
Fire and Roses at Firewell High

Moving to New York was supposed to be a fresh start. Until I attracted the attention of the school psychos. Dexter. Axel.Jasper. Callix. Romeo. They become my latest obsession. But I'm being hunted. Hunted cruelly by someone who wants revenge. Why ?. I have no idea. The worst thing about it all is I have to rely on five strangers to save me. Nothing could go wrong right ?

tma281372 · Teen
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15 Chs



Sitting in maths, I focused on the equation in front of me.

Soon, I'd graduate and go to live my life.

But what was honestly left?

"What's up, Dexter ?" asked Jasper, studying me with his stormy grey eyes.

"Just this meeting with Rion", I muttered, writing down more answers quickly.

"I've known you most of my life. Don't lie to me", he managed, tilting his head.

Jasper had a certain aura about him that was hard to ignore.

 Whenever he was around, you couldn't help but feel like you could trust him with all your thoughts and secrets.

 I found myself gravitating towards telling him the truth.

"I've done something so stupid," I blurted out, unable to contain my guilt any longer.

 I watched Jasper's face closely, waiting for his reaction.

"What did you do?" he asked, his voice low and steady.

 His piercing grey eyes bore into mine, making me feel both comforted and vulnerable at the same time.

"I slept with Selena," I confessed, my nerves getting the best of me, as I anxiously tapped my hand against my thigh.

As I glanced at Jasper, his face remained expressionless, devoid of any emotion.

 I knew all too well that his lack of reaction was never a positive sign.

Suddenly, Jasper's hand reached for his bag, and he turned to me with a dark, menacing glare.

 "You've just caused irreparable damage to the future, the past, and the present," he hissed through gritted teeth.

 Without another word, he stormed away, leaving me to think over his cryptic words.

The past, the present, and the future - what did he mean by that? It was then that I realised what Jasper's words truly meant - he had just professed his love for Midnight, and I knew that even my most loyal friend wouldn't be able to protect me from her wrath once she learned the truth.


 Standing in front of the mirror, I carefully ran my fingers through my hair, making it as neat as possible.

 My amber eyes drifted to the photo frame on my shelf, where a picture of Dehlila and me sat.

 She was beautiful, with long, curly blonde hair and a bright smile that could light up a room.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain in my chest as I remembered all the good times we had together.

But then reality hit me hard—she didn't choose me, she didn't want me.

 It was as if I had been a mere pawn in her game, and I had lost.

As I sat there, lost in my thoughts, I hardly noticed Midnight entering the room until she spoke gently, "Are you okay?" She had a way of warming my soul, like a warm embrace on a cold winter night.

Midnight was dressed in my black shirt, her hair elegantly flipped into a high ponytail.

She exuded an air of confidence and innocence, and I couldn't help but watch her in awe.

Her every move was graceful and effortless, and I found myself mesmerised by her beauty.

Despite her captivating presence, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had been gnawing at me.

I mustered up a quiet response, "Just fine, stunner", unable to look at her without seeing Lila.

The memory of Lila's actions still haunts us all to this day.

 We were once a close-knit group, but her manipulations drove us apart, leaving us fractured and distant.

She played us against each other like her love was a game, forcing us to compete for her attention and approval.

We all fell into her trap, all except Jasper.

 He was the only one who saw through her lies and refused to participate in her twisted games.

 But Lila's obsession with him was all-consuming, and when he rejected her, she took her own life.

 Jasper was the one who found her, and the sight of her lifeless body was too much for him, so he ran.

As I sat with Midnight, her soft touch on my arm brought me back to the present.

 Her voice was barely above a whisper as she asked me a question that echoed my doubts. "Do you think I'm like Dehlila?"

"You had similarities, but you're both different in so many ways. You don't want to change any of us. You love us for who you are. I love you for who you are," I stated seriously.

"You love me?" She asked with a grin.

She smiled at me sweetly.

"In every way known to man," I smiled.

She grinned, wrapping her arms around my neck gently.

"I love you too," she mumbled, kissing me quickly.

I pressed my body forward, leaning in to capture her lips in a passionate kiss.

 The feeling of her soft lips against mine was electric, and my heart swelled with the knowledge that she belonged to me, just as I belonged to her.

 In that moment, it was as if time stood still.

 I knew without a doubt that we were meant to be together forever, bound by a love that was pure and unbreakable.


 When I exited the hospital, I reached for my phone and dialled Romeo's number.

He picked up after several rings and assured me he was already on his way.

 While I waited for him, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me as I reflected on the news the doctors had told me.

 My aunt was going to be discharged tomorrow. A smile fell on my face.

