
Fire divinity

It is the year 2050 and dungeons have been appearing all over the world and as all chaos ensues people start gaining supernatural powers these powers have different tiers from F to S tier and all types of powers 1 person Danny Larson gets a S tier Fire ability Can he end dungeons from appearing or will the monsters kill everyone???

TrickSplended_55 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Danny Larson

Danny L. is a Kid with spiky brown hair, Blue eyes, White skin and overall a good person, He is fascinated with hunters and dungeons as they are extremely popular and can earn you great money and power

It was his 15nth birthday aswell which is when most people gain their element, He hoped to manipulate air as he really wanted to fly

As his alarm clock ringed he said

Da: 5 minutes........ Wait its my 15nth birthday


He got up quickly and ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower

once he was done he changed and went downstairs and greeted his parents

His mom was a B tier Wind manipulater named

Sasha L. and his dad a A tier Lightning manipulater named William L.

His mom had short red hair as it got hard to fly with Long air she had a soft and caring personality but could easily become a speeding tornado if she got mad

she was also 5'4 and was Albino too making her skin white aswell

His dad was 6'2 and had Black hair with streaks of blue, He was hyper and could easily become happy and excited But if you hurt his family get ready to get incinerated as he can do a lot with his lightning

both of his parents are Hunters as they were extremly strong especially his dad, They were rich and famous so they had a big house and great stuff,

Mom Dad good morning

Wi: Good morning son, it's your 15nth Birthday I hope you get a good Element like me

Sa: the element doesn't matter the tier does

if you can get something like Fire but E tier you can't do much

Da: Yes I know Mom there's no need to tell me this and yeah I hope to get good with both things

Now Dad go get lunch

Will: Fine do you want pizza?

Danny nodded and William disappeared leaving sparks of Dark blue lightning and after 10 seconds He reappeared with a box of pizza

William opened the box and the smell of it was perfect

Danny quickly got 2 slices and started eating opening his phone and calling one of his friends

Danny: Hey Max today's the day

Max: Yep it is and hopefully I can be stronger then you

Da: Naw with my parents I'll be better then you

Max: Sure, Sure we'll I have to go to school see you there

Da: See you

as he turned around his parents were gone

Da: We already have a Ton of money why do we need more

He then got out of the door and got in his car

as he was old to get one

He took out his keys and got in his car

it was Red and expensive it can go up to high speeds and was very durable incase of dungeon breaks

once he got to school he saw kids playing around with their elements and just having fun

as he was walking to the school a couple of people started talking to him as they new it was his birthday

they talked and walked and as they got inside they went to their lockers

as Danny was going upstairs he noticed a kid getting bullied as he was only E tier and he was getting bullied by the well known and hated

c tier Water manipulater Michel A.

Danny continued to walk as he had no power and wich he could do nothing to Michal only get hurt

Da: Once I get my power I'll save so many people

Danny then bumped into the principal

Da: Sorry I was thinking abou-

oh hey Mr. Prince

Pri: Hey Danny isn't it your 15nth Birthday today?

Da: Yeah?

Pri: Okay then come with me

Da: Why???

Pri: To unlock your Soul power

Da: Oh... OH yeah sure Okay then

they walked to the 4rth floor of the school

where a machine was and a couple people that looked like scientists and People in black suits

Da: Who are the people in the black suits?

Pri: People in the government there here to see what you get in order to train you if you get a extremly good Element and b+ tier

Da: Okay sure do I go in?

Pri: Just wait

Soon the machine opened and smoke came out

Da: pretty ominous

Pri: Mhm now go in

As Danny walked in the door closed he turned around and saw the people from the glass

The scientists were on the computers

Pri: Just relax your mind and body Okay

Danny did that and soon the screen next to the machine glowed up and the doors opened

Da: Seemed easy

as he walked out he looked at the machine and it said

Name: Danny Larson

gender: Male

Age: 15

Element: Fire

Tier: S

Danny couldn't believe his eyes he closed his eyes and opened them again, He saw the Letter



Danny's mind was going crazy he only heard story's about S tier people and how crazy strong they are

The guys in black suits ran up to the machine and were surprised too a S tier was Extremely rare

and looked at Danny

One of the people in black suits had black hair In a ponytail and brown eyes

???: Make some fire

Danny then nodded and opened his hand

he then thought of a flame and a small spark appeared

the guys in suits Cheered

Danny was confused as he thought he should've been able to make a whole fire ball with ease so he asked and the girl told him that S tiers start as F but can grow infinitly she also told him that they were going to call his parents and ask to take you to make you stronger

Danny was amazed As he could grow Infinitly

the power he could get was unimaginable he could save tons of people and become the best of the best

He was told to wait and as he did he continued to make sparks and soon a blue streak appeared in the room


he then put Danny on his shoulders like he was a child