
Fire and Roses at Firewell High

Moving to New York was supposed to be a fresh start. Until I attracted the attention of the school psychos. Dexter. Axel.Jasper. Callix. Romeo. They become my latest obsession. But I'm being hunted. Hunted cruelly by someone who wants revenge. Why ?. I have no idea. The worst thing about it all is I have to rely on five strangers to save me. Nothing could go wrong right ?

tma281372 · Teen
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15 Chs





Midnight lay on the sofa, staring at the ceiling, and I watched her.

She had no idea that I'd been drawing her for the last hour.

Art was something I wanted to do.

 I'd applied to Harvard to study it.

None of the guys knew that, though.

I knew Night and Romeo had applied to Princeton.

 Dexter had found out and wasn't happy.

"You know Selena is so ugly and makes me question Romeo's standards", she stated, sitting up suddenly.

 Them grey eyes locked on mine.

"Romeo doesn't look at their faces if that's any help", I mumbled, still focusing on my drawing.

Midnight burst out laughing, and I flicked my eyes up.

 Her beautiful blonde hair fell just below her shoulders and bounced as she giggled.

 She was stunning, and I focused on her, memorising all her gorgeous features.

"What you laughing at, princess ?" Asked Romeo as he strolled into the living room of Axe's home.

 "Jas made a joke", she grinned, smirking at me.

 Staring at the page, I refused to look at her.

She'd make me smile, and I'd never hear the end of it from her or Romeo.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight ?" Romeo whispered quietly.

A rough laugh came from my throat, and Romeo and Midnight looked at me in horror.

"You're asking her out now. That's a joke," I smirked at Ro.

 Then I realised he was deadly serious.

 His green eyes were gleaming nervously.

 He was adjusting his white T-shirt hem with a glance at me.

"I'd love to," Midnight said, glaring at me for being so mean to her precious Romeo.

 He smirked at me, and I rolled my grey eyes.

 Bored by this little conversation, I stood up.

 I had work to do.

Suddenly, my book slipped from my lap, and Midnight looked down, rushing forward.

 "Did you draw these?" she asked.

 But I froze as she flicked through the book, seeing all my drawings and notes about how beautiful she was.

She studied me as she glanced at the book.

 Romeo stood behind her, biting his nails worriedly.

 He thought I was going to blow.

 But I remained calm.

 Her grey eyes watched me as she handed the book to me.

She then did something completely unexpected.

She leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to my cheek.

 "They are beautiful," she whispered, then strolled out.

I stood there watching after her like an idiot.

Looking up at Romeo, he smiled weakly at me.

 One day, I'd follow her and give in to what we both wanted and needed from one another.





As soon as we left the hospital visiting my aunt, Romeo and I headed into the car.

I couldn't help but wonder if this was a date as we drove.

I had chosen my outfit carefully, opting for a black dress that hit just above my knees.

 It was a simple yet elegant dress that I had paired with some black Converse.

As we drove down a dimly lit road, I turned to Romeo and asked, "Where are we going?" He flashed me a charming smile and replied, "If I tell you, princess, I'll have to kill you."

Despite his teasing words, I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my stomach.

 Romeo looked incredibly handsome tonight.

 His wild blond hair was neatly combed back, and he wore a white shirt with the top button undone.

 The shirt hugged his toned physique perfectly, and he paired it with a pair of black jeans that made him look effortlessly stylish.

 As we walked together, he was the epitome of stunning, pure, and utter beauty.

The car suddenly stopped in the middle of an empty road, and I looked at Romeo with confusion etched on my face.

 He turned to me with a reassuring smile and said, "Close your beautiful eyes, Night, and trust me."

Feeling a little apprehensive, I followed his instructions and shut my eyes.

I heard the sound of Romeo opening his door and getting out of the car.

 After a few moments, he returned to my side and took my hand in his.

 He led me out of the car and into the night air.

As we stepped out, I felt the chill of the night air on my skin.

Romeo whispered in my ear, "Open your eyes," and I did so with a sense of trepidation.

 But as I looked around, my breath caught in my throat.My heart stopped beating.

A picnic blanket lay stretched out on the grass, loaded with delectable food, and above us, the glittering stars shone brightly.

 My eyes met Romeo's, and I couldn't help but smile in awe.

"This is amazing," I gasped, enjoying the romantic ambience.

"I'm delighted you like it," he smirked, gently guiding me to sit on the soft blanket.

 I leaned in and kissed him tenderly, feeling the warmth of his body next to mine.