However, my thoughts were interrupted by the memory of Callix's breakdown a few days ago.

It had been so scary, and I hadn't seen him since then.

I wondered how he was doing and if he had been okay since his outburst.

I knew he had been staying at Jasper's place, so I made a mental note to call him tonight.

Romeo's car approached as I waited on the street corner outside the hospital.

I eagerly hopped in, excited to tell him the news.

But as I turned to greet Romeo, my heart sank as I realised the driver wasn't him.

 A stranger sat behind the wheel, grinning at me in a way that made my skin crawl.

"Hello there, princess," he said with a smirk.

 A chill ran down my spine as I finally recognised him.

Before I could react or even utter a word, a sudden, sharp pain hit the back of my head.

The world spun and went black; I couldn't fight against the darkness.


I regained consciousness in a dimly lit basement that bore an eerie resemblance to the one we had recently rescued Cal from.

 As I tried to make sense of my surroundings, a strong odour of burnt rubber hit my nostrils, making me wince in discomfort.

To my horror, I realised that I was suspended from a small hook on the ceiling, and my limbs were bound tightly, causing them to throb with pain.

As I struggled to find my bearings, I noticed a figure standing before me, and my heart skipped a beat.

 "Finally, you're awake," the man said in a cold, emotionless voice, and a wave of nausea washed over me.

 I mustered the strength to speak despite my dry and sore throat.

"Where is Romeo?" I asked anxiously, squinting my eyes to better see the man and his accomplice, who stood menacingly beside him.

As he chuckled, I felt a surge of unease.

 "Baby, I don't think you are in any position to make demands, do you?" he said with a serious expression on his face.

The use of the word "baby" made my stomach churn, and I felt nauseous.

Despite my discomfort, I managed to ask, "What do you want from me, Officer Cramwell?" I was exhausted, and my eyes felt heavy as I tried to focus on the man before me.

 His light green eyes were filled with a venomous look that made me shiver.

He stepped forward and ran his nose up my neck, smirking as he said, "I want you; I crave you."

As if he had finally caught the prey he had been hunting for, he stood there looking at me with a smirk on his face.

I was dumbfounded.

"Did you stalk me?" I asked in disbelief.

He laughed, moving even closer to me.

 The smell of coffee on his breath was strong.

"No, my princess. You want me; just admit it," he said, running his fat fingers down my cheek.

Suddenly, a voice boomed from behind us, "Leave her!"Leon turned around, grinning cruelly at the person who had interrupted him.

"Oh, Romeo, I completely forgot you were in the audience."Like he'd finally caught his prey.

Romeo was bound to a chair that had been pushed forward.

His green eyes shimmered with pain as he watched me.

A cut thick on his head that bled down his face profusely.

Tears gathered in my eyes as I stared at him.

"I don't love you; I love them", I screamed angrily, and that's when he slapped my face violently.

My head whipped to the side as I breathed in heavily from his assault.

Hot tears seared my cheek as Leon pressed his forehead against mine.

"We are going to get married and have children, loads of children because you belong to me", he said in a furious tone, his face contorted with anger.

I tried to shake my head in protest, but he only grinned in response, relishing in his power over me.

I knew I found him weird when he interviewed me that day.

I thought I was just being paranoid.

 The man standing beside Leon spoke up, his voice shaking slightly.

"Dexter and his boys are going to be here soon," he managed to say, his words barely audible over the tension in the room.

Leon gave me a smug nod and said, "Looks like Dex is coming for you, princess. But with Rion in the mix, I doubt he'll get very far." He chuckled with a cruel edge to his tone.

 Meanwhile, I glanced at Romeo, who was attempting to discreetly untie his bound arms.

I knew I had to confess my love to him one last time.

I had no clue what Leon had planned for me, but I knew I wouldn't survive it.

I needed to say goodbye.

Suddenly, screams lit upstairs.

Leon laughed again venomously.

Dexter rushed down the stairs with the remaining boys.

Dexter's blue eyes were wild, and he studied me.

I whimpered as Axe tried to get to me, but Rion and Leon wouldn't let him.

Axe watched them cruelly as Leon smirked.

Callix and Jasper were alert as they glanced around worriedly.

"Looks like you're outnumbered", smirked Axe, grabbing a gun from the back of his black jeans.

His amber eyes shined with fire.

"Not really", smirked Leon terrifyingly.

I heard high heels before I saw who it was.

A girl stepped out from a door behind me.

I recognised her almost instantly.

"Dehlila" whispered Axel.

How was this happening?

Darkness once again consumed my weak body.

Find out what happens next in Blood at Firewell High ...