
The melon is ripe

Baily walked to the ground and saw the situation in the ground today, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide, his face was full of shock and amazement, he could hardly believe his eyes.

He could hardly believe his eyes. He saw that the whole field was lush green with ripe cucumbers, and every one of them was large and brightly colored.

The cucumbers were all ripe!

Baily reached out and wiped his eyes, and found that he was not wrong, his heart was also a touch of wild joy!

You grandfather, I thought that even with the addition of the promotion agent, it would take at least two or three days to ripen, but I didn't know that all these cucumbers had ripened in just one day!

Although all these beauty cucumbers are ripe, but whether the specific beauty effect, Baily's heart is not the bottom, he thought, we have to go to find someone to try it first.

After all, Freya is always exposed to the sun, although she usually pays attention to maintenance, her skin is not as good as those of Delia or Diana, who never do hard work in the city.

Freya was busy packing up her things in the house. When she saw Baily coming, her face was happy and she said softly, "Baily, why are you here so early? Do you need anything to buy?"

Baily said with a smile on his face, "Sister Freya, I'm not here to buy anything today, I'm here to give you a good thing."

Freya's face was surprised: "A gift for me?"

Immediately, she saw the two round and full cucumbers in Baily's hand, and blushed, and said, "This brat, why did you give yourself cucumbers?

Look at the two cucumbers, not only bright color, and the size of each one is much larger than the ordinary cucumber, this kind of cucumber is rare.

She stared at the cucumber for a while, looked up to see the faint smile on Baily's face, can not help but face became more red, no good white Baily glance: "Baily, how do you send sister this thing miles, although ... your two cucumbers is more than the ordinary to ... to be so much bigger ... but that what ... hey, really ashamed."

See Freya lowered eyebrows, that a pair of big eyes watery, full of shyness, Baily can not help but froze, Freya sister this is what? It's just a gift of a cucumber.

But then, he was also a sudden reaction, can not help but "poof! A laugh came out, went to the kiosk, and touched Freya's bulge, jokingly said: "Sister Freya, my cucumber is different from other people's ordinary cucumbers."

Freya red face spat: "Cucumber is cucumber, which is different, how much bigger, but not as big as ... than ..."

Baily was completely happy, laughed, held Freya's cheeks and gave her a kiss, then opened his mouth to explain: "Sister Freya, I'm just kidding with you, I didn't give you a cucumber for you to do that, it's for you to eat."

"For me to eat?"

Freya time is also ashamed of the face full of red, no good white Baily glance, said: "then why do not you say clearly, really ... how you specially come to send sister this thing ah, sister home also bought a lot of vegetables miles, to you these two cucumbers do what. "

Baily smilingly said: "Freya sister, I this cucumber and ordinary cucumber is different, eat this cucumber, can beauty."

Freya stared, a strange face: "Baily, how such a cucumber can still beauty?"

Baily laughed and didn't say much, took Freya's hand and went inside, washed the cucumber, broke half of it and handed it to Freya: "Sister Freya, you'll know when you taste it, how can I lie to you."

Hearing Baily say so, Freya also looked puzzled, opened her mouth and took a bite of the cucumber.

After the cucumber, Baily was staring at Freya's face, and after a few moments, he opened his mouth in amazement!

After eating the cucumber, Freya's face immediately changed immediately, Freya usually often go to town to buy goods, the wind and sun, the skin is the kind of healthy wheat, but at this moment, after eating the cucumber, her beautiful face immediately became white.

This change is completely visible to the naked eye, and even Baily, who had been mentally prepared, was astonished that the cucumber's beauty effect was so good.

His heart is also can not help but rejoice.

Your grandfather, beauty cucumber has such amazing effect, still worried about selling? If this fucking dragged to the city and town to sell, those town women will not grab crazy to go?

Freya saw the surprised expression on Baily's face and thought something was wrong with her face, so she hastily covered her face and ran to the toilet and looked in the mirror.

"Baily, you cucumber how so amazing, just a bite of my face became so good-looking!"

Freya washed her face, and her white and moist face looked extraordinarily beautiful. She was touched and went to Baily and asked softly, "Baily, these cucumbers must be very expensive, where did you buy them? This cucumber is still untouched, you take it back and return it, Sister also do not need ..."

Baily could not help but shake his head: "Sister Freya, these cucumbers are not bought by me, they are planted by me, in addition to these there are many more in the ground."

Freya heart can't help but be surprised, looked at the two cucumbers in Baily's hands, opened his mouth: "Baily, if you take these cucumbers to town ..." Freya these years to buy and sell goods, the business together also has some experience. The business opportunities in these face cucumbers where she still can not see.

Baily is also smiling and nodding: "Sister Freya, it looks like I'm going to be rich."

When she saw Baily's smiling face, Freya was moved by the thought that Baily would come to her as soon as he had something good to offer, and when she felt his strong love for her, the long-standing feelings in her heart gradually began to ferment.

She reached out to hold Baily's big hand and said in a delicate voice, "Baily, you are so kind." While she said that, one hand gradually went down and grabbed Baily's big cargo, laughing lightly, "Sister's mouth above is fed, but this mouth below is still hungry."

The nostrils of Freya's moving fragrance, looking at her very delicate appearance, Baily's heart is also gradually a trace of strange feelings, the big goods began to gradually raise the head, a hand is also towards the eyes have been lost Freya bulging place to explore.

The hot body touches together, both of them are intoxicated.
