
Firefly In Spider's Web

Vast opportunities, high economic abundance and center of global trademarks, today's richest city around the globe, Marlane City. However behind it's shimmering veil is the sinister shadows of underground blackmarket and it's kingpin Ares Yamazaki, rules it all. As the leader of Sunken Dragon Chinese Mafia, he holds everything on his palm. Wealth, power and authority plus a handsome face. But as they say, someone can't be perfect. He's a man with sick beliefs and an unhealthy obsession in wanting to be incontrol until one fateful night, a foreign girl suddenly messed him up. With the intention of violating her to death, he found himself drawn towards her instead. She introduced him to a variety of emotions he've never felt before, leaving him greedy for more. This is a chaotic romance story of a twisted psychopath. To love and to be loved. He'll do anything for her affection. Anything. ----- Hi! I'm Overdosed cat, just an amateur writer who's into yandere romance themed stories. This piece have a tons of restricted topics. You have been warned, okay? hehe Photo used as cover isn't mine credits to the rightful owner

OverdosedCat · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 4 : Lucky Day

WARNING : This novel may show usage of drugs, foul words, gory scenarios and sexual contents.

The cool breeze began to envelop the buzzling city of southern Marlane, indicating that autumn is just around the corner.

Unlike the uptown area, the south is it's retro part with old infrastructures, shrines and establishments nevertheless, businesses around here circulates well and still earns a considerable high amount of profit.

That's what Abigail observes as she sat on a bus on her way to work.

The Southside is popular to tourist who wants to experience Marlane's tranquil and vintage side, a great break from uptown's modernity.

As a matter of fact her friends blabbers about it too much back in her homeland and as soon as she escaped and realized it's Marlane she's been shipped to, her target route to hide was instantly the Southside.

Aside from the large proportion of foreign tourists, the transportation between hopping from streets to streets isn't a hassle and in addition, locals are friendlier and more approachable than the classy elites of uptown.

She applied as a shrine helper during the weekend, work as a staff in a convenience shop every Wednesday to Friday and a helper every night at the ramen house in order to save a fare to Philippine Embassy.

There must be one here and she's planning to hit an internet cafe once she got paid this weekend to check it's location.

That's the safest way to get home.

"Excuse me, miss."

Her trail of thoughts drifted away when a guy greeted her.

The bus is half full and she's sitting alone in the backseat when a guy in school uniform approached her.


She meekly replied and the boy's face suddenly turned red.

He insisted to ask her phone number while he constantly look at the front side of the vehicle where his peers are sneering and murmuring.

Abigail noticed the situation.

"You're being teased by your friends huh?"

The boy apologetically nodded and somehow shy to correct the foreigner's mandarin so he just grasped the idea she's implying.

Abigail plainly said that she don't own one before laughing awkwardly while opening her mini bag to let the boy confirm, she's not lying.

She's also hesitant whether to take it as a compliment or not, getting hit on by younger boys, well she may lack in height but she's already 20.

The bus halt and it's her cue to exit so she hopped off in the unloading station, just a few steps away from 24/7 mini mart when she saw a familiar face.

He's wearing a gray sweater paired with pants and boat shoes.

Unlike from the previous time she saw him, when his jacket's hood was covering his head, now she could see his straight mid-parted, neck-long hair.

The pervert ikemen from last, last night at the ramen shop.

'What are the odds? Huh?'

Abigail squints her eyes as if analyzing the current situation.

The man was about to enter the store when another one stopped him and...

'What! Are they kissing?'

She can't help but gasped at the public display of affection in broad daylight by these two ikemen!

Being a die hard yaoi fan, her eyes sparkled!

It's unbelievable how easily her judgemental behavior labeled him as a scum after just seeing him stare at the motel and the rubbing incident.

She felt ashamed of herself for a minute as she watches this loving couple.

Her day has been blessed.

When the scenario ended she finally move from standing around and rashly headed inside the store.

Catching a glimpse of the man which is busy rummaging in the snack section before shifting her eyes at Jia, her co-worker.


Spilling a smile at the girl on the counter as she passed and disappeared inside the staff room, after leaving her bag and cardigan at her locker, she put on a thin hair band covered with tiny pearl-like beads and readied to start her shift.

"Hey Abi..."

The tall sexy girl with thick wavy blonde hair who's chewing a gum while leaning her arms on the counter like a feline goddess statue gave her a meaningful look.

"Why? What's up Jia? Did something happened? Does the men you told me about who keeps bugging you came again?"

Abi worriedly assaulted her with questions.

Honestly, despite her bitchy fashion style and posse she observed that Jia is a conservative woman at heart.

"No, no that's not it! And for the record, if you only know how funny you sound like with your trying hard mandarin you'll die in laughter with me!"

She barely finished her sentence as she keeps chuckling before coughing and getting all serious.

"Uhm...anyway, you don't have a phone right? Our madame gave you this so I can contact you in case of emergencies."

Abi's eyes grew wide after Jia handed her a brand new phone.

"What? Wait then my salary-"

"No, she uhm said that you're very hardworking so she'll reward you with this."

The blonde nods her head while explaining.

"Anyway, I really have to go, take care okay?"

Abigail still got a bucket of unanswered queries but who cares? All she sees is the new phone she obtained with ease making her smile from ear to ear.

"I'm buying these."

Bags of snack crackers and canned beers were placed in the countertop after a low-toned voice spoke and when Abigail raised her head, it was him.

Their eyes locked for a moment before Abigail starts punching the items in a scanner.

Her day began with a pleasing energy thanks to him, it seems to attract good fortune so she radiates a happy mood.

"You're the waitress at the ramen house, right?"

"Yeah....hehe you remembered me sir."

"And you do too I suppose."

"Well, I got pretty good memory in recalling striking people."

The man paused for awhile before speaking again.

"Isn't that a roundabout way to say I'm handsome."

She chuckled briefly as she grabbed the receipt from the machine and placed it inside the plastic bag.

"Yeah. That would be 100 yuan, here you go sir."

Abigail had to lift her head to meet his gaze when he remained in front of her without touching his bought stuff.

"About the last time, I know I made you uncomfortable."

"Huh? No sir! don't think about it I know now that your preference is men and-"


"I accidentally saw you with your boyfriend awhile ago and really I'm simping. I got plenty of gay friends so I understand how you get all touchy sometimes so don't bother about it anymore. I'm really talkative aren't I?"

The man flashed a winsome smile, dazzling enough to stab her heart

and exorcise her soul before he walked out.

'Ugh I got knocked out.'

Abigail thought as her legs wobble for being defeated by what she call ikemen syndrome.

As her hands touched the countertop for support, her fingers grazed in an object and it's screen lit up.

"What? This must be his!"

She quickly ran after him but he vanished outside already.

How can he be such a klutz?

Heading back inside, Abigail ponders on a way to give it back when she noticed the amount of money he left, the tip is too ginormous!

She had to calm her greedy demon before getting back to work, hanging in cloud nine.

It's definitely her lucky day!

[End of Chapter 4]


Sup! still with me? more cheesy moments for Abigail and Ares in the next chaps ^^