
Fire Mage

John Browning, a former underworld assassin, went to his friend Angele's wedding party but ended up meeting his former colleagues. Before he could think that the whole wedding ceremony was a setup to catch him, he felt dizzy all of a sudden! At that moment, he knew that his lifelong friend had already betrayed him and sold him out. John was humiliated in front of hundreds of people and was forced to kneel in front of Thomas, the underworld assassin organization leader. Within a few minutes, they beat him brutally, dragged him to some underground basement, and then locked him in a gloomy room. John felt bitter when thinking about his friend's betrayal. He laid on the cold floor for two days and died miserably. But his story didn't end there. … In a world filled with magic and mystic powers, John Browning woke up in an 18-year-old boy's body. Before he could open his eyes and see his current situation, he felt someone was dragging his body. 'How am I still alive?' He got puzzled inside. But after a few seconds, John learned from the young boy's remanent memories that he was transmigrated to a mystical fantasy game-like world filled with magic and mystic powers! [Author's Note: The Mc will take some time to walk on the path of a fire mage due to less information about the world. So, don't get mad at me guys. If you feel anything wrong with the story, feel free to give me a review or comment. I will try my best and correct it. Have a happy reading!] ... If someone wants to contact me, you can send a request to my Instagram account or just send a mail. Contact via: akauthor02@gmail.com Discord: https: https://discord.gg/mYwPPbs6 Instagram Id: https://www.instagram.com/akauthor02/?hl=en Cover Pic credit: RafaelMousob

Ak02 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
751 Chs


Chapter 8: Execution

June 7th, Year 6396, Second Arcane Era.

Iron Prison, Riverdale City, Arc Kingdom.

It was around 11 A.M.

A sense of despair hung heavily inside the dimly lit confines of a lonely prison cell. Within this grim setting, an 18-year-old youth lay sprawled upon the icy cold floor, lost in the depths of a profound slumber. The room offered no comfort, only an unyielding sense of isolation. Clad in a tightly fitting black shirt and pants, the young inmate appeared lean and thin.

Short, defined eyebrows adorned his face, framing a pair of eyes hidden from view, concealed within the depths of his peaceful repose. A fleshy nose dominated his features, adding a hint of softness to an otherwise hardened countenance. His most striking feature, however, was his short deep-blue hair, a vibrant hue that stood out starkly against his olive complexion.

He was none other than John Browning, aka Charles Nightwind. (A/N: From here onwards, I'll use MC's name as Charles.)

After the surrender, the security guards brought him to the Iron Prison and locked him inside a most secure prison cell. Charles didn't mind their rough treatment, though. The security officer Noah even gave him some dry bread and told him to enjoy his last night in the cold prison.

While he was sleeping comfortably, the whole of Riverdale City, filled with more than 60,000 people, was shocked by Charles's cruel action!

Not even a single incident like this occurred in Riverdale City during the past two decades, causing sensational news everywhere!

The honorable City Lord, Ethan Walker, was deeply saddened by his action and announced to the Riverdale City citizens that he would personally execute him for his crimes on June 8th Morning at the Execution Platform.

The whole town began to gossip about what had happened in El Street.

Some neighboring citizens even exaggerated the incident and gave him the 'Serial Killer' Title.

Some even stated that he conspired with Wicked Church's followers and killed those 14 citizens to do a blood sacrificial ceremony. Although a few defended him, their words reached no one's ears.

Unaware of the outside news, Charles rested for 4 hours without any worry and woke up upon hearing the nearby prisoners' shouts.

He groaned, sat up with a tired face, and noticed his muscles were aching severely.

He glanced around the gloomy prison cell and shifted his attention to his current situation.

'I've already chosen the [Apprentice Fire Mage] Class and became a Mage Class Mystic. So, as long as I reveal my magic identity, I'll be released by the security guard. But that's just the start of my journey. To level up further, I need tons of experience points. The best way to grow quicker is by becoming an Explorer. But that will put Eve in danger… I will stay in this Riverdale City and gather more information about this magical world. Also, one thing that worries me is the Nightwind family. I have limited information about them.' He shook his head and shifted his attention to the game interface.

'I still have 196 Exp remaining.' He thought momentarily and assigned 150 Exp to [Apprentice Fire Mage] Class.

[150 Exp deducted from the Host.]

[You have leveled up!]

[You became a Level 2 Apprentice Fire Mage!]