 The date was going great, and we were both having great time laughing and joking.

Suddenly, Romeo turned to me, his big green eyes sparkling in the moonlight, and I couldn't resist smirking back.

 "I'm in love with you, Midnight, and I want to make things official. But before you answer me, I need you to know that I don't care about your relationship with my brothers. It doesn't affect how I feel about you," he declared, his voice filled with sincerity.

The air was thick with anticipation as I looked up at Romeo's handsome face.

I felt a flutter in my stomach as I smiled and mustered the courage to answer his question.

"Yes, I love you too Romeo," I murmured softly, my nerves getting the best of me.

But as soon as the word left my lips, a huge grin lit up Romeo's face, and I knew I had made the right choice.

He pulled me close and kissed me passionately, making my head spin.

 His hand found its way down my stomach, sending shivers down my spine.

 I sighed in contentment, not wanting this moment to end but just as he was about to pull away, I looked up at him with a newfound confidence. "I want all of you tonight,"I stated quietly.

He nodded in agreement, and we kissed again with a renewed sense of urgency. I felt a surge of emotion wash over me.

We lay down in the grass slowly removing every piece of clothing we wore.

As his tongue traced up my neck slowly pressing it against my racing pulse.

 His hand moved up my thigh and I anticipated its arrival to where I needed him the most.

I held his beautiful face in my hands as he pressed his forehead against mine then without warning he pushed inside of me.

I cried out as I clung to him.

He slowly fucked me into the soft green grass.

Oh my god Romeo Summers was making love to me.

Our naked bodies entwined; he crushed his mouth to mine.

 I was in awe at how loved I felt.

The familiar ache in my stomach a few moments later had my breath quickening my orgasm rose and I rode it out.

Romeo smirked as he came too, holding me close as he looked up at the stars us both breathing heavily.

 In that moment, I felt safer than I ever had before wrapped up in Romeo Summer's arms.




I woke up cuddled close to my girlfriend, Midnight Ellison.

She wrapped her body closer to mine, and I sighed as I smelled her blonde hair.

A strawberry smell invaded my nose, and I sighed heavily. My brain had stopped running.

I thought about last night the feel of her wrapped around my cock. The whimpers she made as she cum. Fuck.

 I was absorbed in that daydream, until my door knocked. It was our maid, Lucy.

 "Mr Summers Dexter and the other young gentleman are in the foyer," she said sweetly.

 "Give me two seconds, Lucy", I croaked, clearing my throat.

As the realisation hit me, I knew it was time to face the music.

My heart racing, I sat up and glanced at Midnight, who was sleeping soundly beside me.

I leaned over and kissed her forehead gently before getting out of bed.

In a hurry, I gathered a hoodie and some joggers from my wardrobe and quickly got dressed.

With my hair flicked back, I made my way to the foyer.

As I entered, I found Dexter pacing back and forth, his deep blue eyes filled with worry.

 The other boys were standing in the room, looking equally concerned.

Callix was sitting on the foyer sofa, his eyes fixed on something in the distance.

 The atmosphere in the room was tense, and I could feel my nerves getting the best of me.

Axel was leant up the window, watching me like he already knew everything I would say.

It unnerved me to no end. Then you had Jasper, who was drawing and didn't look at me.

 But maybe he did that on purpose, so I saw no emotions on his face.

"Where is my girl?" asked Dexter as I strolled forward.

 "Our girl is in my bed", I managed, looking at Cal worriedly.

Dexter stopped pacing and stared at me.

His face was furious as he watched me.

 He knew. I know he did, but he remained where he was.

Locking my green eyes on him.

Panic rocked through me.

 "You're dating her" he scoffed.

 "Yes, but it doesn't mean I'm not going to explore relationships with the rest of you", stated my girl as she came down the stairs.

Midnight's grey eyes met mine in the brightly lit foyer as she reached out and took my hand.

I felt a surge of confidence as our fingers intertwined, and I couldn't help but smile.

"This isn't just a game," I said, my grip on her hand tightening. "This is love."

Dexter's ice-blue cold stare pierced us, his eyes filled with venomous hatred.

 He stood there, rigid and unmoving, before finally speaking up.

 "I came here to inform you that Rion has contacted me, and he wants to talk," he said, his voice trembling slightly.

My heart sank at the mere mention of Rion, the leader of the notorious Vipers gang.

 Something told me that this conversation would not end well.

 I knew I couldn't just focus on protecting myself; I had to protect Midnight, no matter the cost.