
A New Mythos Pt. 1

Luckily for Apophis, he didn't actually have to keep down what he'd eaten. 

Devouring Apep was more symbolic than anything. Once he put him in his gut even once then anything useful was transferred over without any lingering issue. 

But Apophis didn't know if what he'd just put himself through was worth it. 

Forget about the physical constraints his body was currently struggling under. This taste in his mouth was way worse than any of that. 

'Erm... Are you not feeling well?'

"That guy tasted like cheeks, Grandpa Yesh... And not the fun, clean kind."

*Sigh...* 'You are your father's son..'

Yesh cleaned up Apophis' vomit while he shrunk back down to normal size. 

The young man was busy wiping his mouth when Yesh suddenly handed him a bottle of some familiar pink medicine. 

"..." Apophis looked at it with pitiful eyes. 

'What? It's for your stomach.'

Apophis continued to stare at the bottle like a kicked dog.