
Clean up on aisle three!

I along with three other players had pistols, one of them was using the P250 and the another was using two Berettas, while this looked quite cool they weren't particularly practical.

The fourth member of the team was carrying a MAC-10, this was a short but thick fully automatic gun. Due to it's bulky size it was often mistaken for a sub-machine gun but it was in fact a pistol!

The final member of the team was the one who had suggested the server room, looking at his weapon astounded me.

'I thought I was suited to this map…'

He had a Benelli Nova, a pump action shotgun that was more often used in hunting than in combat. Despite this it was a remarkable gun, particularly in close combat.

As the countdown to the start of the game came on we all looked at each other before turning to face the side entrance of the building. Our spawn point was at the corner of what looked like a large warehouse.

A few hundred metres to our right was the main entrance to the building. It had reinforced windows and a large set of steel doors, it would take a couple of minutes just to break them open.

Directly ahead of us was a sturdy set of metal stairs leading to a fire escape, this would be our entrance.

When the countdown came to an end we all jogged towards this entrance, while we had been waiting for the countdown to end the other team had been given time to prepare their defence so we couldn't let ourselves be caught out in the open.

Shotgun guy lead the team up the stairs before turning to us and whispering "I'll break open the door, you guys get ready. As soon as I kick it open I'll throw in a flashbang, after that we need to rush forward and secure the room or we'll just end up stuck in this doorway."

I had to admit that this guy knew his stuff, he clearly understood the problems that could arise from hesitation. With this thought in mind I offered to take point "I'll go in first, you guys just follow me."

Having agreed on the plan we got ready, aiming his shotgun at the locking mechanism of the door our unofficial team leader took a breath to calm his nerves before pulling the trigger.

Boom! The door disintegrated under the power of his shotgun blast, quickly kicking the door open and throwing his flashbang in a second bang came from inside the room accompanied by a bright flash. As soon as I heard this second noise I rushed through the door, the Desert Eagle heavy in my hand.

I brought my aim up and pulled the trigger as I saw an enemy blindly stumbling into cover, the shot managed to clip his leg as he fell into a nearby room.

"One enemy, second door on the left, one leg hit." I called out the status of our first opponent to my teammates.

Seconds later a blast came from behind me as our shotgun wielding leader attempted to shoot through the thin interior wall. A cry quickly followed, apparently one of the shotgun shells hit our target. Shooting a couple more times we finally got confirmation of our kill as the enemy's name came up on the kill feed.

"One down… alright let's go, 5v4 we've got this!" our MAC-10 wielding teammate shouted.

He quickly rushed forward disregarding any safety, this was quickly punished as a high explosive grenade flew around the corner. The grenade exploded before he could even react, leaving behind a bloody mess in his place. Luckily the rest of us were still a fair distance away so we only got hit by the weakened shockwave and not the blast of heat. Even so the loud explosion and warm smell of blood it was enough to make you grimace, that was not a pleasant way to end your game.

I moved my focus from the burnt corpse to the badly damaged corner and muttered "He's probably retreated by now… even so let's take this slow, we've still got time."

I was right, only 3 minutes had passed since the beginning of the game, reaching the server room in that time would be easy. That being said the longer we took to reach the bombsite the more time the enemies had to focus their defence on that side of the building.

Shotgun guy took a final look at the corpse of our teammate before sighing and saying "Okay, let's move up but keep on your guard lads, we don't want to get caught out like that again."

We slowly approached the corner, clearing each room we passed one by one and slowed as we got close.

I stepped to the front of the group. "I'll check this corner, wait here for my signal."

Saying that I moved forward before crouching down and leaning past the edge of the corner.

The corridor ahead was empty, a single grenade pin lying on the floor was the only evidence of anyone ever being there.

"It's clear, he must have retreated."