This story takes place after Naruto died at the age of 117. Instead of the world becoming advanced in technology they realized their powers were stronger than that. They regressed after Boruto back into a world similar to naruto, but definitely not the same world. Warning - Swearing/Violence
Renjiro is walking around and finally finds his dad. His father stabs someone in the chest. Then punches a guy in the face, and takes his sword out of the guy he just stabbed. So that he can stab the guy he just punched in the face. Renjiro takes out his sword.
Renjiro: Hello father.
Renjiro's Father: Yes Renjiro?
Renjiro: You still refuse to call me son.
Renjiro's Father: You were never my son. You were the only disappointment. Ray has become my son.
Renjiro: Ray is weak.
Renjiro's Father: I only made fun of you because you were weak. It was never the reason I hated you. It was only a bonus.
Renjiro: I am going to kill you.
Renjiro's Father: Keep saying that. Even on your deathbed.
Renjiro runs into the battle. Their swords clash. Renjiro stares into his father's eyes.
Renjiro: You don't have sharingan.
Renjiro's Father: I didn't need it. I was that powerful! Too bad your not.
Renjiro jumps back and uses phoenix flower jutsu. Fireballs get sent at Renjiro's father. Renjiro's dad then tries to avoid them. He doesn't get hit by any of them, but then Renjiro grabs his legs from under the ground and pulls him into the ground. So that he can't move his arms or legs. Renjiro then hops out of the ground.
Renjiro: I practiced it just for you!
Renjiro slowly pushes his sword through his father's throat.
Renjiro's Father: RAY WILL-
Renjiro's sword started piercing his neck. His father coughs up blood, and dies.
Renjiro: I heard that I might need these
Renjiro rips out his father's eyes.
Renjiro: Rot in hell.
Renjiro spits on him. Then he sees Ray. Ray starts running away from the battlefield, and Renjiro starts following him.
Renjiro: Ray, stop running!
Ray: You gotta catch me!
Renjiro: Your such a waste of time.
Ray: I know!
Renjiro follows him for a while.
Renjiro: This is getting ridiculous Ray!
Ray: We are almost there!
Renjiro: I don't care. I want to talk to you before we get there!
Ray: That would take the fun out of it!
Renjiro: You know I killed my father, right?
Ray looks like he is about to say something, but holds it in.
Ray: Yeah, I know!
Ray stops in front of a waterfall. Then Ray poofs away.
Renjiro: Shit.
Ray shoots a fireball that blasts Renjiro off the cliff. Renjiro falls into the water at the bottom of the mountain. He starts to slowly sink.
Renjiro(in head): Haven't I been here before?
Renjiro is slowly sinking still.
Renjiro(in head): It always feels so comforting when I'm sinking. Even though I can't breathe. I just feel like sinking to the very bottom.
Renjiro hits the bottom of the water. Then starts floating up.
Renjiro(in head): I also remember that I had things to do. Just like now.
Renjiro starts swimming up to the surface.
Renjiro(in head): I have to stop Ray! He doesn't deserve to be able to get whatever he wants done. Shit, I am running out of breath.
Renjiro's movements starts to slow. Then Renjiro makes three clones that help bring him to the surface. He then finally gets out of the water and starts coughing. He then stands on the water with his chakra feet.
Ray walks down the mountain.
Renjiro: Now that I have had a way bigger disadvantage than you. Is it time to fight?
Ray starts laughing