
Bad Habits

In the wake of Abaddon's question, Ms. Summers scratched her cheek as she tried to think of a way to explain the situation in class.

"W-Well I wouldnt call it bullying per se… As I'm sure you may be aware, the prince is quite popular in school and attracts quite a lot of interest from his classmates..."

Valerie, heartbroken, put her head down on the table while Eris rubbed her back.

"He's always very kind and friendly to them, even going as far as to stop other instances of bullying whenever he sees it. I'm sure you could understand how that might cause certain feelings to… blossom."

Valerie created a rope out of thin air and Bekka discreetly took it away from her before she could hang herself.

"The reason I say that we're having some issues is because Prince Straga received some confessions last week."

Eris held Valerie tightly so that she couldn't do anything else to harm herself.