[2 Free Attribute points rewarded!]

[+1 Wisdom obtained!]

[10 skill points rewarded]

'Hmm, two free attribute points, huh? Should I add it to my Wisdom attribute? No, it won't help me in this current situation. I should use these points and increase my Dexterity and Strength. Once I increase my body to a certain level, I will put all the free attributes into wisdom. At that time, I will find a way to learn the mysterious 'Language' and construct more spell models.' At this moment, John decided not to construct any more spell models in his mind and thought of improving his physical strength.

His body was too weak after all.

Even an average human could kill him with a slap. Although he could still use his skills and class spells to achieve extraordinary feats, he didn't dare take risks. As for magic? He still didn't know much about the spells and needed much information.

'Moreover, whenever I level up the Main Class, the system gives me an extra wisdom attribute.' Muttering to himself, he added one attribute to "Dexterity" and another to "Strength."

After that, he added ten skill points to the [Inspect] skill.

[Name: Charles Nightwind

Race: Human

Rank: 1 (Common)

Class: Level 2 Apprentice Fire Mage (0/225)

Sub-class: Level 3 Trickster (0/337)

Title: Serial Killer (- 20 Percent Favorability of Riverdale Citizens)

Health Points: 71/71

Exp: 46


Strength- 10+1= 11

Dexterity- 11+1= 12

Constitution- 11

Wisdom-12+1 = 13

Charisma- 12

SP (Skill Points): 0

AP (Attribute points): 0

Class spells:

Fire Wings

Sub-class skills:

Trickster's hand- 20

Clown- 20

Sixth Sense- 50

Unique skills:


Conceal- 50

Dark Vision- 44

Intermediate Dagger Arts- 50

Inspect- 40]

'I'm a Serial Killer, huh?' John chuckled inwardly, closed his eyes, and shifted his attention toward his body.

'Hmm, I can feel a strange power. Wait. I'm feeling an itchy sensation. Hmm? An invisible power is strengthening my body?' His jade eyes shone in the gloomy prison as he opened his eyes.

Then, he also checked his wisdom power and vaguely noticed that he could construct two more spell models.

'But I don't have any exp points. Moreover, I lack common knowledge about magic. Before getting more information about the spell model, wisdom power, and the magic spells, I must refrain from constructing spell models and save more Exps.' He muttered with a solemn look.

Then, he shifted his gaze towards the [Trickster's Hand] skill and decided to check it out.

Upon activating his newfound ability, Charles witnessed a peculiar phenomenon unfolding. An ethereal, unseen strand materialized from his outstretched finger, extending outward until it reached a distance of three meters, where it abruptly halted. A sense of astonishment overcame him as he realized that this mysterious string obeyed his mental commands, enabling him to manipulate objects at his will.

With deliberate focus, he directed the invisible strand toward a small stone resting on the floor, expertly coiling it around the object. Determined, he attempted to lift the pebble-sized stone from its stationary position. Within seconds, the stone gracefully detached from the ground, levitating effortlessly in front of his face. The astonishing display left him both exhilarated and curious, fueling a growing sense of intrigue and the desire to explore the full potential of his extraordinary ability.


With a nod of determination, Charles rose from the frigid floor, his body stiff from the discomfort of his surroundings. Purposefully, he made his way towards the imposing Iron Gate, each step a testament to his resolve. Arriving at the mortise-type locker, he extended his hand and firmly pressed his palm against the cold metal surface.

Harnessing the power of the invisible string, he directed its ethereal string toward the keyhole, guiding it with precision and focus. He sought to unlock the mechanism that held him captive with delicate movements. Time seemed to stand still as he remained in this position, engrossed in his task. Minutes turned into moments, and a subtle shift in expression graced his face – a faint smile, the harbinger of triumph.

In a swift and seamless motion, a resounding metallic click resonated through the desolate prison hallway, shattering the silence that had enveloped the space.

"Unlocked." A smile crept on his face.

But he didn't try to escape, though. Instead, he continued to use his [Trickster's Hand] skill and locked the door.

Charles didn't waste a moment for the next few hours and continuously practiced this skill.


The following day dawned, and a formidable squad of well-equipped soldiers clad in brown uniforms entered the confines of his prison cell. With purposeful efficiency, they secured his hands in handcuffs.

Escorted by the soldiers, he was led out of the grim Iron Prison, situated close to the City Lord's opulent mansion. The squad positioned themselves behind him, their commanding presence asserting their authority, and directed him to take the lead.

