
Firearms in a Fantasy World

Emperor Gabella: The Imperial Legion dominates wherever it treads on land. Orc Chieftain: Our tribal warriors each fight as if they're worth ten. Elven King of the Emerald Realm: Our forest rangers' arrows never miss their mark. President of the Angle Bay Alliance: Our fleet unquestionably reigns over the seas. Mysterious Organization: The prophesied era will inevitably dawn. Paul Grayman: I'm not singling anyone out, but everyone here is beneath contempt. Embark on a journey to crush the lower planes with the might of firearms and cannons...

CinderTL · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Not Going Back


Translator: Cinder Translations




Paul Grayman convened the military and political high-level personnel of his territory, where Malon reiterated the specific events at the meeting, leaving everyone present outraged at the treachery of the traitors.


He then explained his plan to announce to the entire northwest realm after autumn arrived, exposing the conspiracies of those traitors and mobilizing troops to Byerldin.


Ford, the steward, suggested, "Shouldn't we first appeal to the Duke of the Northwest and let him judge the right and wrong of Byerldin?"


Oh? There's also this option. However, Paul wouldn't adopt it. Leaving aside whether the Duke of the Northwest is fair or not, if someone else resolves it, what concern is it of Paul Grayman's for Byerldin's coal and iron mines?


"With this back-and-forth, who knows how long it will drag on? Shall we allow those traitors to continue enjoying themselves for a while longer?" Paul disagreed with this proposal.


Old Ford was a bit worried, "But, my lord, the Duke is after all the largest vassal on the kingdom's northwest territory. If we act without his consent, won't it provoke his displeasure?"


Paul looked indifferent, "We are not vassals of the Duke of the Northwest. If I'm not mistaken, since the founding of the kingdom, the Grayman and Ganad families have always been direct vassals of His Majesty the King. Our titles were granted by the King himself, so we don't need outsiders to meddle."


Seeing the lord so firm, Ford didn't say anything more.


"From now on, all affairs within the territory will make way for the autumn campaign. Cecil should try to discern the truth about the enemy, the staff department should draft operational plans, and there should be contingency plans for any possible scenarios. The logistics department should prepare ample supplies, and the equipment department should expedite the production of muskets and cannons, aiming to equip a battalion of musketeers before the war begins."


The meeting concluded with these resolutions.




Several days later, a celebration was held at the Alden Town Lord's Mansion to mark the 15th birthday of Earl Paul. Apart from Malon Gannad, none of the invited guests attended, although some families sent gifts and birthday wishes. Paul didn't mind and enjoyed a hearty meal with his subordinates and Malon.


After the birthday, envoys from Byerldin came to fetch Malon back. Paul and Malon naturally refused, "Your Earl enjoys his time here in Alden Town very much. He will stay with me for some time longer."


The envoy's face showed a hint of panic as he looked at Malon and said, "Please, Earl, consider carefully. The piles of official documents in the Lord's Mansion are overwhelming. Without the Earl, the staff below doesn't know how to handle them."


"Ah, nonsense! I can go to hell with those 'official documents' of yours!" Malon almost blurted out, feeling enraged at having been manipulated for so long.


After the death of Old Grayman, seeing how his father had provoked "heaven's wrath and people's grievances" during his lifetime, Malon was determined to be a diligent and outstanding lord, satisfying both upper and lower levels, and redeeming the Gannad family's image in Byerldin. Whatever the people suggested he do, he would try his best to accomplish it.


Due to his father offending the church, on Ankiro's recommendation, he made substantial donations to the church and prayed in the church for two hours every day. Due to his father's intention to "publicly own land," on Viscount Abbot's suggestion, he significantly reduced the taxes the landlords had to pay. Due to his father's desire to abolish noble privileges, on the advice of Steward Miles, he granted more fiefdoms to his vassals to win back their loyalty.


As everything in the territory "returned to normal," the once tumultuous Byerldin, as Ankiro and others put it, finally began to prosper again under their father's management. However, the consequence of this "prosperity" was the increasing burden of governance. The Lord's Mansion had piles of documents awaiting his signature every day, heaps of reports for his review, and stacks of legal files awaiting his scrutiny.


Ankiro and others said a good lord should handle every detail, large and small, within the territory. He followed their advice diligently. Although it seemed the paperwork would never end and there was no longer time for leisurely outings as before, he felt fulfilled. Whenever his vassals reported on how much new farmland had been added or how many new shops had opened, he felt immensely happy.


It wasn't until that evening, overhearing Ankiro and the steward talking, that he realized he had been sidelined. Those tedious documents and reports were just fabricated to deceive him. His enthusiastic efforts were seen by others as being a puppet, a fool, and soon to be disposed of.


He was angry, regretful. But by then, the soldiers loyal to him were already far away. Now he realized this was all part of the traitors' conspiracy. When Malon finally found some rare free time to stroll outside, he discovered unwittingly that the private soldiers of the traitors had already taken control of the entire Buteya.


There were still a few personal guards left in the Lord's Mansion, but what good were they in such a situation? Reflecting on the series of personnel adjustments previously overseen by the steward, he reckoned there were probably only a few left who were truly loyal to Ganard Family.


How had he not noticed this earlier? Acting on Paul's advice, Malon restrained himself, calmly telling the messenger with a friendly demeanor, "Let Ankiro and the others handle those documents for now. I grant them that authority."


"This..." The messenger seemed to want to persuade him further.


Malon adopted the demeanor befitting a lord and was on the verge of losing his temper. "Hmm? What's this? Are you going against your lord's will?"


The messenger was frightened and quickly apologized, hastily taking his leave.


Several vassals of Buteya panicked upon learning Malon wouldn't return. Abbot immediately accused Ankiro, "See! Look what you've done! That lad must have sensed something!"


Ankiro pretended to remain calm. "Why panic? The boy has been cooped up at home for so long. Suddenly allowed to visit a friend's house for a few days, it's normal to want to stay longer!"


After saying this, he seemed to convince even himself. Nevertheless, he continued, "Even if he doesn't return for a long time, we'll lead troops to Alden for him. Externally, we'll claim the Grayman family's lad attempted to seize Byerldin's minerals, inviting his blood-brother to a feast pretextually imprisoning him in Lake Town. With Grayman's connections in the northwest, how many would come to help them?"


"You lot, return to your own territories and recruit soldiers for training quickly. If Malon doesn't return by autumn, we'll go and abduct him."


The two barons nodded in agreement, while Viscount Abbot wore a reluctant expression. But now, he had no better option and had to acquiesce to Ankiro's plan. He muttered, "If only you hadn't let him go, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Then he left in a huff.


Ankiro watched Abbot's departing figure, his face showing mixed emotions.


(End of the Chapter)