This story takes place after Naruto died at the age of 117. Instead of the world becoming advanced in technology they realized their powers were stronger than that. They regressed after Boruto back into a world similar to naruto, but definitely not the same world. Warning - Swearing/Violence
Renjiro: So you do all that. Then take over a mountain so that you can be alone? Shugo: AND YOUR DISTURBING THE PEACE! Nanami: You were tortured. That's so sad.
Shugo: That's it. It's time for you to leave.
An ice armor forms around Shugo. Giving him a sword with it.
Shugo: Whos first!
Nanami: ME! I'll go first.
Nanami runs in. Shugo takes out his blade and swings it at her. Nanami punches the blade and cracks the ice. Shugo goes in for a punch, and Nanami jumps over him. So that she can kick his side. Breaking a hole in the ice.
Shugo: You're strong, but you'll have to be able to break all the armor in 1 shot. His armor rebuilds itself in seconds.
Nanami(in head): Damn. If I can destroy his armor in one shot. Which I highly doubt. It will use all of my chakra. So how do I make my shot land.
Nanami runs in trying to get close, but Shugo swings on her. Which makes her have to jump back. She tries to run in and slide under him, but Shugo kicks her away. Nanami: damn I can't get close to him. No matter how hard I try. His defense is too good. How am I supposed to land this punch?
Renjiro: NANAMI!
She looks back at Renjiro.
Renjiro: You don't only have to throw 1 punch. Think, you got this.
Nanami(in head): He's right. I don't have to dodge until I can get one punch in. I just have to get that 1 powerful punch in.
Nanami runs straight at Shugo. Shugo gets ready to swing his sword at her, but Nanami kicks him back.
Shugo: New strategy?
As soon as he finishes his sentence she is already in front of him. She starts punching him a bunch. Then when he flinches she hits him with a punch that breaks all of his armor.
Nanami: Your turns guys.
She passes out.
Shugo: Dammit. I didn't think the little brat had it in her.
Renjiro: Now you don't have any defense, and from how well you put up with Nanami. You are terrible at taijutsu. 1 good combo and you're done.