
Traits and Magician Rankings

And So they entered the room to evaluate which magic type they have. First was Kiriki's Turn, He kept his hand on the crystal Ball and...

The crystal Ball Turned Red and was hot to touch. Jorika had a dissapointed Look on her face. She Said " It's a Fire Element, It's not that good and You can reach up-to a level of only a second rate magician.

Kiriki said "A second rate Magician? What's that"

She explained that in their world magicians are divided By their Ranks and There were 6 ranks

The Lowest Rank was a Fourth class Mage with Fourth tier magic.

Above the lowest rank was the Third Class mage with five tier Magic.

Above it was The Second Class Mage with six tier Magic.

and above them were the top 3 ranks

The B Rank Magicians who can use seven tier magic, The A rank Magicians who can use eight and nine tier magic, and The Strongest Magicians The S Rank magicians who can use tenth tier magic and Super Tier Magic

kiriki said I understand.

Next was Lara's turn, When She kept her Hand on the Crystal, The Atmosphere became Chilly. The Crystal Ball Cracked a bit and It released Black Snow from inside.

The Face of Jorika was wide opened.

she said "Just who are you anyway?" she continued "You have Ice Magic which is extremely rare and that too with a Unique Trait"

She was Scared but Tried to speak about the traits....

To Be Continued