

My breath hitched, her mismatched eyes meeting mine. Her golden cat eye matched the scarlet reaper’s eyes, her white hair brightening to match the various oranges and reds of my eyes. Bruises covered her skin, a defiant snarl curled on her determined face. Lowering my feet, something was about to happen. All four elements swirled in her broken soul, her immortality capturing my eyes. There was no way another immortal existed, my glass of water spilling the moment I leaned onto the table. Silent tears slid down her cheeks, her inky fingernails extending into claws. My cock stiffened at her five foot seven hourglass figure, my eyes tracing the diamond chain bikini as it draped over her flat stomach. Another desire brewed in me, something telling me to take her now. Whispering something in her ears, low growls rumbled in her throat. Shaking off her hot temper, she stood straight up. “I am Ellasandra and I am excellent at cooking and cleaning. I am the wife of your dreams. Besides, I am a virgin after all.” She chirped with a false smile, her thighs rubbing together. “I have prepared a dance for you. Please enjoy!” Pressing her palms together, a scarlet circle glowed underneath her. Every step of her seductive dance unlocked another gate, the audience none the wiser.

Yvette_Francaise · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter Seven: Ellie's Work


The weeks had been kind to us, our funds had grown sufficiently. Everyone in town loved Ellie, her bright smile never fading in front of them. Speaking of my fiery little kitten, she slumbered peacefully next to me. How on Earth did I land such an amazing woman? Stirring awake, she sat up. Her laughter twinkled in the air the moment I yanked her onto my chest, her real smile illuminating her features. Sitting up, the blanket dropped to expose her healthier weight. It had been a long journey to get to this level of health. Now full meals weren't a problem, her appetite now at a normal level. Color had returned to her cheeks, her finger tracing her curves. Leaning over me, her lips pressed against mine hungrily as she stroked my stiff cock. Arching towards her, a wave of euphoria crashed over me. Picking her up, she cried out in embarrassment as I hovered her clit over my face. Her dainty features caused my heart to flutter.

"Let me pleasure you." I growled huskily, wanting to take care of my little kitten. "Come on, you won't hurt me." Sitting on my face, her claws dug into the headboard the moment my lips sucked on her swollen clit. A feverish red painted her cheeks, loud purrs rumbled in her throat. Grinding her hips, my hands cupped her round ass cheeks. Rubbing them with my palm, a long meow poured from her lips. Climbing off of me, her hand covered her mouth. Shame dimmed her eyes, her eyes refusing to meet mine. Turning her back, she began to scratch the top of her hands. What was she scared of? Getting onto my haunches, she barely reacted to me pressing my firm chest against her back. Kissing the nape of her neck, her wet eyes met mine. How could trauma strip her of any self-esteem?

"I am sorry. I only do that when I am really excited." She apologized profusely, her fingers clutching her tail. "I understand if you w-" Sinking my fangs into her tender flesh, a short gasp escaped her lips. Drinking her sweet blood, my palms cupped her ample breasts. Letting out a satisfied sigh, I began to lick the blood off of the bite mark. What did she have to worry about? She was part cat demon after all and the fact that I made her purr made my day.

"Now why would I want to do that? I think it turned me on, Ellie." I whispered huskily in her ears, fresh tears welling up in her eyes. "Meow all you want, you naughty little kitten." Spinning her around, my lips brushed against every inch of her skin. Pinning her to the bed, her palms rubbed my chest. Shivering with pleasure at her touch, her tail tickled my abs. Pulling me close to her with her tail, her ears pinned back. Sliding me in with a sly grin, her legs curled around my waist. Pausing for a moment, her dainty features were all that I could focus on. The early morning sun bathed every ounce of perfection, her lips kissing mine roughly stealing me back to reality. Biting my bottom lips, my body trembled in her touch. Swinging our hips to the same rhythm, she rolled me underneath her. Leaning against my left leg, a gruff groan bounced off the walls as she sank onto me. Spinning her hips to the song in my head, her name kept flooding from my lips. She may have been a virgin but she sure was a fast learner. If she didn't slow down, my hot seed was going to fill her up too early. Moving my leg, she looked so hot on her hands and knees. Pressing her breasts against the bed, my nickname sounded like magic in the ears the moment I jammed myself in. Her hips danced with mine, our movements getting faster by the second. One more desire came across me, her laughter twinkling in the air the moment I sat on my haunches. Taking her with me, I slid my hands down to her hips. Damn, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

