
The Power Of The Two Sons

Two Uchiha boys born at the same time from two noble Uchiha families. Renjiro and Ray were those two sons. Being born in the Uchiha clan already gave them a bright future, but they were different. As soon as they were born the sage of six paths paid them a visit. He gave Renjiro the yin half of his chakra, and gave Ray the yang half just before disappearing into the night. The sage needed to do this because Naruto had just died. Naruto died at the age of 117. That made him the longest living man. He died peacefully in the hospital in the room next to Renjiro and Ray. Since Naruto didn't have the seal on him Kurama was let loose. Kurama was angry at humans. Kurama was angry to see how easily they forgot about Naruto, and all he did for the world. Since the new uprising of the Uchiha clan they were mostly used in fighting Kurama. So they wanted the one of their own to have Kurama sealed in them. No matter what the junchuriki would be helping the village. Therefore the Hokage agreed, and one of Boruto's grandkids used the reaper death seal to seal the half of the nine-tailed fox in the sons of the highest ranked Uchiha. Those sons were Renjiro and Ray. Ray getting the yin half of Kurama, and Renjiro getting the yang half. These kids won't grow up is the same world as Naruto. Ninja are much stronger now, and the world is very different.