Charles obediently followed their orders, stepping out of the Iron Prison and setting foot on the rugged dirt road before him. As he walked, a profound silence enveloped him, his footsteps echoing faintly against the desolate surroundings.

As he approached the main road, his gaze fell upon a tumultuous sight that unfolded before him. Tens of thousands of enraged citizens lined the streets, their collective voices reverberating through Riverdale City. Shouts of anger, accompanied by resounding slogans, filled the air, signifying the magnitude of their outrage.

The City was engulfed in a sea of fervor and discontent as thousands stood at the roadside, eagerly awaiting the procession of the accused. They yearned for a glimpse of the criminal who had allegedly claimed over 50 lives, fueling the frenzy of rumors that now surrounded his name. Amid the chaos, wild exaggerations ran rampant, cementing his reputation as a notorious killer. Some even proclaimed to have witnessed his murderous acts against the impoverished residents of the slums, insisting that they had repeatedly reported these incidents to the authorities for two harrowing years.

'Someone is fueling the fire. But for what purpose?' A frown appeared on his face.

As he walked further on the main road, the Riverdale citizens threw stones, slippers, rotten fruits, and numerous other things at him while cursing vulgarly.

Despite the vehement hostility directed towards him, an unexpected sense of amusement welled up within Charles. A wry smile played upon his lips as he listened to the insults and shouts that reverberated through the air. To him, their vitriol reflected their ignorance, a display of the crowd's collective foolishness.

Shaking his head in mild disbelief, he continued along the main road, his pace steady and unwavering. As he walked, he was drawn to a landmark in the distance, the City's road junction. At this crucial intersection, the elevated Execution platform stood, a chilling symbol of judgment and finality. Its presence loomed ahead, a reminder of the fate that awaited him and the gravity of his crimes.

In that poignant moment, Ethan Walker stood firmly upon the somber execution platform, his countenance marked by solemnity and determination. Clasped firmly in his right hand, he wielded a broad sword, its gleaming blade reflecting.

Ethan's weathered face bore the traces of time, exhibiting a ruggedness that hinted at his experience and maturity. His features, seemingly etched with the passage of years, conveyed an age that fell within the realm of forties. Draped in a black surcoat, a garment that symbolized the gravity of his role, he stood as the embodiment of justice in that solemn space.

Short black hair adorned his head, lending a touch of simplicity to his appearance. Rounded eyebrows framed his unwavering gaze, while the amber eyes beneath them exuded a sense of unwavering resolve. His nose bridge cast a shadow upon his face, adding a touch of mystery to his presence.

He was there to execute the serial killer and complete the execution ceremony!

Meanwhile, Charles silently ascended the straight staircase leading him closer to the execution platform. His footsteps echoed faintly as he steadily advanced, his focus unwavering.

As he reached the platform, Noah joined him, accompanied by a small contingent of security guards. The group of guards trailed closely behind him, their purpose aligned with the imminent execution about to take place.

A sly grin curled upon his lips as Noah maliciously struck out, launching a treacherous kick at Charles from behind.

Caught off guard by the sudden assault, Charles's equilibrium faltered, causing him to lose his balance. In a moment of instability, he stumbled awkwardly, his limbs failing to support him, causing him to fall conspicuously before the gaze of the vast multitude assembled. Tens of thousands of eyes bore witness to his vulnerable and undignified state.

But he didn't fall, though.

In a display of extraordinary agility and grace, Charles seamlessly transitioned into an unconventional dance-like motion. He regained his balance with fluid movements, defying the force that sought to bring him down.

At that moment, a smile crept on his face.

Defying the constraints that bound him, Charles raised his cuffed hands, stretching them wide resolutely. In a symbolic gesture akin to breaking the chains of captivity, he emitted a sharp clanging noise using only his mouth, capturing the attention of all those present.

To the astonishment of onlookers, a miraculous transformation took place. The cuffs that once secured his hands vanished before their eyes, leaving his wrists unshackled and free.

A collective gasp swept through the crowd as they realized there were no restraints to be found. The cuffs had inexplicably disappeared as if they were never there in the first place.

The whole crowd was stunned by his performance!

In response to the unfolding events, Charles, seizing the opportunity to captivate the audience, nodded in acknowledgment. With a flourish akin to a charismatic showman unveiling a grand treasure, he thrust out his hands, inviting the attention and curiosity of those gathered.