"Are you ready for some fun, little kitten?" I teased gruffly, her head nodding feverishly. Lifting her up and down, her arms curled around my neck. Cupping my face, our lips met in the hottest kiss we had ever given each other. Our tongues danced in each other's mouths, the flood in between her legs growing stronger. Unable to contain myself, her juices mixed with my hot seed. Releasing me from her spell, she collapsed into my arms. Laying back, I took her with me. Refusing to let her go, I wanted this moment to last forever. A knock interrupted the post sex haze, Ellie leaping off the bed. Tugging on her new barmaid dress, she played with the midnight black cotton. The skirt had been designed for her growing bump, the sweetheart neckline making me want to take her for a second time. Throwing me a fresh pair of pants, I tugged them up with a low growl rumbling in my throat. Catching my one of usual black wool blouses, she hovered by the door while waiting for me to finish. Shooting her a thumbs up, she fixed her wild hair. Opening the door, Flames came in with three black envelopes in his mouth. Hopping onto the bed, Ellie picked them up. Plopping down on the bed, her face fell. A snarl twitched on her lips, Flames stepping back a couple of feet to give her space. Their fighting had been particularly bad recently, her father seeming to keep another secret from her.

"Three in a day?" She whined bitterly, her eyes rolling. "Is this a pick up at each location and then we go? Why the heavy load?" Annoyance burned in Flames eyes, his paw resting on her hand. The relationship between them was strained, his poorly kept secret keeping the strings groaning from the tightness. Once again, I wondered if they were ever going to make up.

"It is that and you need to free a village from your brother's grasp." He informed her briskly, his tail twitching irritably. "You can make this home base with this. I already made this the home setting. Push the top button once and you are home." Dropping an onyx pocket watch, the crystal outside brushed against my skin. Playing with the watch, his paws slammed onto either side. Why has he been impatient as of late? The toll of it all had worn on both of them, a brewing tension poisoned the air between them.

"Stop playing with it. You will leave right now." He snapped hotly, rolling his eyes. "You really are a child at times. I have something else for you. I will be right back." Narrowing his eyes in his direction, the sight of a cat dragging in a leather case for her ax. Dropping it on her lap, she tucked her ax into the pocket. Strapping the leather around her right shoulder, her fingers curled around a new scarlet leather cloak. Throwing it around her shoulders, my heart fluttered at her leaping off the bed. Landing gracefully, we needed to leave Midnight behind for this. Watching her shove supplies into a medium sized satchel, her protest fell on deaf ears the moment I placed it over my shoulder. Hovering in the door, her warm voice called out to Vera. Bouncing up to her, Ellie crouched down to her level. Seeing their bond melted my heart, all of me wishing the situation wasn't so bad for all of us.

"I have to do something, my dear little pup." She explained with a sad smile, feeling around her boot. "I don't want to be without communication. Wag your little tail for this." Pressing a mirror into her palm, Vera's eyes welled up at the silver mirror resting in her palm. Tracing the simple edges, her hands clutching it close to her chest.

"Tap the glass three times. I promise to pick up no matter what." Ellie promised warmly, her arms yanking her into a warm embrace. "I love you, Vera. Be a good girl for your grandmother." Rising to her feet, she ruffled the top of her head right as my mother entered in with another one of her ruby robes floating around her body. Touched the three ladies' bond, it was almost as fire lily petals were floating behind them. Scooping up Vera, she spun her around. Laughter twinkled in the air, Flames clearing his throat. The two exchanged knowing glances, something didn't need to be said between them. At least they were getting along well, I told myself.

"Press the top once and call out Daemon's Pit." He ordered gently, Ellie yanking me closer to her. "I know we have some dark times in that place but we really need to help out." A numb look came over her eyes, her thumb trembling over the top. Embracing her from behind, her whole body shook violently in my arms. What had her shaken up? Was this one of the most traumatic places she had been?

"Daemon's Pit!" She called out shakily, pushing the button down. Dark ribbons swirled around us, our bedroom fading away to a flaming village. Sniffing the air, the brimstone told me that another dragon warrior had caused this. Summoning water, a wave crashed over the homes. The fires hissed out, a quiet hatred burned in Ellie's eyes. Clearing her throat, she pulled her ax from her back. Expanding into the scythe I knew, lightning crackled around her skin. Losing control of her powers was a bad sign, something eating at her.

