
Fire God's Journey

This book is about a young boy named Zen who is given a celestial stone from the Fire God and ventures in a journey to the heavenly realm to ascend and become the new Fire God

Roxas318 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 : Town In Trouble

The scene begins in a lush green forest some distance away from the Windermere village. Zen and Valerie are traveling to the Alberon kingdom in order to search for Valerie's father Martin who suddenly went missing. It has been five days since their journey began and no the find themselves nearing a small town in the forest path.

Hey Valerie how long till the next town. I mean we have been walking for a while.

Well you're gonna need to hold on because it'll be another day before we get to the milestone town.

Aww man. Well I think we should cover more distance before night arrives so that the trip will be shorter when we wake up.

Yeah that's a good idea, and besides we're almost out of food. The food you hunted only lasted us five days so tonight the rations may be small I hope it'll be alright.

Don't worry I won't nag, anyway let's talk about the town we're getting into.

Okay. As I mentioned before the town we are heading to is called the Milestone Town and from what my dad once it's a town that majors in selling fruits, vegetables and sea food imported from the Alberon kingdom.

Yeah that's good and all but whats that gonna when we don't even have money to buy any supplies.

Zen I can tell it's your first time going on a trip isn't it. I took money from counter before we even left for an event just like this .

Wow talk about coming prepared. Sorry for doubting you.

No problem now lets move.

Zen and Valerie continued advancing towards the Milestone Town. The sun began setting after a while, so Zen went to go gather firewood to light up a camp fire. While Valerie prepared the food to cook. Valerie quickly prepared the food and awaited Zen to return so that she could begin cooking. After a while Zen returned with the firewood.

What took you so long Zen?

Sorry about that while I was gathering wood I decided to practice using the sword you gave me so that I would be fully prepared should we be attacked by bandits or monsters. Guess I must have lost track of time heck the only reason I saw that I was late is because the sky started getting darker.

Oh yeah?


Well next time just tell me so that I can give you space to do your thing instead of nagging you all the time.

Okay I promise I'll tell you when I'm gonna train.

Alright well here's your dinner.

Thanks. Mmm delicious as always. Your cooking is the best Valerie.

Hmhm. Yeah you tell me that all the time, anyway we'd better get some sleep we have some distance to cover.

The next day the two continued their journey at the break of dawn. They continued for a while until they started seeing buildings, they knew that they were close but as they approached they saw that something was not right.

What's up with the town.

Wait Valerie something doesn't seem right, wait here.

Zen went to go check the town and quickly returned to Valerie.

It's a fire.


The town is on fire, quickly we have to go help.

Wait you're serious! Let's get into the town maybe we can find some buckets and help put out the fire.


The two quickly ran into the town and the scene they saw terrified them. The town was under attack by lava hounds.

Lava hounds! That doesn't make sense those are normally found near volcanoes,so what are they doing here.

Zen does that really matter right now I mean look at the situation right now.

You're right. I'll try and fight them, you go find any town folk you can and evacuate them.


Valerie then dashed off in search of any town folk. Meanwhile Zen began charging his fire abilities now that Valerie was away. He constructed a firey aura around his body then he clenched his sword and began to fight the hounds. Zen found the battle difficult because he has only used his abilities for training only and has never used them in a real fight. After a while Valerie returned.So Zen quickly disabled his aura which gave him a major disadvantage against the enemy, but he was holding on.

Valerie what are you doing back here so soon.

Well it's like this. The town folk had a great hall to hide in for situations like this and due to destruction debris fell in front of the hall entrance, trapping the people inside. I finding a way to clear out the debris by the entrance then a huge gust of wind blew out of nowhere and cleared out the debris. I then guided the people out of the town. Luckily everyone was at the great hall so it made evacuation easier and quicker.

Alright that's good to hear but now you need to get out of here it's too dangerous.

No I'm not leaving you, come let's go together.

I can't I need to defeated these hounds before they completely destroy this town.

While they were talking a hound managed to sneak behind Valerie.

Valerie look out!

It was too late the hound was already going to kill Valerie but then as the hit was about to connect a huge gust of wind blew the hound away.

Need some help?

Valerie and Zen looked back as they saw a mysterious boy who seemed to be controlling the winds.

Who are you?

Does that matter right now? Let's first deal with these monsters. Miss I suggest you get out of here things are gonna get dangerous.

He's right Valerie just go I'll catch up to you when I'm done with these things.

Okay Zen but promise me you come back okay.

Okay I promise

You two done with your little chit chat? Look miss I promise I'll keep your friend safe just go.

All right.

Valerie then leaves the scene, only Zen and the mysterious boy remain.

Your name is Zen right?

Yeah it is and you are?

My name storm nice to meet ya. So Zen you gonna use your now.

Wait how did you know?

Saw your fight when I arrived. I would've come sooner but I had to go clear out that debris blocking that building where the evacuees were.

Oh I see.

I'm guessing your friend doesn't know about your special abilities which is why you disabled your aura, am I right?

Yeah you're right but now is not the time.

Yeah let's finish off these bastards first.

Zen and Storm then began dealing damage to the hounds. The fought and fought and after a combination attack the remaining hounds were defeated. The two were now tired and breath hard.

Wow not some bad fighting there Zen.

You too, but you clearly have more experience than me in this matter, but thanks you really saved me out of a tough spot there.

Hey no worries anyway I better get you back to your friend before she gets worried.

Zen and Storm then head to where the evacuees were stationed,Valerie then approached them.

Zen you're back, thank goodness. I was worried sick you know.

Hey miss, told you I'd get him back to you.

Thank you, oh um what's your name.

Oh I'm Storm. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too, I'm Valerie and thanks again for bringing back Zen like you said you would.

Anyway what happens now. I mean we still have to go.

Come on Zen I think we should stay and help with repairs for a bit.

You two heading off somewhere?

Yeah we're headed for the Alberton kingdom.

Oh why didn't you say so I just came back from there I can totally guide you guys there.

Wait but what about the town folk, they need help rebuilding.

Oh don't worry about that.

Storm preforms a special whistle and calls in a messenger bird. He then writes a note and gives it to the bird to go deliver it back to the Alberon kingdom.

Was that a messanger bird. What message did you send.

Oh I just told them to bring in some construction workers to help fix the town. Well we'd better get going.

Before they left the town folk gave a portion of their supplies to the gang as as a grateful gesture for what they did today.

Hey Zen here. Drink up.

What's this?

It's healing potion. It should get you back I tip top shape.


Zen then drinks the potion and all his injuries and fatigue suddenly disappear.

Wow this is amazing, where did you even get these.

From a market place in the kingdom but I'll tell you that info for some info of my own like what are you guys doing.

Well since we'll be traveling together we'll have plenty of time to tell each other secrets

The three of them then departed from the town and continued on their trip towards the Alberon Kingdom.