members and or sex with the unwilling, it is holding council.

They can spend a maddening amount of time on it.

They sit around for months, if not years, bickering with each other over any minor or major point of contention.

And it looked like some of the gods were in for another round of that now.

In Svarga, Indra's home was once again being used to as a meeting hall with the Tridasha, or the thirty-three gods.

At the center of this debate were Indra and Indrani, who were still posing a unified front.

Indra held his wife protectively as he reaffirmed his same stance for the possible hundredth time.

"I will speak on this no more! Handing over my wife to that monster is never going to happen! She is not a chip that we might use to curry away favors and spare our own lives!"

Vayu: "But she is guilty…This decision will surely mark our end…"