"Come on out, Tiger!" She shouted venomously into the sky, blocking his blade. Wind knocked her back, water raining down over her. Skidding to a stop, their hair danced in the wild wind. Picking up on a second energy, my blade slid into my eager palms. Wild flames roared to life, my rival charged towards me. His icy blue hair fluttered in the wild wind, his navy eyes glistening with malice. His silver armor glistened in the early morning sun, his navy scaly blade spinning in his palm. Blue flames roared to life, ashes drifting like snow upon our violent impact. Of course my enemy had to show up. Our relationship didn't have to turn out this way but he had to try and be better than me at every turn.

"Who's the mate, Phoenix?" Azule taunted cruelly, the sound of Ellie crying out distracting me. Raising his blade over my head, there was no way I could dodge it. Pushing me out of the way, Ellie knocked me to the ground. Taking the hit on the handle of her scythe, the heel of her boot kicked him into the air. Pecking me on the cheeks, she popped to her feet. Charging back to her brother in his full suit of golden armor, even she knew she didn't stand a chance. Bouncing off his blade, her lightness on her feet was proving to be an advantage. Focusing on my fight, our blades clashed violently. His strength surpassed mine, a punch to my gut sending into crumbling remains. Bricks fell on top of my head, inky blood built in my throat. That bastard put all of his power into that punch, a couple of my organs had ruptured. Struggling to my feet, my dragon roared to life behind me. His dragon flew towards mine, the two looking like lights in the sky. Dodging each other's attack, Ellie was limping towards me. Her brother smashed his fist into her head, Ellie falling forward. Gripping the dirt, Azule flashed me a confused expression as I covered my eyes and mouth. Blowing the dirt into the air, her brother's harsh wind made the visibility worse. The cloud cleared, my wife was nowhere to be seen. Shock mixed with horror at her scythe slicing off Azule's head. Unlike me, Azule wasn't an immortal. The wound proved fatal, her hand capturing his soul. Sealing it shut into a clear ball, she tucked the ball into her boots. His body decayed to ash, tears welling up in my eyes. Landing in front of me, her tail twitched in between her legs. Her brother ran straight for her, her foot kicking up Azule's armor. My goodness, she was a clever little thing.

"Go get any survivors and get them out of here." She bellowed over the howling winds, my feet refusing to move. "I said go and please leave the dead bodies to me." Silent tears streamed down her cheeks, their weapons clashing with a new vigor. Running deeper into the town, Flames ran next to me. Listening to her would be the best thing to do right now, my hand lingering on hers for a second.

"She sent me to help you." He shouted over the chaos, gentle weeps shaking his tiny body. "Let's get the people out of here. This isn't going to look great." Helping injured civilians from the rubble, we marched past the two balls of light that were my wife and her brother. Pausing at the edge of the town, Flames looked back at me. Watching my hair blow around, nothing needed to be said.

"Take them further away!" I ordered with a bright smile, Flames' brow cocking in response. "I have to go help your daughter." Bounding back towards town, a busted Ellie rolled to my feet. Cuts covered her body, my wounds finally starting to heal. Unable to move, his brother marched towards her. Leaping over her, my left fist met his face. Too shocked to respond, my flames built around my fists. Kicking his blade out of his hand, something made him pause. Who was he talking to?

"Yes, sir." He uttered simply, nodding his head. "This isn't over." Disappearing in a flash of bright light, Ellie sat up. A curious expression rested on her face, her fingers drumming on her knees. Placing her palm on the ground, an orange glow repaired the buildings back to their former glory. Brick buildings lined the streets, a stream of inky blood flowing from her nose. Struggling to her feet, a crippling depression haunted her features. Following her into each and every building, her hands would end up catching ten souls. Stepping out of the last building, the dirt crunched as she went back to drag out the burnt remains. The people returned, the whole thing looked bad. Shouting at her to leave them alone, her voice caused them to stop the yelling. Why must people hate reapers so much? They did the work that none of us could do and yet they had no respect for it all.

"I didn't burn your loves one, you fucking idiots!" She returned bitterly, laying the last one down. "I can't save them but I can make them demons with faces again. After that I am going to deliver their souls. Stop it with the slurs and physical abuse that you give to reapers. We are only trying to do the best we can. Our whole village got burnt by your kind, yet that isn't enough! Let me do my work." Hovering her hands over their faces, the crispy outside crumbled away to reveal the dead family members. The families rushed past her, not one person thanking her. How ungrateful? People really should thank her but here we are again.

