
Firearms in a Fantasy World

Emperor Gabella: The Imperial Legion dominates wherever it treads on land. Orc Chieftain: Our tribal warriors each fight as if they're worth ten. Elven King of the Emerald Realm: Our forest rangers' arrows never miss their mark. President of the Angle Bay Alliance: Our fleet unquestionably reigns over the seas. Mysterious Organization: The prophesied era will inevitably dawn. Paul Grayman: I'm not singling anyone out, but everyone here is beneath contempt. Embark on a journey to crush the lower planes with the might of firearms and cannons...

CinderTL · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Shark Caught in the Net 2


Translator: Cinder Translations




As Schroder escorted Shark and his gang back to the port, Paul Grayman was verifying the identities of the Lichman Adventuring Party.


Several local residents of Frand Port were summoned, including the mayor's granddaughter, Susan.


"So, this barely conscious old man is indeed the mayor here."


"Yes, my lord," the townspeople answered cautiously, hardly daring to meet the lord's gaze.


Their eyes turned to Susan, who was sobbing quietly beside her grandfather. It was truly pitiful—she had lost her parents at a young age and relied solely on her grandfather. If the old man couldn't make it through this ordeal, what would become of her?


Paul looked at Susan. "Young lady, are those adventurers who claimed to come to rescue your grandfather really the ones you invited?"


Susan raised her head to look at the lord, then immediately lowered it again, staring at her grandfather coldly. "Yes, my lord."


Strange, does this girl have something against me? Paul found it very odd. He had noticed Susan's look earlier—a look of resentment and disdain. Coupled with her tone, anyone would feel uncomfortable being treated like that for no apparent reason.


"What's your name, Susan, right? I sympathize with what your grandfather has been through. Is there anything I can do to help you?"


This time, Susan didn't even raise her head and replied coldly again, "There's nothing you can help with, my lord. Just fulfill your duties as lord and don't hide in the castle the next time pirates come to bully us."


Victor, recently promoted to captain of the internal guard, stood beside Paul. Upon hearing Susan talk back to his lord like that, he drew his sword in a flash and shouted, "Outrageous!"


The other townspeople were frightened and quickly knelt down, pleading, "My lord, Miss Susan is young and doesn't understand. Besides, her grandfather is so badly hurt, she's too saddened. Please calm down and show mercy!"


Unexpectedly, the girl was provoked by Victor's "outrage." She turned around abruptly, raised her voice with a hint of crying, and shouted at Paul:


"My grandfather has been tortured like this, and where were you all this time? Do you know how many people lost their life savings during this time, how many women were violated, how many who dared to resist were killed? You nobles, do you know? All you do is hide in your high castle, drinking and reveling. Have you ever cared about the lives of your subjects? If the pirates didn't intend to stay here long-term, would you have come?"


After venting, the girl burst into tears.


The townspeople dared not plead anymore, lying prostrate on the ground, fearing that they might incur the lord's wrath.


Victor looked at the Earl, waiting for his command. As long as the Earl agreed, this girl was doomed. Insulting a noble was a serious offense, though Victor himself felt a great deal of sympathy for her.


Paul waved his hand, ordering Victor to put away his weapon. He walked up to Susan, reached out as if to pat her shoulder, but halfway through, he slowly put his arm down.


"I understand how you feel right now. A few months ago, my father also died at the hands of pirates, precisely those of the Shark Gang that lurks in Frand Port." There was evident pain in his words.


The girl was slightly startled, ceasing her tears.


The other townspeople suddenly understood. They had been wondering how their lord had suddenly turned into a teenager. It turned out the old lord had been killed by pirates. Shark hadn't been foolish enough to brag worldwide about killing a noble, so almost no one in Frand Port knew about this.


The lord continued, "As for why I only came to deal with the pirates so late, it's not something that can be explained in a few words. My forces were too weak before; I had to gather strength and wait for the right moment. Anyway, I apologize..."


A hush fell over the hall.


Whether soldiers or commoners, everyone was stunned to hear their noble apologize. It was unheard of!


Little Susan turned to look at Paul, her eyes wide open. Just moments ago, she had thought she was doomed after speaking out so boldly. Now, unexpectedly, fate had granted her this opportunity. And... his own family had also been killed by those damned pirates.


The boy, only a few years older than herself, spoke with newfound determination, "However, your request not to hide in the castle anymore, I swear I will fulfill that."


"Not just against pirates, but anyone who dares to bully my people."


Paul silently added in his heart.




The members of the Lichman Adventuring Party, temporarily held in the basement, were released.


Dean with blue hair and Kay with yellow punk hair looked relieved, thanking Paul one after another.


Meru rubbed her wrists, sore and painful from the ropes, secretly complaining, "Those two men are fine, but we ladies were treated so rudely. These Northern folks are so barbaric."


According to the inquiries, this Lichman Adventuring Party wasn't from the Kingdom of Rorman but from the independent Principality of Messiah in the South. No wonder these people looked at him with less awe than others.


In some economically developed city-states and independent territories in the South, the gap between nobles and commoners wasn't as large as in the Northern countries, though "not as large" was relative.


He didn't intend to make things difficult for these people. Arbitrarily punishing citizens of another country might stir up diplomatic troubles for himself for no reason.


At this moment, a soldier came in to report, "Lord Earl, Shark has been captured by Lieutenant Colonel Schroder and has been brought to the church gate."


"Oh? Quickly, bring the old knight in and bring the prisoner up."


Soon, Schroder and others escorted Shark and his men into the church.


"Sir Earl, the pirate leader Shark and his accomplices have been caught. These pirates indeed abandoned their comrades and tried to escape quietly from the sea."


The old knight looked disdainful and briefly recounted the battle.


Shark and his lackeys were tied up, with Shark, wounded on his leg, groaning on the ground.


"It's him, sir. He's Shark, the pirate leader. Sir, please kill him and do justice for us!"


The townspeople in the hall pointed and identified.


Suddenly, Shark rallied, shouting loudly, "Lord Grayman, I know the location of Edward's secret treasure. As long as you spare my life, I'll tell you where it is! I was wrong about your father's death. Spare my life, and I'll be your dog. I'll bite whoever you want me to!"


Hmph! Trying to grasp at a straw at the last moment of death. Never mind that Shark was his "father's killer." Even if he spared him for money, it would tarnish his reputation if word got out.


This treasure was most likely fabricated on the spot. Could Shark's little gang really know about Edward's riches? Even if Shark did know, why hadn't he gone to get it himself? Did he really need to fight desperately against the Grayman family's army here?


Paul ordered, "Lock these bastards up in the basement first. Tomorrow, I will convene a public trial."


He didn't want to believe a single word from this pirate leader.


(End of Chapter)