
Fire and Roses at Firewell High

Moving to New York was supposed to be a fresh start. Until I attracted the attention of the school psychos. Dexter. Axel.Jasper. Callix. Romeo. They become my latest obsession. But I'm being hunted. Hunted cruelly by someone who wants revenge. Why ?. I have no idea. The worst thing about it all is I have to rely on five strangers to save me. Nothing could go wrong right ?

tma281372 · Teen
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15 Chs





I stood there, watching Midnight's heartbreak as her beautiful face was now etched with fear.

 I could see the panic in her grey eyes as she whispered, her voice barely audible, "Where are the others?" I knew she was struggling to keep her composure, trying to hold back her tears.

In an attempt to comfort her, I placed my arms on her shoulders and spoke softly, "They're out looking for him. We need to stay here in case they bring him back."

 Despite my best efforts, her fear turned into anger, and she suddenly shouted, "They've kidnapped him, Romeo. How is he coming back?".

I was taken aback by her sudden outburst, and I jumped back, unsure how to react.

 "Night, you need to calm down," I exclaimed, trying to grab her arm.

 But it was too late.

 She had already lost her cool, and in a fit of rage, she swiped all of Axe's belongings off his dresser, sending them crashing to the floor.

I darted forward quickly, reaching out to grab her back as she cried out in utter helplessness.

The sight of her was heart-wrenching.

Every ounce of her pain was mirrored in me, cutting through me like a sharp blade.

 Cal was nowhere to be found, and the thought that he might never be found flashed in my mind.

As she collapsed onto the floor, I quickly caught her in my arms, holding her close.

 Initially, she struggled against my embrace but soon surrendered to my hold.

 We remained lying on the ground, with me cradling her tightly, for what felt like hours. 

Finally, she whispered in my ear, "I love him, Ro, and he doesn't even know it." More tears flowed down her cheeks as she spoke. "Oh, he knows, beautiful," I replied, holding her even closer "he loves you too," I stated.

 She sniffed quickly and nodded.


After a while, I decided to tidy up the apartment and change my clothes.

 I also changed Midnight into one of Cal's tops so she could feel closer to him.

 She lay on the sofa, gazing blankly into space, lost in her thoughts.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Axe walked in, looking exhausted.

 His once bright amber eyes now seemed dull as he glanced at Midnight.

She shot up hopefully, asking if there was any news.

 Axe's defeated tone made it clear that there was none.

 "No stunner, I'm sorry," he murmured.

With a quick nod, a single tear trickled down her cheek as Axe went to change.

She lay back down on the sofa, curled up in the fetal position, staring off anxiously.

 I moved towards the window, leaning against it and staring at the city.

The thought of my brother being somewhere out there in that big city, defenceless and fighting against his captors, sent a fresh wave of panic through me.

I couldn't help but wonder what they were doing to him.

 You'll be okay, Cal.


I woke up and glanced beside me, expecting to find Midnight.

But I never did.

 Glancing around worriedly, I felt a chill run through my body.

Jumping up, I called out to her.

 No reply.

"Axel," I bellowed loudly.


 Within seconds, my friend rushed out of his room, his black hair messy and his amber eyes blown wide. 

"I can't find Midnight", I panicked, raking my hand through my blonde hair worriedly.

 "She is in my room", said my brother, looking at me seriously.

"Doing what?" I managed.

 I regret even asking.

 Because Axel looks at me and doesn't disguise his look of freshly fucked. 

"Are you serious" I whispered, trying to understand what was happening.

 "She was upset and needed comfort", he murmured, scratching the back of his neck.

 "Yeah, exactly. She needed comfort, and you fucking took advantage of her", I roared, pushing Axe back with a growl.

He snapped angrily as he uttered, "It wasn't like that, Ro"." I could see his tattooed fists clenching at his sides, and his scowl directed at me made my heart skip a beat.

 I knew it was better to leave than to say something I would regret later.

 Or battle Axe.

 I wouldn't win.

 I quickly grabbed my coat and stormed out of the room without responding.

 Walking away, I couldn't help but feel frustrated with myself for the feelings I had for Midnight Ellison. 







The sound of the front door slamming jolted me out of the bedroom and sent me running towards Axel.

 My heart was racing with confusion.

 Romeo was nowhere to be found.

"What happened?" I asked Axel, trying to make sense of the situation.

 His face was solemn as he replied, "Let's just say Romeo knows what happened between us, and he's out for blood."

I tilted my head, gazing at him, and my mind drifted back to the love we had shared a few hours before.

 It wasn't just physical pleasure; there was a deep connection that had helped me heal mentally.

Feeling a sense of urgency, I asked Axel, "Can we go help with the search for Cal now?" I pushed my hair back, letting out a deep sigh.

 I was worried about him. What had happened with Axe was amazing, but my focus now was Cal.

Axe moved towards me with a faint smile, his hands reaching to tenderly hold my face.

His lips touched mine gently, and I eagerly responded, wanting him to continue.

 I felt myself melting into his embrace, losing myself in the moment.

He drew back with a mischievous grin, his eyes alight with a playful glint.

 "I'll go change first, princess,"he said.

 With a final smouldering look, he turned and disappeared into his room.

I stood there, still feeling the warmth of his kiss on my lips.

 I touched my mouth and smiled.


As I stepped into the dimly lit warehouse, Axe by my side, I noticed Dexter leaning against the car, him on his phone.

 Jasper was perched on the car's hood, scribbling something in his notebook, his raven-black curls cascading over his grey eyes.

 Romeo was also there, but he seemed distant and uninterested, his green gaze fixed on the floor.

Unlike his usual self, Romeo didn't make any flirty remarks or even glance in my direction.

 He just sat there, idly playing with his cigarette.

 "Romeo," I began to say, but Jasper quickly cut me off, "I wouldn't bring that up now if I were you. Dexter is currently on a call and trying to locate Cal, who is the most important person, and we need to find him."

I spoke softly, trying to explain myself.

 "But I need to explain-" Before I could finish, Dexter cut me off, his voice sharp and unforgiving.

 "You heard Jasper Ellison," he snapped, his deep blue eyes fixed on me.

The others in the group stayed silent, and that was enough punishment.

Dexter then spoke up again, this time with a sense of urgency.

"I have a lead on Cal," he stated, heading towards the car.

I hesitated, unsure of what to do next. Dexter turned to Axel, addressing him directly.

 "Axe, you and Midnight can take the BMW," he instructed.

 Romeo grumbled something under his breath, tossing his keys towards Axel. 

As I turned to face him, my heart sank.

 His piercing green eyes bore into mine, filled with nothing but utter hatred.

 "What did you say?" I managed to stammer, my voice shaking nervously.

 He let out a cruel chuckle before answering, "Oh, I just said that car has been full of whores. One more won't hurt".

 The words hit me like a ton of bricks, and tears welled up in my eyes.

"I guess it won't," I mumbled.

 In that moment, Romeo Summers shattered my heart into a million pieces.