"I am sorry for your loss." She sighed softly, no one paying attention over the sobbing. "Bless this land with the reaper's kiss." Kissing her palm, she touched the ground. A fiery dome hummed to life, all eyes falling on her. Hiking out of town, she sat down on the nearest rock. Dusting off their cruelty to her, an oak door appeared in front of her. The way they treated her was eating at her, her hand lingering on the handle in the shakiest manner.

"Can Fireboy come or am I suffering alone?" She queried impatiently, taking out the souls. "I don't want to be al-" Flames hopped onto her shoulder, his rough tongue licking her face. He had a way of coming through when she really needed him, my heart wishing that I had that type of relationship with my father. The balls of light turned to the dead people in the center of the village, all of them waiting patiently for her to take them to the next step. Opening up the envelopes, the names matched the people floating in front of us. Azule sulked in the back, his arms folding across his chest. Guilt ate at me for his death but she probably viewed it as a necessity. To be truthful, his name had been on the card. Everyone knew that meant you were done and no amount of bargaining would get you anywhere.

"I don't see why not. Give me a second." He caved in with a dejected smile, sliding me a black pendant. "We like to call that a visitor's pass. I am only allowing it once since your friend is with us. Do you understand?" Dropping it over my neck, Ellie cleared her throat. Smiling softly to herself, my heart fluttered. What was she doing to me?

"All right folks, we will walk through the door and get on a canoe. Please take your seat and don't try to jump out, 'kay?" She explained to everyone with the brightest smile, holding the door for everyone. Stepping through, Azule hung back with me. Waiting patiently for him, apprehension showed in his face. Leaning forward, her hair fell off of her shoulder. Something needed to be said between warriors, his respect showing in his silence as he spoke.

"I can't kill you twice but you were going to kill my husband." She commented lightly, his eyes rolling. "Now is your only option. People do reunite with your friends and fam-" Marching through the door with a huff, she motioned for me to come in. Stepping through, childlike wonder brightened my eyes. The other souls stared numbly ahead, all of them unsure of what to say to each other. Closing the door behind her, it was gone. Taking a seat in the back with me, Azule kept scratching at his lap. Taking her place in the front, my breath hitched at the serene expression on her face. Placing the tip of her scythe into the hole, the eyes glowed to life. This job made her happy, the final deliverance of souls always seeming to have a soft spot in her heart.

"Why did I have to get into this situation?" Azule growled darkly to himself, his hand running through her hair. "I am sorry for attacking you for all of these years. Tiger is salvageable by the way. He is being controlled by the real demon king. I just thought you should know." Dipping his hand into the foggy water, his words peaked my attention. Watching him play with the surface of the water, half me thinking that it was a lie.

"Is that so?" I mused curiously, stroking my chin. "Tell me one thing. Did you attack me for the same reason?" Nodding his head, he stared ahead at my beautiful wife. Answering their questions with a warm smile, she couldn't be more gorgeous than at this moment. The questions dissolved into funny stories, laughter echoing in the air. Azule tapped his foot incessantly, distress showing on his face. Nudging his shoulders, a busted smile met mine. Holding her bump, pride swelled in my chest. She was carrying my child, his remark snapped me back to reality.

"You made a little flame thrower, didn't you?" He teased playfully, his crooked grin telling me that he was going to be okay. "Don't worry about me. I died when I was supposed to. I am going to miss sparring with you all the time." Silent tears stained my cheeks, my mind wondering how the hell she could be so calm right now. Alas, it was her job to carry them peacefully. Pulling up to the dock, she popped out with her scythe in her hand. Helping them out, they filed into a white door. Azule paused in front of her, his hands taking hers. Jealousy flashed in my eyes, commonsense shaking it off.

"Thank you for freeing me from my curse." He gushed with a deep scarlet blush, my throat clearing. "I hope to never see you again." Bowing in her direction, he walked through the door. Taking a deep breath she hopped back on as the envelopes went up in smoke. Getting back on with tears flowing from her eyes, violent sobs wracked her body. Walking up to the front, the canoe began its journey back. Embracing her from behind, my chin rested on her head. Holding her bump, it was clear all she needed was me at the moment. If being held is all I needed then I vow to be her rock for all of eternity.