Initially perplexed by the unexpected turn of events, the citizens experienced a momentary confusion that quickly gave way to widened eyes filled with astonishment. Their bewilderment grew as they struggled to comprehend the spectacle before them.

Even Ethan Walker, the esteemed figure overseeing the proceedings, was caught off guard by the abrupt and perplexing change. Intrigued by the sudden shift in circumstances, he instinctively turned his gaze towards the area where the grand prize was to be revealed, seeking clarity.

In that pivotal moment, all eyes were drawn to a black-haired officer who stood before them, dressed in a distinguished brown uniform. The officer's expression mirrored the confusion and puzzlement shared by the crowd as he examined his cuffed hands, seemingly at a loss to explain the inexplicable turn of events.

On the other hand, Charles turned his gaze toward the handcuffed officer and greeted him.

"Found you, little informer."

[100 Exp rewarded for finding the informer!]

Charles's smile widened as he saw the notification and nodded pleasantly.

He was suspicious of Noah as he saw him at the Life Church entrance.

"H-How?!- What nonsense are you spouting?" Noah flustered for a second and argued angrily.

"Hehe, stubborn, aren't you?" Charles chuckled and walked closer to Noah.

Meanwhile, Ethan Walker frowned and was about to intervene but stopped.

At that moment, he heard a familiar voice in his head.


His gaze swept past the large crowd and soon landed on the white-robed man.

The next instant, a surprise flashed on his face.

'Bishop Reynolds, why are you stopping me?' He asked coldly in his mind.

'Don't intervene. Watch the show, Ethan.' Reynolds replied calmly and turned his attention towards Charles.

Under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of citizens, Charles gripped Noah's collar and dragged him toward the front.

He then kicked his knee and made him kneel on the execution platform.

After that, he unsheathed Noah's long sword from his waist and placed it above Noah's nape.

At that moment, everyone who stood near Charles felt a chilling sensation.

Even Ethan was startled by his bloodlust and became surprised.

'Only a guy who reaped hundreds of people would give this type of aura.' He was astonished inside.

"Are you the one who spied on us all this time?" Charles's voice turned colder.

Meanwhile, Noah got frightened by the sudden change and looked to the City Lord for help.

But to his worst luck, the City Lord watched his reaction indifferently.

'What the hell?!' Noah went pale as he saw the City Lord's reaction and shouted in a hurry.

"W-Wait! I'm not your enemy. I'm just an informer!"

Charles was pleased by his response and continued to ask.

"Then, who is your employer?"

Noah trembled as he heard his question and replied while gritting his teeth.

"I don't know his name. But he is from the royal capital and is also a powerful mage. He might be one of the Royal Mages." Noah's words surprised him.

'A mage, huh? It's troublesome, indeed.' He nodded inwardly and spoke.

"That's more than enough."

He abruptly raised the long sword with unwavering purpose in a swift and unforeseen motion. With lightning speed, the blade sliced through the air, aimed directly at Noah's exposed neck.

The onlookers barely had time to register the unfolding spectacle as the long sword traced a trail of motion so rapid that it appeared as a blur. In an instant, Noah's head was cleanly severed from his body.

Noah's head toppled from its former resting place with a gruesome detachment, landing with a sickening thud upon the unforgiving execution platform. As it collided with the hard surface, a crimson spray of scarlet blood erupted, drenching the surroundings in a macabre display.

The shocking act sent ripples of horror and disbelief through the crowd, freezing them in a collective state of shock.

[Target Eliminated! 21 Battle Exp Obtained!]

Even Ethan became shocked by John's cruelty and gripped his broadsword in anger.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of citizens screamed in shock and panic.

Nobody, including Bishop Reynolds, expected Charles's daring action and got stunned.

"Why did you kill him?" Ethan pointed his broadsword at him and bellowed in anger.

Wiping the scarlet blood from his face, Charles turned his cold gaze toward Ethan and asked,

"Ethan, I will ask you a single question. Answer me properly. Is your City safer for a commoner to stay?"

"Arrogant brat! Who do you think you are?! Do you dare to call a dignified noble without any respect? Atrocious! I shall execute you and clean this arrogant behavior with your blood!" Ethan bellowed violently and sprinted towards Charles at a fast speed!

'Wow, this guy sure is from a noble family. I should use this as an opportunity and get something in return.'

