
first college love

I was the girl going around the college always shy and keeping her head down, i had long blonde hair and glossy blue eyes i wore my black ripped denim skinny jeans as i walked around they clung tigtly to my waist and legs with my black cotton roomy hoddie always wearing the hood up. My art class started at 12:30pm i walked upstairs and into the classroom, i took my seat at the back left hand side corner i always sat quietly just working on my art piece. this day seemed diffrent i glanced at the doorway and all i saw was this tall dreamy red haired boy just standing there with so much confidence i never seen him around before so he must be new i thought to myself. He walked in and sat at my right i suddenly got butterflies and started to feel very aniouxs, i had never felt this way before i couldnt stop gawking at him i was no longer focused on my work. The tutor came in to start the lesson shawn said "right class we are doing potrait work today you need to draw something or someone thats important to you". i was still staring at this magnifient boy, he quickly turned his head and gazed at me with a bright beautiful smile i couldnt help but smile back. we made eye contact for about 20 mintues, i loved looking into his sweet lucious brown eyes . we both went back to working he then stopped and looked at me again but this time he looked like he was going to say something so i put my head up nervously and waited to see if he was gonna say anything. Then he said "whats your name and would you be able to help me with my piece". i took a moment to think about how charming his voice was then i responded insecurely with the words "my name is julie whats yours and yes i can help you" i got up and moved my chair closer to him as i sat right next to him i saw a twinkle in his eyes. i started to help him with his work then our hands touched the bell went as everyone left he stopped and said to me "my name is thomas can i speak to you for a moment". i looked scared

julie · Teen
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chapter 3: the murder

Thomas goes to leave I say in a nervous voice but also very sweetly "wait can you stay tonight". he responds confidently "yeh of course I can". I let him in we take our coats and bags off and I say " make yourself at home" he takes his shoes off and then we sit down on the cream fabric corner sofa i say "i will tell you more about that ex if you want me to" he responds with "yes i would love to here more about that so i know exactly ehat happened" i show him messages from my ex then i pull up a picture of him and say "thats the ex that harrases me and used to abuse me when I was dating him". He was shocked and didn't know what to say so he just hugged me in a caring and loving way, he looks at the piture and looks like he is thinking of something i dont question it though as I just love spending time with him . " do you want to watch a movie" I say he nods his head I put a movie on it was a horror movie called Annabell he puts his arm around me and hugs into me I rest my head on his chest listening to his heart beat as it was soothing to me and I felt so warm and soft just hugging into him I feel like I can be myself around him he just gives me this feeling I dont know how to explain it he then leans in for a kiss again I just couldn't help myself I love when he kisses me he puts both arms around me and starting kissing me on my lips as I do the same back it gets quite late we both have college in the morning we end up going to bed i let him sleep in my bed with me so we can cuddle up i seem to feel safer when he is around he makes me feel like no one will harm me he cuddles in to me with one arm under my head and the other one around ny waist warmly, lovingly and protectively as i drift off to sleep. he hears a noise outside he doesn't know if he should get up and check as he is enjoying hugging into me and he feels complete with me I don't know why but I feel the same but the noise starts to get louder and he gets more concerned he continues to try and ignore it but it just keeps getting louder its like someone is trying to break into my house he can't ignore it much more so because i am fast asleep he slowly and carefully moves his hand from around me trying not to wake me because i am peacefully sleeping unlike any other night i have nightmares the nightmares is usually about this ex coming back to get me some more but this night was different because i felt like that wouldn't happen i felt safe he was around as he slips away to the window he notices a dark shadow he recognises the dark person it was my ex trying to find away into my house he slips down to the back door because thats at the back of the house so it is less likely to wake me up his plan is to get my ex from behind so he carefully and sliently sneaks up behind him and slits his throats there is only a little bit of blood but thomas is covered in the rest of his blood then he grabs my exes dead body and drags it to a ditch throws the body in there and leaves it he quickly rushes back to mine before i wake up when he gets back he has spare clothes in his bag so he jumps in the shower puts fresh clothes on and disposes of his blood covered ones then jumps back in the bed to cuddle into me again and thinks to himself now she wll be safe from him and smiles a bit then he goes to sleep. the next morning rises and i wake up for college i turn and looked at him with a smile because of how cute he is and how safe he makes me feel i think to myself i wish he can stay every night i love having him around with me he wakes up and smiles at me them careingly gives me a kiss on my lips i kiss back showing i want him to stay with me at all times. we get up amd both get ready for college as we leave he takes my hand and holds it all the way there although he seems a wee bit off today i dont think anything of it because i am to happy and in love with him we get to college and we sign in there was a news article stating there was a dead body found i glanced at it but paid no attention becuase i was lost in his brown beautiful twinkling eyes we walk to class it was an unsual day for me i had no threating messages from my ex which i was over the moon with it we have been in class woking on our potraits again i then get a news updated on my phone saying that my ex was found dead in my garden i look at thomas with a concerend but happy look i was worried incase it was him and he would get into trouble but i was relieved that my ex was found dead which if it was him i would fall in love with him more than i already have. the bell goes thomas stops me after he seen the news article and says "i have to tell you something important". i look at him and ask "what is it". then i found out why he seemed off that day.