
Fake Fathers & Real Fathers

After everything that he had heard today, Odin's threshold for patience had finally reached its end point.

But before he could lose his temper, Michael held up his hand to stop him in his tracks.

"Calm yourself, our termination of involvement comes with good reason."

"Then you better spit it out!"

"We are a liability." Michael took special care to emphasize that last word so that the gods could understand. 

"...In what way?"

Gabriel suddenly pointed outside, or more specifically, to the several million angels in the refugee camp. 

"Abaddon can... manipulate angels somehow. In heaven he took control of our brothers and sisters for several minutes and made them give he and his bride a concert. They don't even remember it happening."

Odin immediately looked alarmed as he stood up. "What!? And now you all are in my home!?"

"It's fine." Uriel dismissed with a wave of her hand. "He hasn't done anything to any of them at present."