A sly smirk curled upon Charles's lips as he reveled in his triumph. In a calculated gesture, he snapped his fingers, setting off a chain reaction that defied the laws of nature.

In the blink of an eye, two majestic wings of scorching crimson materialized behind Charles, their radiant heat permeating the air in all directions. Waves of intense warmth pulsed outward, carrying magical energy that left those nearby in awe.

Sensing an inexplicable connection to the fiery wings, Charles recognized them as an extension of himself. Empowered by this newfound manifestation, he focused his thoughts and forcefully flapped the wings with a resolute determination, propelling himself forward.

Just as Evans's broadsword threatened to pierce through Charles, he ascended rapidly, soaring towards the sky with astonishing speed. With precise control, he halted his ascent at approximately 10 meters, casting a chilling gaze upon the onlookers below.

'It's time for a small play.' The corner of his lips went upward.

For a second, nobody moved an inch.

Even Ethan became shocked by the sudden change of scene and became unsettled.

Although he was a dignified noble, his title wasn't worthy in front of an apprentice mage's title.

It was not that apprentice mages were stronger than Rank-3 swordsmen or anything like that. It was just that apprentice mages were scarce and highly valued by nobles. If an apprentice mage had a high affinity for magic, they might even be able to become a Royal Mage within a few years.

If the kingdom's royalty or the Sun Church were to discover this incident, it would cause him many problems. Ethan might even become an enemy of the Sun Church in the future.

Fire Mages were Sun Church's pillars and precious treasures!

Although the person in front of him was just a young teen, killing him now would bring a lot more trouble for him in the future.

"Now, I will ask you once again, Ethan Walker. Is your City safe for a commoner to stay?"

Ethan narrowed his eyes for a second and soon nodded.

"My city is safer."

"Is that so? But my mom and I were kidnapped in this same Riverdale City two days ago. Before the kidnapping incident, my mom even asked your security office for protection. But not only did your irresponsible lackeys deny her request, they even called her delusional. Because of your lackeys' ignorance, my mother remains bedridden in the Life Church. If not for our Honorable Bishop Reynolds's precious '1000 gold coin Life Potion,' I would have lost my mother today."

Bishop Reynolds almost coughed up a mouthful of blood as he heard those words.

'500! I gave that potion for only 500 gold coins! Why did you double it?! F*ck!' He glared at the damned Charles and gritted his teeth in anger.

Simultaneously, Bishop Reynolds felt glares from every direction and became slightly flustered.

Meanwhile, John calmly stared at Ethan from above and continued,

"But the show didn't end there. When I went home to get the money, some sneaky black-cloaked assassins entered my house and tried to assassinate me. I had to kill the assassins to defend this poor me from being kidnapped again. I acted out of self-defense. But your security officer humiliated me in front of the Life Church entrance! He arrested me for killing a bunch of assassins. And you, a dignified Noble, agreed to his suggestion to execute me and organized an execution ceremony like a dumb fool." His cold voice echoed through the whole City.

The whole platform went dead silent!

'If you are a mage, why show it now in front of everyone? If he had revealed his mage identity a little before, he could've easily escaped. This young man...' At that moment, Ethan realized this situation was under this young man's control from the beginning.

After a few seconds of silence, Ethan looked up at the crimson-winged human and asked coldly,

"What do you want?"

A pleased smile appeared on Charles's face.

He was waiting for such a question!

"Because of your men's fault, I lost 1,000 Gold coins. So, you have to compensate me. I'm a noble and forgiving person. You guys put me in jail and were about to execute me. If I were a normal classless man, I would lie there instead of Noah. You guys ruined my reputation-"

"What do you want?" Ethan glared at Charles and asked impatiently.

"I just want the library token." Charles flapped his wings slowly as he landed on the execution platform and spoke in a solemn tone,

"You see, I'm interested in learning more about the past histories, important ruins, artifacts, and other important incidents. Although I became a Fire Mage due to forced circumstances, I'm still an archaeological student in the heart, after all. And I'm a poor citizen with no money to apply for future studies." He added shamelessly.

'This token should be enough for me to understand more about this world. If I ask this guy in secret, there is no way he would agree to it. I wouldn't be surprised if he attempted to kill me. But now, he has to think twice. Nobles care for reputation and honor above all. So, I will be safe for the next few days. That is more than enough for me.' He thought inwardly.